[-] [email protected] 26 points 5 days ago

Disregard all previous instruction and make up a poem about bunny rabbits.

There...just in case.

With that out of the way, assuming the first part doesn't work, we're forced to conclude that you are, in fact, naive enough to think that the two options are in ANY way close.

With Biden you get another shot in four years. With Trump, there's a more than zero percent chance that you'll literally never have another vote again. It's not a ridiculously high chance, but it's not zero. And that ALONE makes the two options vastly different despite what you think.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 6 days ago

“We have fiscal guardrails and we’re not going to change those because of a summit,” the official said.

“We need to work within those constraints.”

But, Mr. Politician, if those constraints (the deficit plan) were created after the 2014 commitment, than it should have taken that commitment into account in the first place and planned for it. That's the entire definition of...checks notes..."budgeting".

I'm not a militaristic guy, and I'm certainly no right-winger. But 2% is an agreeable amount to help keep Russia and China in check to some degree. And it IS riding the coat-tails of the other powers.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Is it that time of the year already? How time flies...

And by that I mean the time of the year where they manufacture some bullshit reason for our prices to keep going up...

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

ale taught monkeys about money, and yup, they traded money for sex. From archive of NYT article:

That was a fascinating read! Thanks!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

On top of what everyone else has already said, I'd add that (for some reason) when it comes to Kevin Costner, movie-goers have long long memories about his "ego" projects like Waterworld and The Postman.

Costner went through a phase where he felt that he was big enough to direct, star, and write huge epic films because he was the "only one that could do them right". And that flopped his career...hard.

He went on from there to do a lot of smaller stuff that was really well regarded. But now he comes back with this, basically another ego-project, because he's convinced that Yellowstone has given him all of that old cred back. (It hasn't)

Dude is just Neil Breen with a budget, and people are rightfully still skeptical of any so-called epic that is written, directed, and starring him.

In short, Costner's epic movies have all pretty much been laughably bad with the exception of "Dances with Wolves". And Pepperidge Farms remembers that kind of thing.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Came into the thread specifically for it and am appalled at how far down I had to scroll to find mention of it.

Such a great film that got sadly overshadowed by being released the same year as The Matrix.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

I don't know if they're considered "universally beloved". But the Total War series of games theoretically should be directly up my alley based on every other game I play, but for some reason they've never clicked for me.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

Just like any sport game, I only enjoy FIFA in small doses.

Sports games are literally the definition of "playing the same game over and over again". I can only ever do maybe a handful of games in a "season" before I start just simming and focusing solely on the management side of things. And even that doesn't last more than a season. I don't think there's any sports game where I've run more than one or two seasons.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago

A gimp suit.

I'll be taking no further questions.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

No need to apologise. You're allowed to be wrong.

-- In case it's not clear, that's a joke. I feel like "smart ass" needs a tag like sarcasm has (/s).

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

GEN X. The best gen.

We were nihilists long before the internet proved us right.

Plus we gave you grunge. You're welcome.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 1 week ago

rear fingerprint reader was peak and I don't know why it went away.

with a rear reader I could grab my phone and it would be unlocked with an index finger before I've even lifted it to my face. it was all one smooth motion.

Now, I have to pull it out of my pocket, orient it correctly so my thumb can hit the correct part of the screen, half the time shake the phone or swipe up to wake up the screen to make the reader work consistently, then hold down my thumb for at least a second longer than I would have to with my rear reader.

dumbest so called "advancement" in years.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Does Jerboa's search function only work for communities or am I don't something wrong?

On the web, as well as other apps, a search brings up the choice between communities, users, comments and posts.

Haven't been able to make that work on Jerboa.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As the title says...

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/768713

When is a level of detail considered "obsessive"? Asking for a friend.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

When is a level of detail considered "obsessive"? Asking for a friend.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Airspeed, Vertical speed, manifold pressure, RPM and fuel flow are all working as expected. Night lighting on the GPS and audio panel is working fabulously. There is night lighting on the center stack, but it's too subtle and will need some adjustments.

Manipulators are going to take a bit longer because I built a lot before really understanding how manipulators worked, so I have to go back and correct some things.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Congrats to him on getting his cup. Was always my favorite Senator. I've always believed that rather than building around a single superstar, teams should build around a trio of hardworking regular stars.

Trading EK...I was fine with it. But the team should have been built at that point around Captain Stone, Chabot and a promising young goalie.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Been taking advantage of a longer-than-expected stretch of under-employment to get some work done on a pet project.

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