Seattle, WA

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of the four corners of the mainland, you've got to admit we've got a good case for ourselves

founded 4 years ago

I'm remodeling my house before the summer is over, and I'm looking for a reputable painting contractor in Seattle? Any suggestions?


There were way more of these than I knew!


Looking forward to seeing this community grow.


Local news is less stressful because I feel proportionally less impotent to react to it. I recommend making this swap. I also like that they don't save the miscellaneous news till the end of the podcast, so if for whatever reason the daily topic isn't working for me, I already caught the headline round-up.


That's what basic professionalism and competence looks like — a frankly kind of boring dude who works well with others, listens to experts, and doesn't view absolutely everything on Earth through the lens of "how can I make this about me?"

I'm a little cautious cheering too loudly for Inslee, because I remember all too well similar comparison pieces being written about Cuomo and Trump.

Still, nice to hear professionalism and competence getting their due.

For all that states are supposed to be laboratories of democracy, I sometimes think the rest of the country doesn't like hearing results from out West. When California does something they can always dismiss it as sui generis--but Washington and Oregon are normal-sized states with a lot of problems the rest of the country shares, and there are a lot of local success stories that could be replicated elsewhere. Maybe COVID's a start--it's at least easier to argue that every state could be a Washington than that every state could be a Vietnam.


Not a fan of this!

Not even a little bit at all!

I am decently positioned to oppose such things.

Where are the conversations happening? To whom do I write? Whom must I call?


This is really cool and I wish more tech education could be so carefully targeted for social good. Is it weird to think that advanced Excel skills would be similarly useful deployed in such a way? Harder to make available to businesses, though.

Is the kind of PoS software I see everywhere on iPads extensible in ways that could be made useful to its users?


it's sort of criminal that we don't learn in school how buildings are made, even a little. if my parents hadn't both worked construction I wouldn't even know the little I know. this is one area where newer building codes may have driven up the cost of construction, but with the result that the flimsiest tackiest new development should have you sleeping soundly where seismic guidelines are concerned.

well, unless it's built right on the coast where no residential development should ever have been allowed.



Well if this isn't just the most cursed news I'll get all day. Dear God.

I don't want to live in a city divorced from reality. I really don't want to live in a city that brings in an underclass from its exurbs to work its shitty jobs during the day. And yet, I look around...


I am truly delighted by this (and the mechanics are interesting). This is the silver lining to wildfires I never expected. Fog is lovely and I always hope for more than I get; this weekend was a joy for me.


I know that this kind of paired test must be really expensive and difficult to run, so it's frustrating that it's the only kind of thing that will convince Certain Types of Internet Commenters that racism wasn't solved in the 90s or whatever. Still! Nice to have a link on hand.


Important news you needed to know


It's interesting to be The Case Study for going slow and doing it right.