Bears should just enslave some other animals to produce milk for them. Simple.
- Be civil and nice.
- Try not to excessively repost, as a rule of thumb, wait at least 2 months to do it if you have to.
Ants do that. I think they enslave aphids
They do! Well, at least certain species do. They groom the aphids to harvest a sweet excretion.
It's a really neat relationship.
I mean, it's not just any excretion. It's a byproduct of sorts of the aphids digestive system.
From wikipedia on "Honeydew (secretion)":
When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem, the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the anus of the aphid.
mouthpart penetrates the phloem
liquid is forced out of the anus
Sweet Jesus.
Sweet Jesus.
Yes, apparently it does taste very sweet.
I'll see myself out.
I assume someone made porn of this.
Well, there's at least video of ants getting the honeydew, so I guess if one's kinky enough, it's porn for ants.
Ant porn for humans with that extra kink™
Love me some sweet excretion. What a life, to be an ant.
Ants can be brutal. Some species of ants steal the eggs of different colonies to force them to work for their own colony. Sometimes, the kidnapped ants rebel and lay waste to the interior of the colony that kidnapped them if they think they can overpower them.
Get yourself a girl who lets you suck the milk from her tiddies, folks.
Just to clarify though, not a first date question.
More like third.
Disagree. Put it in your profile. Filter hard and early.
Both methods acceptable, but if it wasn't on the profile then it definitely shouldn't be brought up on the first date
You want to get their interest, but as this might be one of those deal breaker questions, you should get it out of the way early. There's no shame in breaking up from an incompatibility in attraction or sexual preference, but there should be some shame at sticking with it expecting another person to change for you.
My girlfriend hates anal but likes to role play rape so it works out.
Nope. That shit ain't pasteurized.
Get yourself a girl with piping hot tiddies, folks.
because the dairy industry is tax subsidized & pays for propaganda commercials to make people think you need cow's milk as an adult
I don't know a single person who consumes milk because they think they require it. They just like the taste of dairy products.
The subsidization is an issue imo, but I don't think people are as brainwashed regarding milk as you assume.
I’ve got news for you. Adults drank milk way before any of those things existed.
Only a rather small group of people were even able to consume milk past infancy without negative health effects, and that's mostly because they were the ones that survived the famine that necessitated surviving such a diet. Lactase persistence is a recessive gene
As in, people have literally evolved to be able to drink cow's milk.
Small group of many, many millions of people. We like milk. We don’t need commercials to tell us it tastes good.
I honestly don’t know what the fuck you weirdos are trying to accomplish. Are you saying we don’t enjoy milk? Or simply that we shouldn’t?
Because if the argument is that it’s advertising that made use enjoy is, you’re wrong. We enjoyed it well before ads.
And if your argument is that we should dislike something simply because you expect us to dislike something, I think you’ve got your own disorder.
I don’t hate what you hate. Fool, Get a clue.
Glad my ancestors survived your favorite famine. Also glad I have feet. Evolution is neat.
Btw I’m Italian. We drink milk. And we eat cheese. We are tied with Japan for the longest national lifespan. We will also drink coffee if there ok with you. Thanks! Do what you do over there. We got this.
...or because it tastes good.
and as we all know, taste justifies every kind of cruelty. /s
I mean, I understand criticizing the dairy industry, but another big factor is that milk also taste good. Humans drank milk before it was industrialized.
Now I'm going to eat you, little human.
"I said fuck off, pervert!"
Supermarkets aren't selling human milk, though. It's milk from an entirely different animal.
Yup. Human milk is for babies. Cows milk is for calves.
Yep the bone in my left calf could use some
This comic makes no sense. The guy isn’t wearing pants.
Looks like they’re having post-coital talk to me
I heard stuff about Baldur's Gate, maybe this is a reference?
Chill. He's wearing a medieval tunic.
Hey men can wear dresses too.
I'm not a big fan of animal agriculture, but I don't get why milk is singled out, as if we don't consume the dead bodies of animals, bodies that weren't "meant for" anything other than sustaining itself.
And we've been doing it for thousands of years, selectively breeding and domesticating cows for the purpose. Humans drinking cow's milk is more natural than carrots being orange.
Vegans should wake up a bit. I'm vegetarian. It was never about animal suffering. There are people suffering right now. For me it's about our survival. It's unsustainable.
8 billions of us having a carnivore diet will destroy the planet dot
This one always make me laugh.