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submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Archive.Today doesn't work. The sources site's "thanks for reading" pop-in blocks text. Archive.Today needs to disable that sort of shit.



Full articleThe San Francisco Sheriff’s Office acknowledged Friday that the canisters of tear gas used in a training exercise that sickened nearby children on May 21 were “old,” raising questions about health concerns and safety protocols in a facility less than a half a mile from an elementary school.

In a seven-page statement, released 10 days after the ill-fated training session at the San Bruno jail property, sheriff’s officials provided the most comprehensive picture of the incident yet, after days of piecemeal information and mounting frustration from parents of Portola Elementary School students.

The report was the first time sheriff’s officials noted — though not in detail — the age of the chemicals, after the Chronicle reported Wednesday that some of the tear gas expended may have been manufactured decades ago, brought in by UC Berkeley police officers involved in the training activities.

“The SFSO confirmed with the UC Berkeley Police Department officers that took part in the training that the CS canisters used were old, and did not have expiration dates,” the Friday statement said. “We are reviewing the training plan submitted and will receive a completed Training Activity Report from the training participants next week.”

Parents who spoke to the Chronicle this past week said several children at the school became violently ill in the days after the exposure, with reactions including projectile vomiting, severe rashes and lung inflammation. Several parents also shared these accounts in a Tuesday evening town hall with school and sheriff’s officials, which the sheriff’s office summarized in its Friday statement.

While it’s unclear whether these symptoms were tied to the exposure to tear gas, parents said the timing and consistency of the accounts felt too coincidental to be unrelated.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists potential symptoms of exposure to riot control agents, including burning or irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, chest tightness, skin rashes, and nausea or vomiting. The agency’s website describes all of these as immediate symptoms, but does not note whether they may also arise days later.

Experts say research is scarce on how children react to riot control agents and that it’s unclear how chemical weapons change over time because the full set of ingredients for them are known only by the manufacturers.

The parents also said they felt abandoned by school and sheriff’s office officials in the days after the incident and were left to navigate complex questions of health and chemistry largely on their own. Until this past week, parents said officials never asked follow-up questions about their children’s health, and families had to advocate for basic actions including decontaminating Portola Elementary’s outdoor surfaces before the school took action.

In a statement to the Chronicle, San Bruno Park School District officials said they were “deeply disturbed by the recent gas testing event at the SF county jail located at 1 Moreland Drive in San Bruno.”

“At the time of the incident, nearly 30 students reported significant symptoms such as coughing, watery eyes, wheezing and trouble breathing. More students developed symptoms once at home including vomiting and rashes,” the statement said. “More than a week later, we still have some students who are suffering adverse effects from the exposure to the tear gas and pepper spray dispersed into the air that day. It is now well documented that some families needed to get emergency medical assistance to support their children who were suffering from the effects of the gas in the air.”

In response to parents’ concerns raised at the town hall, San Bruno Park School District Superintendent Matthew Duffy said he will send out a survey for them to record their children’s symptoms. Duffy added that school officials will formally ask that the sheriff’s office permanently discontinue training involving chemical agents at the San Bruno jail site.

Parents at the town hall were additionally troubled when they learned that the sheriff’s office conducts chemical weapons training exercises several times a year at the facility.

Sheriff’s officials said they have temporarily halted similar training exercises and will continue to update the public as their investigation continues.

The report additionally included health information and the characteristics of one of the two types of gas used in the exercise, CS (2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile), a summary of the training exercises and the day’s weather conditions, and aerial photos showing the training facility and the school.

Officials said that while OC gas, or pepper spray, was also expended at the training, it is believed that the children were exposed only to CS gas, based on how far CS gas can travel.

Both CS and OC gas are commonly used by law enforcement agencies as a nonlethal means to subdue violent suspects or control crowds at riots.

According to the sheriff’s office statement, CS gas is “an aerosol of a solvent (a substance that dissolves other active substances and that easily evaporates) and 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, which is a solid compound at room temperature.”

”We want to assure San Bruno residents that we are committed to thoroughly reviewing our training protocols to prevent any future incidents that could compromise the well-being of our community members, especially our children,” the Friday statement said.

The incident is being investigated by multiple agencies, including the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and San Mateo County Environmental Health Services’ Certified Uniform Program Agency — Hazardous Materials. The latter, sheriff’s officials said, will be sending a notice of violation and additional records requests.


do-not-do-this do-not-do-this do-not-do-this every cop deserves to fucking die, in my opinion


I'm amazed all of those cops are still ~~employed~~ alive


"Every day, police officers pin on their shields and walk out the door, rushing into harm’s way to keep the rest of us safe," a White House proclamation by President Joe Biden issued May 10 said. "Being a police officer is more than what they do — it is who they are. On Peace Officers Memorial Day and during Police Week, we recognize the incredible courage of our Nation’s police officers and honor the fallen heroes, whose ultimate sacrifice we can never repay."

it is who they are

acab cool-zone do-not-do-this


NYPD knocks down and arrests credentialed journalist Olga Fedorova in New York on May 8, 2024 during pro-Palestine protest at FIT.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A still from Jeff Sharlet on Dartmouth’s campus tonight. Police are telling protestors gas will be deployed.




Some of the thumbnails are broken.

A Bluesky post of hers

Want some vector ACAB sticker (or whatever) designs? I have a few up for free use, and more I need to get to. If you want to print and sell these you have my blessing as long as it's not drop shipping.



Ok some reason pic uploads are having....whatever this is

Task failed successfully?

So i had to take a screenshot of the pic and upload that. shrug-outta-hecks

Pig (
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Caption of the entire photo: "Police deployed to clear the pro-Palestinian encampment at Emerson."

Emerson College protests tents removed by police, over 100 arrested


cross-posted from:

ok this is long because there's so much funny here, so many botched coverups, so many impossible things that all extremely definitely happened - trust me bro.

the linked podcast is by a detail-oriented data nerd who has been driven insane by trying to follow the court documents and statements from both sides. the prosecutions allegations have changed so much and so much evidence altered that it's impossible to miss the coverup & conspiracy.

this is the unusual murder trial of Karen Read, in which:


  • the investigators botched the covered up of the murder of a cop. all signs point to it having been other cops who killed him.
  • dating a cop is still the most dangerous path in life imaginable - you guessed it, they pinned it on his girlfriend.
  • you can listen to the podcast (yt link above) for all the gory details as there's too many different different people involved. the podcaster has a bunch of charts up to help explain it all visually on her website.
  • the short and sweet is that the pigs had a party, something happened, and one of them was found dead on the curb in the early morning. it was snowing lightly before he was found but became Boston's sixth worst snow storm on record.

the case against Karen Read

  • the defendant dropped him off at the party just before 12:30 (oh yes, the minutes matter here). witnesses claim he never came inside. she claims she saw him go inside.

  • they allege that he died from getting struck by an SUV driven by his drunk girlfriend, going like 30mph in reverse. the car had like 10-15ft to accelerate to that speed from a dead stop. but his physical state includes:

    • a mostly intact skeleton - the only fractures are to his hands (boxer's fractures) and skull. boxer's fractures are exactly what they sound like: a pattern of fractures in the hand from throwing punches.
    • the loss of 3/4 the blood in his body (only 6 drops were found in the snow).
    • he also has obvious dog bites on his right arm that they're calling road rash but there's no other road rash on his body anywhere else.
    • his face looks like he had the shit beaten out of him
    • he died from blunt force trauma to the back of his skull, but not immediately -- his brain started hemorrhaging from the bone beneath his brain shattering, which always causes vomiting and seizures. he was still alive, though dying, when hypothermia set in.
    • this is corroborated by the vomit found in his boxers. how did he get vomit in his boxers when he lay unconscious on his back? ahahahaha. and no, there was no way he could have regained consciousness after that kind of trauma to the brain.
  • his body supposedly lay there for hours - midnight to 6am - unseen by any of the people who went by (suburb hell so extremely not dark, especially in the snow), but was immediately spotted by the defendant and the copwives who went searching for him. the spot he was in had snow piled up from a plough under his body but not over. the plough driver wasn't questioned for like 18 months after the incident. despite multiple trips back and forth, up and down the road - again, his body was found immediately when they went looking, hours before the sun came up. that's right, hours before dawn they put his body at the curb, hoping no one would see it. dark shapes kinda stand out on a white background.

  • the prosecutions theory of how she murdered her boyfriend manages to defy the laws of physics, time, and biology. it's physically impossible. not improbable - actually impossible:

    • the wrong taillight on her car is broken (so they changed it to "she was doing a three point turn"); there wasn't physical space for her to get up to enough speed to hit him with enough force to break the taillight; hitting him at such a speed would have left his body shattered but his injuries are too localized, etc.
    • he died with a glass in his hand that he apparently held onto despite such a violent collision. it apparently broke around his hand, neatly arranged, like it barely broke and it definitely didn't cut his hand up.
    • he was found on his back with his undamaged cellphone under his torso - again there was no way for him to regain consciousness after hitting the ground.
    • yes, his chest sticks out in front of his belly (lmao the only cop), but he actually took the hit from the car to the belly and the car never touched his ribcage.
    • he died a few feet from the curb even though the energy from the collision should have thrown him halfway across the yard. like basic conservation of momentum shit. trying to understand the physics of what the prosecution is alleging is hilarious and maddening because of how impossible it is.
  • so it's fully "he committed suicide with two shots to the back of his head" type shit.

evidence planting

  • the evidence they planted was pieces of her taillight but they fucked up and got caught on camera taking her car before the time on the police report. they of course went back and tried to doctor the footage but some of the footage they deleted was the wrong footage. her taillight clearly wasn't as damaged when they took it as when they later submitted it in court filings. oops
  • they planted the evidence hours after the initial investigation. in between the two, there was a massive blizzard. so they planted evidence ON TOP of nearly two feet of fresh snow that had fallen in the interim.

initial cover up

  • the cops never searched the house he was found at. the flooring in the basement of the house was torn up and replaced within a few months and the house was sold at 50k under market value in the middle of the housing bubble. they also "lost" his clothing.
  • everyone in the house that night were either cops, copwives, or local politicians. they pulled strings to get the case transferred from the local police department to the state police department where the lead investigator was willing to run cover.

FBI joins... the defense??

  • they screwed the cover up so badly that the FBI is sitting in the corner tugging on their collars going "not like that bro". in parallel with the trial, there's an entirely separate investigation by the FBI into the investigation and cover up. one of the people in the house immediately flipped and started cooperating with the FBI.
  • the cops are insisting on their civil rights and right to privacy, while prosecuting the case. the defendant is nominally on trial but the roles appear reversed. the defendant is running a trial against the investigators because of how sloppy they were. the FBI is cooperating with the defense and sharing evidence with them. the court and prosecutor are trying to keep this evidence out of the trial. the problem is, the defense will get her off by arguing nothing but the impossibility of the prosecutions theory and the way the "evidence" has been altered. they can't bar that from the trial because the prosecution has to tell the jury something. so the entire rest of the case is for the sake of building a court record against the investigators on behalf of the FBI (ie make them say something so it's perjury when they change their story). the prosecution is too stupid to realize that the smart move is to shut the fuck up and drop the case to avoid jail.
  • the federal grand jury has subpoenaed literally everyone involved in this case. fucking no name youtubers were interviewed to see if they might have sources who should be subpoenaed. iiuc, it's been going for weeks and has apparently filed a bunch of sealed indictments.
  • one of the key witnesses for the prosecution (one of the cops inside the house, an ATF agent) signed a proffer, agreeing to cooperate with the FBI in exchange for either immunity or leniency (terms not yet revealed).
  • the defense has promised to call a witness who can testify to what went down that night, so all bets are that it's this guy (Higgins). if it's not him, it's going to be someone else who was inside the house. they've promised too many details about what exactly went down for it not to be one of the people in the house.
  • going to love to watch the cops squirm, trying to get his testimony excluded. I'm sure they'll find a way - it's just going to be extremely fucking funny.

the judge

  • the judge is a family friend of the guy at whose house the victim died and isn't even trying to appear impartial. like blatantly denying the defendant access to exculpatory evidence - this is one of the only things that basically guarantees a successful appeal so you're supposed to try and hide it. actually, there's a lot in this trial that the cops, prosecutors, and courts normally try to hide - instead they're focused on destroying their own cellphones in the middle of an FBI investigation.
  • the DA told witnesses to destroy their own cellphones in the middle of an FBI investigation, after they were told they were targets. yes, they think the only way the FBI can get that data is directly from their phones lmaooo. everyone involved in this is so fucking dumb. how do we know this conversation happened? because it was in the report the FBI sent to the lawyers. yes, you heard that right - they said this directly into the mic of an FBI wiretap.
  • the judge has introduced a new rule that anyone the defense wants to issue a warrant against has to be given the opportunity to show up in court and argue against the warrant. that's a pretty good rule. they should do that in all trials, for all parties. oh, it's too bad it only applies to the defense.

arresting journalists

  • obviously, journalists noticed all this so naturally they arrested the journalists for "witness intimidation". they're also arresting protestors at the court house for the same. naturally, this has triggered the Streisand effect - a lot of journalists started covering this because of the arrests and realized they had a gold mine after a cursory look at the case.

coverup, continued

  • since that didn't work, now they're trying jedi mindtricks - the lead investigator was the co-lead investigator so we don't have to call him at trial, where he'd have to explain all this. he also wasn't at the crime scene and nevermind all the police reports that say he was. believe me, not your lying eyes.
  • the prosecutions accusations keep evolving to become more elaborate as they realize it's not believable. old police reports change despite the fact that you can just pull them up from court records.
  • witness statements aren't actually statements from witnesses - they're the investigators memory of those conversations from months later. there were apparently no recordings, no transcripts, and no notes. so the statements straight up contradict the original court filings and what the witnesses now say they remember. the witnesses didn't even get their own familial relationships right.
  • cell data is oopsy, just incorrect. what do you mean the victim took phone calls for like an hour after he supposedly died? what do you mean he went up and down 3 flights of stairs - nonono, his health armband just went up and down on its own.
  • we got caught on camera in 4k? oops, our bad, we deleted it. wait, we deleted the wrong segment and left in the bit that's good for you, but deleted the irrelevant bit? nah, camera is lying. don't worry though, we went door to door in the neighborhood and made sure everyone in the neighborhood deleted all their doorbell camera data so we can't make that mistake again. the cop across the street didn't delete his? we pinky swear that there's nothing relevant there - he said just trust me bro, so you have to believe him.


  • evidence tampering this obvious is one of the only ways to challenge a conviction and get it overturned. it's usually just impossible to prove because they aren't this bad at it. they're trying so hard to jam this conviction through, despite the fact that it's unlikely to stick, and the investigation they were trying to prevent is already happening. I'd be skeptical of the FBI here if they weren't cooperating with the defense and weren't already issuing mass subpoenas to a grand jury. pressing ahead while telling witnesses to destroy their phones and doctoring old police reports to change witness/cop phone numbers isn't going to help them land a conviction.
  • ergo, they're just throwing a tantrum because they got caught. they want to hurt Karen Read because she exposed their obvious and botched coverup. it's not really about throwing her or anyone else in jail - it's just about causing them as much damage as possible on the way down.

you literally can't make this shit up. like if this were a black comedy, I'd be saying it's still a little over the top. these are only the highlights.

fuck this is so funny. the libs are all fucking aghast so they're not laughing (well, the ones who aren't eating up the painfully obvious lies, anyway). I need people to laugh with me. one of the copwives inside the house literally googled [sic] "hos long to die in cokd" hours before she accidentally drove the cop-victim's gf to his body.

that's what got me interested in this case: the Google searches from inside the house; and all the third-party "experts", including unconnected cops, crying foul at how obvious all this is. like when cops get mad at a cover up over the death of a cop, you know there's gonna be some juicy, delicious shit. when I learned about the FBI investigating the investigation and cooperating with the defense, I knew I was gonna have to post this here.

I cannot stop laughing. Cohen brothers, please, I need to see this on the big screen.


It seems our guardians of law and order have been less than forthcoming when it comes to the true state of crime in this country. According to the data, nearly 3.4 million violent crimes per year go unreported to the police. And why, pray tell, are these heinous acts being swept under the rug? The answer, my friends, lies in the self-serving machinations of the boys in blue.

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