Oh yeah as far as hostility related to pointing out international pressure against the Russian govt from you all has clearly backfired. Meanwhile our own govts offer nothing other than meaningless aesthetic victories. I didn't mean just related to me also incredibly funny idiom.
Idk you just pop up to say "new site tagline" which I find funny bc it's part of the whole culture here of flip flopping between demanding people take this highly interchangeable medium of communication seriously as a Cool Hangout Space and telling people they are too online
Warding off wasps!!!
For instance, fake news is fine if it's obvious enough that people can complain about it being unfunny. None of the rules make any sense. That's why this place is going to continue growing at a pace slower than it loses people while transphobia.coding or whatever gets 30,000 users
That's the point, it's fine when people dish it out at me as long as there's a general perception of righteous nonsense around it. Keep deflecting then hovering whenever you can't refute a point if you want.
good chance they'll want to kill our kids too or they'll capitulate, you can be a marxist prof or something and your kid can still go be a cia agent mayor
if we have kids here they're going to get shot, infected with viruses, [REDACTED], parasitized, molded over, filled with asbestos, run over with cars, filled with can liners, nanoplastics, PFAS chemicals, the hormones we put in our pigs to give them slightly leaner muscle that's giving people heart issues that even Taiwan protested over
Lawyer up, delete facebook, get married, move to Vietnam
It's a corollary to the issue with trying to ratio a congressperson. Even if you succeed it doesn't do anything.
I don't think we should be making overtures to techbros who are clearly unempathetic in addition to not being materially interested in anti imperialist revolution. like people on the other lemmies. hyper redditors