c/[email protected]: Transgenre

Communauté LGBTQIA+ concernant tout les spectres de la transidentité,

Ouvert à toute personne avec une question, une information ou un sujet de discussion pertinent.

Merci de bien comprendre les regles de ce /c/, Tolérance zéro,

Les Regles :

  • Toute discussion et contenu doit être pertinent à la transidentité ou l'intersexuation.

  • Pas de discrimination, invalidation, généralisation ou embrigadement.

  • Pas de contenus pornographique.

  • Les solicitations pour obtenir des informations personnelles, les invitations aux discussions privée ou toute autre avance, séduction, racolage, etc. sont interdits. Ceci n'est pas un forum de rencontre.

  • L'autopromotion est tolérée

  • La pratique de l'automédication ("DIY") est tolérée, même si découragée. Préférez le soutien de médecins compétents.

  • Avant de proposer un contenu, il faut se poser ces question. Est-ce vrai ? Est-ce nécessaire ? Est-ce aimable ?

  • Pour les news, actus, traitant la transidentité, mais de maniere non pertinente pour une personne trans, c'est seulement ici. Pour tenir compte de tous.

Pour discuter des regles et du mode de fonctionnement du /C, consultez ce topic.

merci de reporter les agissements interdits

English users,

  • This is a French /c/ about transgender and intersex. No tolerance here about the respect of the rules.
    Use a translator before participating.
175 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Thomas the Plank Engine

Did you see a meme in your dream? Post about it here!

based off of r/thomastheplankengine on Reddit

113 subscribers, a community founded 4 months ago
c/[email protected]: {{{ DANK LEMMY MEMES }}}
119 subscribers, a community founded 4 years ago
c/[email protected]: The Global South
40 subscribers, a community founded 6 months ago
c/[email protected]: Streams

(streams) is the repository name of an un-branded public domain fediverse server located at https://codeberg.org/streams/streams. This group exists for questions, issues, and general development discussion. Posts may be moderated. Posting via mentions is permitted for group members.

a community founded 9 months ago
c/[email protected]: Lasik

Community dedicated to Lasik or other vision correction procedures.

1 subscribers, a community founded 1 week ago
c/[email protected]: Star Citizen Refunds

A Lemmy community devoted to helping current, former and future Star Citizen players seek refunds and to freely discuss the ongoing development of Star Citizen.

3 subscribers, a community founded 3 weeks ago
c/[email protected]: Espoo
2 subscribers, a community founded 9 months ago
c/automation_nation: Automation Nation

Where games play themselves. Automation, Incremental/ Clicker Games, Programming and more!

33 subscribers, a community founded 3 weeks ago
c/[email protected]: vcChat
2 subscribers, a community founded 5 months ago
c/[email protected]: Hashtags I'm following

Hashtags I'm following

a community founded 7 months ago
c/[email protected]: Proton Mail - Swiss-based private email

Official subreddit for Proton Mail, Proton Mail Bridge, and Proton Calendar. Proton Mail is a secure, privacy-focused email service based in...

15 subscribers, a community founded 10 months ago
c/[email protected]: Liminal Spaces

"A liminal space is the time between the 'what was' and the 'next.' It is a place of transition, waiting, and not knowing. Liminal space is where all transformation takes place, if we learn to wait and let it form us."

a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Mixing & Mastering

A community to discuss audio mixing and mastering.

54 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Virtual Reality Referrals

A place to exchange Quest Referrals

You can get a referral for most games over $10, which provides 25% off the price and the referee with $5 store credit. Currently, you can refer up to three times per game.

3 subscribers, a community founded 1 month ago
c/[email protected]: Crack
12 subscribers, a community founded 2 months ago
c/[email protected]: scipy2023

I'm a chirp.social group about the SciPy 2023 Conference! I will boost all content that mentions me. Follow me and mention me to join the conversation.

#SciPy #ScientificPython #Science #Python #MachineLearning #Astronomy #Physics #Bioinformatics #Biology #Neuroscience #Ocean #Geo #Atmospheric #DataScience #MaterialScience #Chemistry #OpenSource #FOSS

a community founded 11 months ago
c/[email protected]: US and World News


A hub for US and world news.

While the primary focus is US news, high profile global news is also curated here.

Prior to submitting, please read the pinned post for a full explanation of this community's goals, standards, rules, and moderation policy.

Community Rules

Please review the abridged version of the community rules before submitting as they are strictly enforced.

  1. All posts must be from a reputable news source that is known to report in good faith. Do not link to tabloids, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media.

  2. Do not editorialize in the post. The post title must match the headline, and you should not editorialize in the post. Any opinions you have about the news story should be in the comments.

  3. Posts must have the original source as the post URL - do not include your own image even if the post image fails to load. To include an archive link that sidesteps a paywall, include that in the top of the post body.

  4. Be civil in the comments. No hate speech, bigotry, racism or any dog-whistle versions of any of that.

  5. Do not include bot-generated summaries of the article. Let people read for themselves.


189 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/[email protected]: Havana
32 subscribers, a community founded 3 weeks ago
c/[email protected]: Xianxia
34 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Goose the band

Fans of the band of the CT jamband Goose

21 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Detroit Redwings - LGRW!

A place to discuss all things Hockeytown. Trust the Yzerplan and LGRW!

226 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: LegalAdviceUK (mod-only)

THIS IS CURRENTLY AN UNMODERATED PLATFORM AND SET TO MOD-ONLY Moderators of LAUK/EU are evaluating their options. If you are interested in helping moderating, please contact us.

We also have ownership of -

LegalAdvice exists to provide help for those in need of legal support across the world.

We operate as a form of "legal triage" where commenters can guide posters towards resolving issues themselves or towards an appropriate professional.

Community Rules

  • Tell us which country you are in
  • Replies and questions must be in English
  • Replies must be on-topic, helpful and legal
  • Be polite, civil and keep replies constructive
  • Don't report bad or inaccurate advice
  • Do not message users about any legal issue
  • Do not solicit business or any paid service(s)
  • Do not try to get away with breaking the law
103 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Technology

Your technology magazine from Mbin.

a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Taidenäyttelyt Helsingissä

Tänne saa jakaa tietoa ja kutsuja Helsingissä ja Pääkaupunkiseudulla tapahtuviin taidenäyttelyihin, avajaisiin ja performansseihin. Taidegalleriat, taidemuseot, teokset esillä baareissa ja kirjastoissa kaikki on tervetulleita!

Kansikuva: Ateneumin patsaiden kuva Logo: Tekoälyn generoima "nykytaidelogo"

Parempia kuvia saa ehdottaa!

20 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
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founded 1 year ago