Another great shot of a bird with impressive colors.
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@[email protected] glad to see you’re out and about a bit more Jim. Hope it’s a sign of a steady recovery 🤞🏻
Great shot and looks like you found a bit of sun light!
@[email protected] thanks, yeah, got about an hour of sun this morning.. An hour is all you need..
@[email protected] looking at your posts today you made the most of it 🐦⬛📷
I’m jealous, I was stuck inside until it was dark!
@[email protected] I am on annual leave till 6th Jan, so plenty of time on my hands. Just need to moderate my energy at present, but it's nice to be mobile again.
@[email protected] good idea booking leave, I’ve used all mine already this year!
Thankfully there’s a block on all works for Christmas so the network is ‘stable’ 😶. It’ll be very quiet and I get the important days off.