[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

Unfortunately I think what we're going to learn is that he's one of those people that register Republican to vote in their primaries to choose the weakest candidate giving Democrats a better chance.

Either way I unfortunately think this is going to give Trump yet another boost... God knows that's what we needed...

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yeah... My home county. Trump land, rich & very poor people, but aggressive assholes none the less absolutely everywhere. Home of the $500k burned down shack masquerading as a "starter home."

I need to leave so badly...

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

It's the worst of all angles... Professions where the professional loves the work and wants to do the work no matter what get exploited more than most AND with public school teachers, they're stuck with taxpayer decided budgets....


[-] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

Democrats positioned themselves as “the only thing stopping fascism” but they don’t even try.

You can't keep the greed game going if you're on the sidelines. Gotta keep us voting for these inept dumbasses or they won't be able to enrich themselves!

I hate how we have 2 choices:

100% farm to table fascism


80% Corpo stooge 15% inept stooge 5% actually gives a shit about people.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

Google: How to act like an adult.

...Everyone in that image

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

It's now, because every day after just gets a bit worse.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Isn't it already too late? Each state has laws about when a candidate needs to be "entered" so they can get their ballot/mail in/military ballots ready in time. I believe the earliest ballots are going out in like 2 weeks.

This would just set us up for every red state to push lawsuits and would recreate the absolute insanity that was 2020 election, except now these red states have installed "yes men" that will certify/refuse to certify whatever they are told to.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

were explicitly favoring him for some horrifying reason

I'm at work on a short break so I can't pull up the source, but the guy whose family "runs" the NYTs has said he's looking to court conservative readers. He has denied this somewhat recently, but the trend matches the behavior we witnessed l. I found this by trying to figure out who owns the NYT to begin with so maybe start with the wiki on NYT

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

This is the most likely outcome. We live in the shit timeline.

Fuck you alternate asafum living the life in gay space communism.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

But that's almost exactly what the president is supposed to do. Like forget Bidens mental state right now, just talking about any president, one of the main reasons aside from their "vision" we vote for them is for their ability to judge individuals capabilities or to have the capability of knowing how to find those people. The administration should ideally be made up of experts in their respective areas that will guide the president. He just makes the final call as to whether to listen or not, we shouldn't expect him to know everything and to be able to work without "the administration."

It's one of the main reasons I loath Trump. I hate him as a person, but as a president I hate that he wants "yes men." He doesn't want guidance, he wants subservience to follow his will. That's one of the bigger problems with project 2025 as well, their purity tests and seeking of more "yes men" will cripple the government as they aren't lead by anything other than orders from above.

All that said, Biden does have to comprehend the guidance he's being given. All we can see from Biden is how he operates behind a camera and on the spot. I don't know if anyone has spoken about his capacity when he's "working." (Massive copium hit.)

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Almost like they are actually an enemy that infiltrated America and are trying to destroy it from the inside.

That's exactly why they are getting so much support from Russia and why Russia and China are fucking with us over social media/the internet. They can't win a traditional war and America largely stands against their goals so the best way to take us down is by having us do it to ourselves. I think Republicans are just too power hungry to serve their greed and they're too naive/heartless to consider what they could actually do to the country by taking advantage of the disruption other countries are causing.

I actually really believe they're going to succeed in "taking us down" and have already done severe damage to our "social fabric." Hell we can claim without exaggerating that there are large portions of our population that are living in completely opposite versions of reality via the media they consume. Propaganda exists to serve a specific purpose.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

What no "WoKe GaMe DoNt BuY!"? Every time I see that I just want to put my hand on their shoulder and say "your mother and I are very disappointed in you son."

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