It gets worse to put it through google translate...
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You mean better!
Help... suck dick
There are dirty dictionaries you can buy. I used to have a Spanish one, wouldn't be surprised if they had other language ones too.
My hovercraft is full of eels.
Do you want to come back my place, bouncy-bouncy?
My nipples explode with delight!
So conversational Chinese then?
Reminds me of a Rowan Atkinson skit on naughty names...
"Our Russian exchange student, Sukmeyov."
It must have been Steven Colbert’s mother in law Munchma Quchi
Finally the translations we really need
What do you expect from the 'Whore Manual 2023 edition'? This year's edition has a lengthy foreward by Kim Kardashian
Oh thank god! I thought I was the only one with those dreams
So…it was a lucid dream, I’m guessing.
Not very helpful without pinyin.
I think this is for Chinese to English, not the other way
That makes so much sense, I am shocked that I didn't think of it.
Unintentional Berserk reference
Here I was spending my time learning phrases like "where is the bathroom" and "How much does the milk cost" in my second language.
They go hard in japan I guess.>
That’s Chinese, not Japanese.
It's all greek to me.
Greek, French, Spanish,... whatever pleases you
Could you bring me a gyro then please
ITT: Redditors that don't know about sex trafficking
Other people have that dream too?
The horse's owner in my dream only spoke Chinese. I wish I would have had this with me at the time.