submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently encountered an error with my router that required a factory reset in order to fix. I figured since I was already resetting everything, I'd might as well reorganize my network. I switched from 192 to 10 based IPs. I got all my devices configured and everything connects to the internet fine, no hiccups anywhere, except when I try to access my Windows network shares using any device on the network. They worked prior to the reconfiguration, but I also did updates when rebooting the machines, so I don't know what the problem is. The errors I get are 0x80004005 (Unspecified error) when attempting to access \10.0.1.{deviceIP} and 0x80070035 (The network path was not found.) when attempting to access \{deviceName}. I've disabled all my firewalls, I've tried the registry changes, reconfiguring services, reconfiguring and even resetting network settings (including NetBIOS), and I'm out of ideas as to what the issue could be. The device shows up under Network on other devices, but attempting to access it hangs for a minute or two and then gives 0x80070035. FWIW, my network is configured to have 10.0.0.x be infrastructure (router and DNS), 10.0.1.x be personal devices (PCs, laptops, phones, anything I own, etc.), and 10.0.2.x is DHCP for visiting/guest devices or anything I can't configure myself.

Any help is appreciated.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

im trying to wrap up a minor process (small dir tree of crap) into a zip file for use by others, but microsoft has decided zips shouldnt include empty folders? wtf?

has it always been this way?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry for the title, didn’t know how to succinctly describe it. Here goes.

I have my gmail set up in my iOS device using the default app. Whenever a new email comes in, the number of new emails in the inbox would appear very briefly appear as 2, instead of 1.

After maybe a second or less, that number goes to 1, which is the correct number. It’s usually very quick so I don’t have a recording.

Has anyone encountered this? Anyone knows why it happens?


submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

No SMART warnings, no hitches in performance, no discernable vibration when the clicks are happening. I did just move the drives into an actual case from a Sabrent USB enclosure, I'm wondering if these sounds are normal and they were just muffled before. They are directly attached to a metal case now, and these clicks are audible in the next room over if it's quiet.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I have an old mac with a dying hfs hdd with failing SMART. I copied 2tb of data on an exfat drive but windows only sees only 3 directories and 80gb. Where's my other stuff? Now after I did that long copy session that lasted a whole day, the disk died from stress and the mac doesn't boot anymore. Even if it boots, i don't think the disk can last another full copy session...

Testdisk can show the data, there's a way to tell windows that the files are there?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just got this Mac from my grandma because she said it wasn't working. It boots and lets me go into recovery mode but crashes in a similar way whenever a loading bar starts. I've tried booting every different way and cleared nvram. I didn't see any clearly visible damage on the logic board, and I'm willing to try any ideas as long as I can keep the price of fixing this under $100.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I leave my computer running for long stretches because it also acts as a plex server. I turned my monitor on last night to open steam, and the window didn’t render in; I didn’t think much of it, but before I could restart my PC, I got a “memory management” BSOD. I turned off XMP, as well as taking out each RAM stick, but I continued to get BSODs. Either “memory management” or “critical process error”. Some other things I’ve attempted:

I can’t reset the PC; when I try, I’m told “there was a problem resetting your PC”.

I can’t use a system restore point; that also fails.

When I open the terminal and run

sfc /scannow

it finds and fixes corrupt system files every single time (I’ve attempted 3 times now), but I still get a “critical process error” BSOD.

I attempted running

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

before “sfc” but this got an error 87 and didn’t work.

When I turn on the PC, my lights for DRAM and VGA stay lit up for maybe 5-10 seconds, but turn off while I’m in BIOS or the windows startup repair screen (and my monitor is plugged into the graphics card; my CPU can’t do display out).

I’m at a bit of a loss here. My next guess would be to attempt to reinstall windows, but I don’t have another windows PC handy to create bootable media, so I’m hoping I have a thumb drive laying around with an ISO on it, or I’ll need to wait to get one from a friend.

Also, in the event that reinstalling windows is the fix, should I disconnect the drives holding my plex media beforehand? Wouldn’t want to risk them getting wiped

An update: I have a drive with installation media for Windows 10 laying around, but when I got to the point where it was installing files on my boot drive, partway through it said it didn’t have the required files and cancelled.

THE FIX: Turns out it was an issue with my RAM. I plugged in a thumb drive containing memtest, and after running the test received a ton of errors. Swapping in a new RAM kit seems to have totally resolved my issues. The PC boots up perfectly fine now

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm trying to rescue data from an old Huawei Ascend P6 with a broken screen, is there a way to get access to the data and clone it, without screen interaction?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My partner and I both have digital cameras. Hers is a Canon EOS Rebel-T5, and mine is an Olympus Tough TG-6. Both cameras will create subdirectories within the /DCIM/ folder, formatted as 10*CANON or 10*OLYMP. We've shared SD cards on occasion, and neither camera has had any issues with just creating a new directory to match the current camera; e.g., one SD has /DCIM/100CANON ... /DCIM/101OLYMP, etc.

There is a highly unusual issue going on with one of the cards. It is a 64 GB [pro]master, Code 2145. It is well-used, with probably over 10,000 photos on it from my Olympus (that are backed up), but there is still plenty of room for pictures. When using this card in particular in her Canon, we have noticed that it writes photos without error, but retrieving and reading the photos on the display is terribly laggy and the camera expends a lot of energy "thinking" with the red indicator light. However, with patience, we are able to view any photos that are produced with this camera. The "photo#/total" display at top (e.g. 4/100; 5/8979) is really screwy and the second number changes often, perhaps as it reads from different directories.


When I load this SD into my computer, I am only able to recognize Olympus subdirectories. There is no evidence of a Canon writing anything onto this disk, not even any of the other data directories it will normally create outside of /DCIM/. Entering the SD through CLI and using commands like /ls -a prove fruitless. Where on earth are these photos? What other options do I have in trying to attain these images?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was distrohopping because I was getting sick of windows 10 and installed pop os on my secondary SSD and I started getting audio crackling issues. Then I realized even back on the Windows 10 SSD I had the same audio crackling issue. I formatted Pop OS to Bazzite and it persists. Formatted the Windows 10 SSD to Windows 11 and it persists. Now I have permanent audio crackling issues whenever I use the speakers on my monitor (headphones are fine). I've tried everything found online: changing the affinity in audiodg.exe one by one, changing the hz on the speakers, uninstalled sound drivers from device manager, tried using EasyEffects on the linux OSes. nothing helps other than restarting my pc and enjoying crackling free audio for about 10 minutes before it starts again :(

Other people had a similar issue on PopOS and fixed it by changing the kernel they had installed but I tried that and it didnt help and iirc bazzite has a more updated kernel than popOS and that didn't help either

This is my hardware:

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I got a new Mobo. Windows installer doesn't see the nvme drive. For some reason the bios has a million settings and are all alien to me.

I took a lot of photos of all the settings, so many unknown entries

The motherboard is from an unknown Chinese OEM and it's using a laptop core i7 but in a itx form factor. I have no idea of the brand, really. The box just says "motherboard" and there's no silkscreen on the PCB (it was very fun guessing which pins were for the front panel). No user manual was included. The bios it says "version: default string"

I hate when OEMs lock down bios settings but here is the opposite, they enabled everything

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Submitting from a lemmy.world account to a mander.xyz community.

I've tried it multiple times, and this submission to [email protected] worked without issue.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There are some youtube channels where I only want to see updates to specific playlists. Like the English playlist from the CCC, or only Yahtzee videos from second wind, etc.

What is the best way to managed playlists and see the new videos without subscribing to a whole noisy channel?

FreeTube as a open issue for this idea: https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube/issues/312

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Title. I dual-boot Windows and Linux. I always saw people making "WINDOWS DELETED MY LINUX BOOTLOADER OMGOMG" posts and it had never happened to me. Now, the opposite has happened. I switched from EndeavourOS to OpenSUSE and now my windows install is no longer selectable on boot.

I keep Windows in a separate drive entirely, so instead of using grub, I use the EFI's boot-select menu thingamafuck (look I don't know jargon okay?) to choose Windows when I need it.

Well today it's not there. Only the Linux entries show up. The Windows partition itself seems to be in good order, like, I can access it from within Linux no problem.

But yeah it doesn't show up on my EFI selector thingie. I imagine I could get the EFI Shell going, but I have no idea how to use THAT either.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is the same issue as this and this.

Does anyone have a solution that allows me to use the full stereo? (not just the half stereo that AliCheese mentioned)

I have had this issue before, but have not found a fix that allows me to use stereo.

Things I have tried:

  • Unplugging it and plugging it back in again
  • Using other audio ports
  • Restarting computer
  • Disabling all sound effects in sound properties and Realtek Audio Manager
  • Uninstalling Realtek Audio Manager
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I need a specific build of Office 2019 to fix a conflict with another piece of software. That vendor is pointing the finger at Microsoft, and of course, MS is pointing the finger back at them. What I know for certain is that Version 2402 (Build 17328.20184) is the most recent working version. What I don't know is where to find that installer. I installed a much earlier build and tried to update it manually from the MS Update Catalog but the updates would not install, and that version has a completely different bug that makes it unable to print from Outlook.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello everyone, is there any cable that I can buy that is female usb c to male usb c? I have a steam deck dock and would like to be able to also plug my laptop in to it by use of a usb c extension cable that can carry video. Does such a thing exist?

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know that with the recent changes to the Twitter APIs it is extremely possible that if this was possible, it is no longer possible, or unlikely, but still as I recall with the Reddit API changes the third-party apps were going to stop working and although I don't use Reddit, I have seen that many Reddit apps still update and here on Lemmy there are those communities that are a mirror, although I guess they are an RSS.

Also, I want to clarify that I know I don't need a Mastodon account to follow an account there, but I wanted to explain it in a way that was easier to understand.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, the issue I’m having is pretty straightforward and I don’t want to bore you:

I have a Mac and a Win11 PC on the same private network. I have a folder on Win11 that I want to share with Mac, and the other way around.

I’ve set up a new local user on the Win11 machine with accesso to that folder only (for security reasons). It has a user and a password, and when I try to connect to a new “server” on MacOS (cmd+k) and I input the folder path, I then log in with that user’s credentials just fine.

The issue is with the Mac folder shared on Win11: I’ve enabled SMB file sharing on the Mac and given the permissions on that folder to a “sharing only” account I’ve created locally. When on Win11 I try to connect to the Mac (I have to input the Mac’s IP, using “smb://…” doesn’t work), it asks for the credentials and it always says the “network password” is incorrect. The weird thing is, if I input the main MacOS account’s credentials I read the folder just fine (and everything else if course).

What am I doing wrong?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My neighbor was having issues with his PC freezing up during games, saying his CPU fan specifically) would ramp up. He then bought new parts and asked me to build him a new PC to replace it which I did (we exchange handiwork). Now he's wanting to give his old parts to a friend of his who had an even older PC. So I've got another build which was mostly parts from his old one with the exception of a new power supply and graphics card.

At first, 3/4 of the time I wouldn't get any video. I noticed he had two different sets of memory so I stress tested each set individually and in each of the DIMM slots. It all tested fine and I was getting video more consistently when only using a single set. I was using stress to test both the CPU and memory and never came across any freezing or other issues.

I've tried going into BIOS to see if any settings in there were causing issues with the mixed memory but regardless of the configuration or using the on-board graphics, I get no video in BIOS.

Now, regardless of configuration, I'm getting no video in BIOS or an OS 100% of the time.

CPU: i7-9700F
Motherboard: ASRock B364 Pro4
GPU: RTX 3070
Memory: 2x 16GB DDR4-3200 (CMW32GX4M2E3200C16) + 2x 8GB DDR4-3000 (CMW16X4M2C3000C15)

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Print-to-PDF is locked down. There's a print option as part of the software, but it slaps my student email diagonally across every single page, which makes reading it kind of obnoxious.

I don't intend to distribute (which I'm assuming is why it's locked up so tight), but needing to log in and navigate to the text is getting cumbersome, so I'm hoping to just save a chapter at a time to my phone and whip that out to tackle my reading assignments.

Also hoping to preserve images, since a lot of the info is charts and such, so PDF seems like the best target, but open to any ideas.

...I suppose I could just suck it up and deal with their annoying software, but at this point I hate to admit defeat lol.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The folders are accessible on every other device and SMB is enabled on the host machine. I'm trying to access hundreds of gigabytes of game roms via Retroarch when I'm out of the country so I'd appreciate an easier method if one exists, but I've ran through every troubleshooting guide I can find online, but the share folders still don't exist according to my phone. I've also tried 5 or 6 different file manager apps, but they all say the same thing

If someone sees this in the distant future, I'm still looking for a solution so please reach out.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello everyone! I encountered a weird bug yesterday that I wanted to run by you guys to (hopefully) find a solution. I recorded a short (10s) video on my pixel 8. Then I sent it to my wife's iPhone via signal. She then tried to send it to her family via imessage and upload it to social media, but was unable to do anything with it besides watch it. The cheap solution ended up being sending the video over MMS, but as you know that compresses the video to JPEG hell. Have any of you ran into this bug and/or have solutions/workarounds that don't completely destroy the quality like MMS?

Edit 1: bonus points for solutions which check the WAF box!

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The power supply on my XPS 8930 gave up the ghost, so I replaced it with a Corsair CX750M (probably not relevant).

While I was at it, I also replaced the case with a Thermaltake CTE T500 (probably relevant).

I connected the power switch to pins 6 and 8 on the front panel connector, following the diagram at XPS 8930, GPU and CPU Liquid Cooler, PSU, Case Swap, Upgrade.

Things work as expected: I can power the computer on and off with the power button, all cool.

BUT: Every time the computer boots, I get an error message from SupportAssist during POST: "[...] Alert! Power Button Cable failure". I click Continue, and everything is peachy.

Does anyone know how I can get rid of this message? Did the power button in the original case know some secret handshake that the new one doesn't?

At this point, I would be OK with disabling the SupportAssist self check altogether. I don't need any SupportAssistance to know that the machine is getting a little cranky.

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