submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I tried to set the background colour for my urlbar with #urlbar-input-container { border: none !important; border-radius: 5px !important; background: light-dark(#ffffffff, #1b1e20ff) !important; } this works fine for the most part, except on focus it creates some corner effects, which I think might be from the border that gets overlapped somehow.

And this is how it looks on focus without my code

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This colour does not follow my accent colour in KDE plasma. How do I customise it?

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hi, I'm using window_control_force_linux_system_style.css and works fine to get the theme styles of the system, but the ':hover' is working bad, the ':hover' effect keep the image or background color even if I'm out of that buttons. with other system themes the effect is more noticeable.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey I have an svg of a color animation, it's basically a gradient that loops around. And was wondering if it's possible to change the font color of the active tab to that svg animation.

I've been trying to do it with:

.tabbrowser-tab[selected] .tab-content{ text-color: url(../icons/animation.svg) !important; }

but can't get it to work.

Thanks for any help!

submitted 4 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello! I was wondering how can I change the colors that appear when you inspect an element. They look like this: And also was wondering how can I change the popup that appears when you right click the style sheets in the style editor in the toolbox. It looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/S47spyg


submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, I used this code and it used to work perfectly, but I tried it just now and I'm having some visual issues like in the screenshot.
1.- the url border (not open, not focus) display 1px inside the url default border.
2.- when urlbar is open the border don't expand properly.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wonder if is possible to fix this rare behavior when I apply the next css in the new-tab:

backdrop-filter: brightness(99%);

if I don't add the filter there isn't a scroll.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

hi, I'm asking for help to solve this inconvenient when I try to replace the default wallpapers in newtab page.
Fist of all I'm using the developer Firefox version that use beta version to do this.

I have activated this preference in about:config page:

browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabWallpapers.enabled to true

after that I replaced the wallpapers thumbnails successfully with the next code:

/* Miniaturas de wallpapers */

/* Dark */

.wallpaper-input.dark-landscape { background-image: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark.png") !important; }

.wallpaper-input.dark-panda { background-image: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark2.png") !important; }

.wallpaper-input.dark-color { background-image: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark3.png") !important; }

.wallpaper-input.dark-sky { background-image: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark4.png") !important; }

.wallpaper-input.dark-mountain { background-image: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark5.png") !important; }

.wallpaper-input.dark-beach { background-image: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark6.png") !important; }

but when I try to replace the wallpaper for the first image in newtab page it don't work with the path I used to use, for example this code:

--newtab-wallpaper-dark: url("../newtab/wallpaper-dark.png") !important;

and only works when I use a url for the new image like this:

--newtab-wallpaper-dark: url(https://i.imgur.com/It1Ugaa.png) !important;

so I wonder if is my mistake or is a Firefox bug, or maybe there is a trick to solve it? cause I would like to use local images and not urls.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


basically title.

I often found such icons in CSS snippets, but never truly understood where I could see them all and now that I'm trying to do stuff with icons for my style I would truly benefit understanding how to find all these icons and how I could properly use them.

Thanks in advance to anyone who will try to help me :D

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I used to open the browser toolbox (since the keyboard shortcut never worked for me on none of my 4 PCs) opening the hamburger menu, clicking more tools and there there was an entry for it, but it's now missing.

Did they move it or what?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello, guys. I am having trouble editing the New Tab.

for some reason, i am unable to edit the .logo image. not even in the inspector. the new image just doesnt load.

i tried .svg and .png files, neither worked.

i feared it could be where the new image location, but then i put the full path and it did load anyway.

everything else i did on the about:newtab work. i even managed to change the color of the "Firefox" trademark

what should i do?

the file is in /chrome/fb1.png

that is my code

.logo {
	background-image: url("fb1.svg") !important;
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This one has been driving me crazy for ages...

When I use the Browser Toolbox - with the option Disable popup auto-hidebeing checked - and I hover over or select an element in the inspector , the info panels/tooltips that are usually displayed above and/or in front of the targeted/selected elements are covered by the open popups.

Also, the selected UI popup parts are not highlighted as they would be for other bits, there's only that dotted grid visible - again partially hidden - that gives you a general idea of what you are looking at.

This is on MacOs/Fx 115esr; I understand the issue is the same on Windows.

I've tried lots of css and javascript codes to find a way to target that thing, but to no avail.

The Fx popups in general have a silly high z-index, so that might be part of the issue; I'm wondering if there's any way to fix that.

Screenshot below.


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

EDIT 3 - The r/FirefoxCSS sub 'resurfaced' mid-afternoon today, Saturday 27Apr24... over 4 days after it had closed again due to the 2nd 'gone private' blackout incident triggered for unknown reasons by a person or persons unknown on Tuesday afternoon. Previous and only current Mod 'yawn_zz' reappeared alive and well and apparently back in sole control of "his" sub. Hmm? Mild flamewars and some Mod deleting of critics' and disbelievers' posts ensued.

The good news is that the r/FirefoxCSS sub's extensive and valuable back history appears to be recovered and fully searchable again. :D

No explanation(s) offered for the 2nd 4-day-long blackout period or how/who/why the silly and petulant 'PRIVATE SUB FOR STAR FOX FANS' notice got posted? Same credulity-straining story about Pro-Palestinian protestors hijacking Mod's unlocked phone offered for 1st half-day 'gone private' blackout incident last Monday. Novacula occami... "When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras"... Caveat emptor!

EDIT 2 - Regrettably the 'gone private' incident resumed pm Tue 23Apr24... this time with a silly 'PRIVATE SUB FOR STAR FOX FANS. BEST NINTENDO GAME EVER!' notice added... suggesting r/FirefoxCSS Mod has been hacked and is being trolled. An alternative suggestion is that sole Mod may be doing the trolling for unknown/unexplained reasons? :(

EDIT 1 - ~~Gone 'private' incident over~~ r/FirefoxCSS ~~reappeared a short while ago after >8 hours blackout no longer a 'private' sub.~~ ~~Phew!~~

~~Explanation of sorts was posted by Mod at:~~ https://www.reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS/comments/1caovpr/why_was_this_subreddit_closed/ (this post and sceptical comments from users Re: Mod's bizarre blackout explanation was then deleted before the 2nd 'gone private' incident began. Unknown if this was just a coincidence or deliberate trolling?)

ORIGINAL POST - The r/FirefoxCSS sub suddenly went private this afternoon, Monday 22nd April 2024.

No warning, no discussion, no explanation.

A minor tragedy... all those years of questions and answers, thousands of CSS code snippets, and a myriad of other info about the inner workings of Firefox all now hidden from general view and no longer searchable. What a waste!

A 'private' CSS help sub is next to useless IMO. A sad loss. :(

See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1cafqvr/does_anyone_know_why_rfirefoxcss_is_closed/

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm using this stile from @MrOtherGuy : vertical_popup_menubar.css and that makes the menu items from Library disappear.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm using MrOtherGuy's autohide_toolbox.css code it's excellent, but like 4 vertical pixels are gone at the top above the tabs, tried using this code, top doesn't get cut off but it doesn't hide the Bookmarks Toolbar while the setting of Always Shown is on, any help please.

Here's the comparison photos not edited open the 4k overscan test pattern in a separate window to display it correctly

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For instance, I watch a video on Shout Factory and then pause, close the tab and when I go back to the link it goes back to where I left off.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Been using Sideberry for a couple of days and am really impressed with how its level of customization and performance over Tree Style Tabs. I've configured much of the settings to get to a satisfactory setup but I'm still looking for some improvements (implemented in a way that isn't too distracting or take much valuable screen real estate):

  • Is it possible to move the bottom buttons up to either where the empty space is to the left the top right X, else to the left of the right side buttons on the panels line? And is it possible to move the "+" button for new tab at the position of the first tab?

  • Any ideas on how to make tabs with playing audio more obvious? The audio icon next to the favicon is quite subtle. If it's possible to be where the tab's X button is on the right when you hover it it would be more obvious (especially if it's colored).

  • How to make non-active tabs more white? In Sidebery, I already have "Normal foreground for Tabs" set to #ffffff but it's still fairly more gray compared to Active foreground also set to #ffffff.

  • Is it possible to toggle between a light/dark theme in particular with a hotkey? Useful when working in natural light where sometimes visibility is a priority.

  • Sometimes a tab will have a cyan-colored dot on the bottom left--what is that an indicator for and what other indicators are there? I only know configured styles of "unloaded tabs" and "unread tabs".

  • How to make tab count of folded trees a little more obvious? It's very small on the corner of a tab's favicon. I would be satisfied if it's just larger, else if there's no better way then I guess insert this number between the favicon and the title of the tab?

  • How to make the colors different shades of gray the same for the address bar, Sidebar, and tabs? I would also like to test whether pure black (excluding borders) looks good enough and improves readability for a dark theme.

  • Is it possible to add a small X button to close the browser all the way to the right without adding an extra bar? I disabled the tabs bar.

Also interested in any functional CSS tweaks that anyone found improved their workflow.

Much appreciated.

P.S. Might as well ask Sidebery users an unrelated question:

  • What is the "history service" and is it different than Firefox's implementations? When I grant Sidebery permission to use this, the History button at the buttom says "Nothing..." when I visit different sites. I'm not sure it provides any useful info not found by left-clicking and holding the back button fora webpage. Also, does this tweak to highlight opened bookmarks work? I add it to the Sidebery style editor and open a link from bookmark but there's no indicator that it's opened as a bookmark.
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm using Firefox-beta v.125 on Manjaro-KDE, I use the code from here: window_control_force_linux_system_style.css but seems like don't work right anymore, the system buttons appear overlapping the default, maybe that could be a temporal issue cause is beta version, I don't know.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to color the tabs URLs icons to red- just the icons of the sites.
Someone on reddit gave me that code and explanation:

.tabbrowser-tab .tab-icon-image { filter: sepia(1) saturate(5000%) hue-rotate(0deg); }

What this does is make every icon the same hue with the sepia filter, then, you rotate the hue towards red. You need to use high saturation to make the colours pop and every icon should be red.


It partially succeeded. All the webs icons with one color as github, virusetotal...are colored in red, but all the webs with more than one color as google, amazon.. are colored partially in red. It as like this code can color only one color of the icon.
There is any way to color all the icons to red or replace them?


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The question about checkboxes inspired me to try to change the colour of unchecked checkboxes in Clear Recent History (ctl+shft+del) in History > Clear Recent History.

I found the menu command in the Browser Toolbox and I used that to identify the modal. On my system is was the 343rd menuitem. My code doesn't work but I don't know why.

#menu-history-clear-recent-history{ .checkbox-check { appearance: none !important; background: #e2cfb6; } }

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


libreWolf V.123 (with firefox-gx theme [(https://github.com/Godiesc/firefox-gx)] ), broke the color of the checkbox check. it was black now its white.

the code:
--checkbox-checked-color: black !important;
not working anymore.
Not in ogx_notifications.css, and not in ogx_UC-settings-addons-pages.css.

There is any code for change the checkbox check to black again?

Thanks :-)

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A very thin line has reappeared under the Active Tab in Firefox 123.0 when using CSS to create 'connected tabs' (i.e. no boundary between Active Tab and the Nav Bar).

This line had previously been removed in my own CSS styling by using your suggested fix in r/FirefoxCSS topic 'Connected tabs - Proton Tabs Tweaks'..."That's probably solved by simply adding .tabbrowser-tab[selected]{ position: relative; z-index: 1 }" ... however, this fix no longer works in Fx123.0... and not obvious what has changed from my efforts with the Browser Toolbox?

A hint of the problem had reappeared in Fx122... in which, when the browser window did not have focus, the Tab Bar darkened AND a thin line appeared under the active tab... until window focus was restored.

(EDIT - The reappeared Active Tab underline problem only existed if using the 'out-of-date' 25Oct23 version of MrOtherGuy's 'non_floating_sharp_tabs.css' style... the problem had already been fixed... and is NOT present in the current 24Jan24 version.)

The attached image shows the same problem also exists in your 'non_floating_sharp_tabs.css' AFAICS? The LH image is Firefox 123.0 + RH image of LibreWolf 122.0.1-2. (Both browser windows have focus. Both images of clean test profiles on Win10 with only your latest 'non_floating_sharp_tabs.css' style and the Gradient Blue theme added. The UI size has been increased by setting pref 'layout.css.devPixelsPerPx' = 2.5 to improve the image clarity o the two toolbars.)

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have a folder of bookmarklets. They all have the same favicon, i.e. the default (globe) icon. It would be useful to change at least two of them to distinctive icons.

I copied code posted recently on another forum. It is only partly effective in that the default icon disappears but, instead of the icon I have named, there is a faint orange blur. The icon I have named is the Facebook icon, a white f letter on a blue background. I began with an .ico file but changed it to a .jpg file, hoping that would help; it didn't. I also tried changing the size from 1616 to 2424 and 50*50, to no avail.

The code is below.

#personal-bookmarks .bookmark-item[scheme="javascript"][label="zap fb"] .toolbarbutton-icon, #personal-bookmarks .bookmark-item[scheme="javascript"][label="zap fb"] .menu-iconic-icon { width: 0 !important; padding-right: 16px !important; background-image: url ("fb16.jpg") !important; }

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