Personal identification number number
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Ah yes, I love to use GPS systems to find those ATM machines with LCD displays, so I can enter my PIN numbers without worrying about key loggers
LED is light emitting diode and refers to the method of displaying pixels, it doesn't stand for display as your comment seems to imply. You probably mean LCD (liquid cristal display) /display/.
Whats wrong with LED display?
Woah. LCD is Liquid Crystal Display but LED is Light-Emitting Diode. Only LCD works on the joke lol. Edited!
Ah gotcha, yeah that works :D
And driving there in your car with ABS brakes
You can have non ABS brakes though. It's a descriptor of what type of brake system.
I've seen "personal identification PIN number" used far too much in the press. I'm not sure who it says more about, journalists, or their readers.
You mean like a personal id identification pin number for banking? I also have a TAN number list fixed to my LCD display for online banking. And if I need cash I go to the ATM machine.
French "au jour d'aujourd'hui" would like to know your position.
Translated literally, it would be, like... "At the day of at the day of today"
Au jour : at the day
Aujour : at the day
d'hui : of today
smh my head
Wtf the fuck is wrong with you?
Smh my head
Well, most numbers are numbers
Something something set theory stuff that I don't remember
The D’Brickshaw Criterion Collection is surprisingly highbrow
It's locked to Downton Abbey, but only the interviews with cast and crew. TRAP. GEDDOUUT you were better off with Chet
What happens if I click "Qanon?"
Are you ready to receive hidden messages in the titles of favorited movies?
Judging by the profile pic, probably factually incorrect animal documentaries
"god invented the tyrannosaurus rex 3500 years ago"
"lol, how do they know. Were they there!? Fake news!"
classic madlad
Delete it?
Guests can't delete accounts