Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
I don't miss gold, and I forgot about it being a thing until now.
Remember how they took silver, a free joke gift, and monetized it?
Remember how they took gold awards, a user made bot, and monetized it?
I also choose this guy's dead complaints.
I like those comments. Most funny posts become even funnier because of the comment section.
You people sound really bitter tbh.
Not only bitter, lots of people here are dissing reddit like it's a recent ex.
Some of those frequently repeated comments (well not stuff like "this") are completely organic memes that have come out of that community, which most of us were part of, me personally for over a decade. Now we suddenly hate everything we were part of?
I'm kinda tired of the reddit bashing here. I'm not going to leave over it, but it doesn't add any value whereas some of the other content has been excellent.
Have my updoot....and my axe.
Edit: my top comment is about axe body spray.
Underrated comment
I never understood why anyone would upvote these comments, or why no sub (that I know of) banned them.
redditors are always creative with their comments
literally no one ever said that
if i knew that my comment about koalas fucking a tree wouod be my most upvotrd comment i wouldnt have beleuevd it
The real comment is always in the comments!
I kind of miss the kind of gimmick users that made you genuinely say "yeah, the user name does check out here".
These are bad but God forgive the massgrave of uncreativity that is Yotube comments
Lol no one says redditors are always creative unless they have never been on reddit.
Also, many of those comments are here on lemmy
It's a pretty dismal strawman in the first panel. Hell, even in 2010 they were famous for being that site that just recycled memes from other sites. Comments were same shit different era, 'le', 'good sir', 'narwhal bacon'... well at least that last one was original even if lolrandumbxD.
But yeah, 'based' and 'this' are literally reused from other sites, especially 'this', which its entire purpose is to show agreement on sites that don't have voting like reddit does. People saying 'this' on reddit don't understand reddit
Username checks out can be very funny since it often well… leads to the username and adds another layer of joke.
It needs to fit though of course.
Please tell me what "based" even means so I can misuse it amongst a bunch of 12 year olds and make them fucking stop.
Crack = freebasing cocaine = base.
Bay Area rapper Lil B used to be insulted by people who called him "based", essentially meaning crackhead. He reappropriated it to mean outspokenly being yourself while actively disregarding what anybody else thinks, and started also going by Based God. That's it.
I only partly agree. The part remembers all those situations where a comment on reddit almost made me spit out my coffee while at work because I found it truly hilarious
Take my upvote
Yes officer, this comment right here