this post was submitted on 11 Mar 2024
183 points (100.0% liked)


7379 readers
2 users here now

Welcome to c/effort, the home of effort posts! This is a space where you can write on an topic, as long as it reflects real time and effort to put together.


Posts are text-only. No images or videos.

2.While the topic can be on anything, posts still require “effort”. While there isn’t a minimum word limit or anything, generally this means it’s longer than most other posts and there’s also that the expectation that your posts required real effort to write up.

“Master” posts that have a lot of links are welcomed.

No copypastas

founded 3 years ago

Let me know if there are any more suggestions. Regarding certain role changes, please suggest a way to make the changes accessible. I'm not going to add any more walls of text, so the changes should be user friendly and understandable without the text.

Before 14-03-2024 7AM
Before 13-03-2024 11AM

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[–] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago

Stickying this was a good idea, I very quickly saw it this morning before leaving for work and assumed it was a shitpost (never zoomed in), without noticing the comm.

Thanks both to the mods and to the author.