submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What is the "Cocaine Left?"

Symptoms of cocaine abuse are aggression, antisocial behavior, actions that are dangerous to themselves and others, psychosis, overconfidence and irritability.

A certain portion of our fringe is dangerous the same way that MAGA is dangerous. They're uninterested in building anything, or accomplishing any policy. They want to set fire to everything in sight.

The Cocaine Left is hurting us, and making it impossible for the larger family of the left to thrive and accomplish things. And as someone who just celebrated 20 years of sobriety, I can tell you - the kindest thing we can do is stop enabling them.

If you think Russia, China and Hamas are the good guys, you are part of the Cocaine Left. If you believe violence is a valid political tactic, you are part of the Cocaine Left. If you think burning America down so your ideology can rise from the ashes is best, you are part of the Cocaine Left.

It's not going to be easy cutting them off and moving on without them, but in the end we will all be a lot healthier.

(warning twitter link I don’t think nitter works anymore) more gold from Brianna Wu

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[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 months ago

Good guy/bad guy shit applied at the state levels is just babybrain shit. (I realize you are responding to her prompt. Not insulting you.)

Gun to my head, forced to define who is good and bad morally I have to choose an anchor for that morality. Ok, I choose the United States and will judge them all based off the US' actions.

People killed by Russia/USSR in the last like 50 years? Definitely a larger number than I'd like, specifically in Afghanistan.

People killed by Hamas? I dunno, like a few thousand, maybe? That includes IOF soliders whose lives I quite literally... don't value. Sorry guys, don't be in the fucking SS for Israel.

People killed by China? If the cutoff is 1974 (I didn't choose this to make anyone look good, just happened to be 50 years back), then that leaves China's war against Vietnam in 1979. About 30K estimated killed on both sides of that.

The US since 1974.... holy fuck... you can just go from 2001 to now and already be into multi million deaths. I'm not discounting the deaths of untold thousands, probably millions more in South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, the collapse of the USSR (I'd put those suicides on the US too), but the magnitude of the difference is already made, I think.

So if you compare Russia, China, and Hamas to the moral anchor (a beacon of morality! ™️ Bri might say) of the US, well... they're basically like an unregistered earthquake, maybe Russia/USSR is a slight tremble, while the US' death count is dumping Japan's nuclear reactors into the sea and ripping an island in half.

Dipshits like Wu (Bri? I don't know wtf to call her for shorthand. Maybe just dipshit is fine) have absolutely no historical knowledge, or pretend to not know, of the horrors the United States has unleashed since its colonial birth but all the way up to and including the present proxy war in Ukraine, which it instigated and now has dragged on for two years, and the genocidal campaign of death that its colonial outpost has unleashed on Gaza for 7 months now (and dozens of times in the past).

There is no justification for this violence and bloodshed. None of it was for legitimate self defense. The US hasn't had a war of defense for anyone since fucking WWII. It's all been not so cleverly disguised "lawfare" shit where they finagle a "reason" to start bombing or, fuck it, like in Iraq just do it even when the world is like "uhhh this shit is all just lies..."

Anyone who attempts to seriously justify the actions has a soul as empty as their skulls. I just hope they at least financially benefit from cheering on the incineration of children... but based on the financial breakdown of the US vs dipshits who will vaguely give support to "the military" (I include Israel under that umbrella with US), almost all of them do it for free! Pathetic! Maybe Wu gets paid from her tweet interactions, I suspect she does, but all the people liking it and retweeting it, you aren't even benefiting you evil, depraved fuckers! Hope the idea of the kids you funded killing helps you stomach the cost of your own kid's X-ray when they fall off the playground and break their arm, you fantastic morons (thanks Finkelstein).

this post was submitted on 08 May 2024
90 points (100.0% liked)


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