[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

The level of entitlement is insane.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 13 hours ago

And it has a great TRACK record in training mode.

[-] [email protected] 55 points 17 hours ago

Biden needs to use his new powers the Supreme court has given him.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

Grafen viser forskellige faktorer ved dødsulykker, hvor cyklister mistede livet

Artiklen er temmelig tynd på data, lavere hastighed vil jo ikke kun medføre færre skader for cyklister, men også fodgængere, og såmænd også biler.
Udover det vil skaderne i gennemsnit være mindre alvorlige. Det er ikke engang angivet at jeg kan se, hvor mange cyklister der mistede livet i perioden. Selvom det angives som hovedbegrundelse for forslaget.

Men jeg vil vædde med at trafikstyrelsen har bedre data end de viste i artiklen, og man kunne også sammenligne med da det blev sat ned fra 60 til 50.
Hvilket så vidt jeg husker havde betydelig effekt.

Jeg vil nok selv synes 30 er lidt dræbende langsommeligt, især i starten, og hvis det gennemføres uden ordentlige data vil jeg måske endda være lidt utilfreds.
Men hvis det påviseligt kan redde menneskeliv og varende/fysiske skader i et statistisk signifikant omfang, er det vel det moralsk rigtige at gøre.

Jeg er dog lidt bekymret for at den nedsatte fart vil få flere til at opføre sig uansvarligt i trafikken, som f.eks. at gå over gaden med hovedet begravet i sin mobil telefon. Det er som om nogle cyklister og fodgængere er så sikre på at bilerne passer på, at de selv glemmer det, eller ligefrem mener de har ret til alt, og de andre bare kan holde tilbage mens de fumlegænger rundt.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

The decade they tried to make X86 compete with Arm on smartphones.
I have changed "with Arm" to "against Arm" which I suppose could have caused the doubt.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

This is not entirely fair though, they spend more than $10 billion over 10 years trying to compete against Arm, but the effort failed despite they had the production process advantage at the time. To get a better picture of the the Intel effort, they spend more on the effort than the entire Arm revenue in that period!
But Noohh ISA doesn't matter they say. 😂 🤣

[-] [email protected] 30 points 1 day ago

There has been an attempt at a balancing act by USA and Europe, and while Europe has abandoned the idea, USA is keeping it.
The idea is that if Russia lose to much to quickly, it may destabilize Russia, and that could create a dangerous situation with the Russian nukes.
So USA was sort of in a Limbo, that Russia could not be allowed to win, but they couldn't be allowed to lose and be destabilized either.

This idea however is becoming less and less popular in USA, and there is speculation that USA will soon lift these restrictions.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

så er man udsat fra en konstant, dronene vejstøj i dagtimerne.

Sjovt nok har det ikke rigtigt generet mig da jeg boede i KBH. Men jeg kan selvfølgelig have været mere heldig med hvordan vejstøjen blev reflekteret, da der var lavt byggeri på den anden side af vejen, og jeg boede på 5. sal. Men jeg husker da at termoruder var en god ting også for støj. Der blev nærmest stille, når man er vant til storbyen.

Det eneste jeg siger er, at elbiler larmer lige så meget som ICE-biler når de kører mere end ca. 50 km/t

Ja iht det link du sendte, men det finder jeg besynderligt, min erfaring er MEGET anderledes.

En ting der måske kan være årsag til den relativt dårlige undersøgelse for el-biler, kunne være at batterierne var tungere i starten. En Nissan leaf fra 2011 med et sølle 22 kW batteri vejer næsten det samme som en ny med 69kW ca. 2 ton.

En Ny Hyundai Kona derimod "kun" 1775 kg med 65 kW batteri. Men der er udviklet dæk specielt til el-biler, som skulle sænke rullemodstand og dækstøj.

Naboens BMW har "rigtige" el-bils dæk, jeg tror det er Hankook han kører med, og trods den høje vægt på 2,1 ton er den alligevel ret stille med dækkene:

lav rullemodstand og et lavt, indvending støjniveau.
støjen dæmpes optimalt.
A-mærkning både inden for støj, energiforbrug

Når vi kører vores ICE f.eks. landevej, kan vi tydeligt høre både motor og dæk. Hvor en elbil bare er langt mere lydløs, også ved 80 km/t. Vores bil er relativt stille i motoren da det er en 2.2 liter, med 6 gear, og den har relativt stille dæk. Men på begge områder er el-bilen bare langt bedre, men det er så også en der er lidt i den dyre ende.

Hvis det kan trøste, tror jeg aldrig der har været så meget fokus på dækstøj som der er kommet nu med elbiler, men hvis folk bare køber gammeldags dæk, hjælper det jo ikke, men det er en dårlig ide, for dæk til el-biler er også lavet til at bilerne typisk er tungere.

Med det sagt, så er jeg ikke som du måske tror, imod el-biler.

Ja det troede jeg jo nok, at der var lidt bilerne ud af byen. Sådan har mange i familien det. ;)
Da jeg boede i Kbh. kørte jeg (næsten) altid på cykel uanset vejret.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Det er trods alt en mulighed for at sætte hastighedsgrænsen ned, hvilket vil reducere støjen dramatisk fra el-bilerne iht. det skema du linkede. (hvis jeg læser det rigtigt)
En el-bil der kører 30 er iht min erfaring praktisk taget lydløs, og det vil jeg mene skemaet delvist bekræfter men det er lidt tvetydigt.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Jeg har boet i 20 år i København på Nørrebro, jeg ved udmærket godt hvordan det er at bo i byen.
Jeg boede op til Tagensvej, og det var helt klart at støjen fra biler der starter for grønt var værst. Og når de kørte grøn bølge var det mindre slemt.
På Tagensvej måtte man køre 60 der hvor jeg boede.

Edit PS,

Hvis der om natten kommer en enkelt bil, kan du så stadig ikke høre motoren?
Som jeg husker det, flyder trafikstøjen hurtigt sammen, så det lyder som en susen, der lyder som dæk støj.

Men hvis det generer så meget, har jeg svært ved at forstå hvorfor du vælger at bo et sted med trafik støj.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

That's some pretty crazy numbers today.
Incidentally I heard recently that the Russians actually believe they are winning, because they think they can exhaust Ukraine so much they'll surrender.
But on the other hand, we also heard recently that Ukraine is taking Russians out by a ratio of 1:6.

I bet Russia is hoping Republicans/Trump will win the American Presidential election. So there will be no more help to Ukraine from USA. Which unfortunately is a strong possibility.

But Europe and others are preparing, and we will try to cover most of the slack left from USA if Trump wins.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Scroll lidt ned, så er der en fremragende oversigt.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Russia has launched an offensive into the Kharkiv region, and it has created a lot of alarmist news reports. In reality it is difficult to see what Russia's plan is, and it is not self-evident that it is a smart use of resources. In this video I discuss whether we might be seeing a return to the fragmented command structures that Russia had in the beginning of the war.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My old $200 Motorola G9 Power phone lasted almost 4 years with only very minor scratches. Obviously in that period I have dropped it a few times getting out of the car, where the phone sometimes work itself out of my pant pocket while I drive, and then it slips out when I get out of the car. But no problem on my previous phones, despite the Moto had cheap Panda glass front.

Then I bought my $800 glass back Xiaomi 13T Pro in January, and I loved the phone for the camera and good specs. But alas after only 4 months, and single drop of just 30 cm while sitting on the porch, the glass back immediately cracked! The back now looks like an ugly mess, and the high water resistance is very likely gone too.

For sure the last time I buy a phone with a glass back!!!

I wonder why glass back is so popular, and I curse the media for reviewing the Samsung Galaxy S2 as "feeling a bit cheap", because the back was synthetic, and drop tests showed it was 10 times as durable as the iPhone with its glass back.

Samsung did it right in the beginning, glass backs are a curse.

PS: I don't use condoms for my phones, if they need that for daily use, it's an obvious design flaw!!!

The glass back is supposedly there to give a premium feel to the phone. But because it's fragile, people have to use a cover, but with the cover, the premium feel of a glass back is gone anyways?
How is glass back not a design flaw?


I am not clumsy, that's why I believe the phone should be able to last without cover. This was the first time the phone slid out of my packet, and I've NEVER dropped it out of my hands. One 30 cm slip and it's broken. Where for instance my Moto had maybe 4-6 in all over the years, and remained unscathed, apart from some tiny scratches.
The sliding out of pocket does occur maybe a couple of times per year, but it's a low drop, and the phone should absolutely be able to handle that tiny drop, as it's an item for everyday use.
I've also never had problems with scratches on my screen on any phone, which is the reason people use screen protectors I guess, which I don't either, because they are ugly, for instance they create a tiny ring around the camera, and they feel awful IMO, my phone came with it, and it took exactly 10 seconds for me to decide to remove it, because I could feel the edge of the screen protector when using the phone.
But please stop with the dropping my phone regularly comments! Just because I dropped my Moto a few times (slid out of pocket) over almost 4 years! Always from low height, which it should be able to handle a few times.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Profits were expected to be halved from the 2022 1.2 tn Rubles, but instead they made a loss in 2023 of 629bn Rubles or £5.5bn.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It used to be very convenient that when searching for something that had a geographic location, Google searches used to show a small map which linked to Google maps when pressed.
Now all I get i a tiny useless map, that doesn't have any of the feature of Google maps, and often I don't even get that.
Anyone know why that is? And if there is a fix?
I use Firefox, but I'm guessing it's independent of browser, unless Google is up to their shenanigans again.
I've added Google maps as search option, which luckily is dead easy in Firefox to do. At the same time I added Open Street Map, to minimize Google map use to maybe show them they are losing traffic.


I think this is the reason as u/[email protected] writes:

If you’re in Europe, it may be due to the DMA.


You may also have noticed something new on Google, when looking for the address of a place: It’s now impossible to click on the map that appears in your search results.

Google is one of the “gatekeepers” according to the DMA (Digital Markets Act). The law recently went into effect. It is supposed to lessen the amount of preferential treatment the big tech companies give themselves.


submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The total combat losses of the enemy from 02.24.22 to 01.20.24 approximately amounted to:

personnel - about 375,270 (+750) people,
tanks ‒ 6171 (+4) units,
armored combat vehicles ‒ 11,455 (+10) units,
artillery systems - 8868 (+14) units,
MLRS – 967 (+1) units,
air defense equipment ‒ 654 (+0) units,
aircraft – 331 (+0) units,
helicopters – 324 (+0) units,
UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 6934 (+5),
cruise missiles – 1818 (+0),
ships/boats ‒ 23 (+0) units,
submarines – 1 (+0) units,
automotive equipment and tank trucks – 11,848 (+17) units,
special equipment ‒ 1389 (+5)

The data is being verified.

Beat the occupier! Together we will win! Our strength is in the truth!

Source Ministry of Defense of Ukraine : https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2024/01/20/ponad-375-tisyach-osib-bilshe-50-tisyach-odinicz-bojovoi-tehniki-%E2%80%93-zagalni-vtrati-rosii-vid-pochatku-shirokomasshtabnoi-vijni-proti-ukraini/

Translation with Google Translate.

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