[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

United States of America v. Ramiz Zijad Hodzic et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, No.4:15CR49CDP/DDN, 9 May 2018

Lawful combatants enjoy “combatant immunity” for acts of warfare, including the wounding or killing of other human beings, “provided those actions were performed in the context of ongoing hostilities against lawful military targets, and were not in violation of the law of war.”

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

Let's follow that logic.

You locate a terrorist. You just so happen to have a couple guys who can bomb that terrorist. You murder the terrorist. You are charged with murder because the laws of this nation do not allow murder.

Same scenario, but now it's the president. Please tell me what the difference is. Why can the president not be charged with a crime but you can? What would you call that?

[-] [email protected] -3 points 2 days ago

You disagree with 74 million people then?

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago

Why do you consider the Republican party racists? What makes the party as whole this way to you?

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago

Well, didn't take long to out yourself as a fascist did you?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago

I read the decision. The dissent is so ludicrous no one takes it seriously. I've seen several discussions of lawyers breaking the decision down. The only part of the dissent that makes sense is Amy Conny Barrett's examples.

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