[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

He's also got videos on his own channel, though I haven't watched those nearly as much so I can't vouch for the content (I'm sure it's fine): https://youtu.be/g2tyOLvArw0

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Here's the video with TAoM (weird channel with a goofy premise but decent content every now and then): https://youtu.be/QhVC_AnZYYM

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength is pretty good. Its a really simple routine of like 5 exercises using the barbell, and it's all about high intensity low reps. Makes it easy to get into and also makes your workouts pretty short, which is nice. I like to throw in a little cardio before and after too.

He did a pretty good series of videos with The Art of Manliness (lol) on yt where he coaches a relative beginner through barbell technique. Good info and none of that channels other politics are present in that series.

It's also the basis for Stronglifts 5x5, which is a pretty handy app that keeps track of a lot of stuff for you. But it's pretty simple if you're ok with just using a notebook too.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Some of my favorite SW novels back in the day were the "Tales From Mos Eisley Cantina" and "Tales From Jabba's Palace" books. Basically every chapter just takes one of the random background characters from those scenes and tells their whole story. Really interesting way to get a lot of back story about characters that never seem to get any other real love.

Also, the story of the rancor trainer is really heartbreaking (seriously). Good stuff.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago

Tbh Biden probably has a better chance that way (still low but better than more debates and a general).

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

This is great! Checking out Blame! now.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I've had it!

It's bad!

Taste is very strong extract, no actual pepper flavor. That's on top of a pretty bland chicken noodle. It had some heat, nothing crazy but more than nothing, but without the flavor it just felt completely separate from the soup. Like you just did a shooter of Da Bomb and then ate some (very mid) soup back to back.

As an aside, I feel like Ghost Pepper is going pretty mainstream right now, and there's some great stuff out there. Melinda's Creamy Ghost Pepper Wing Sauce is amaaaaazing, I go through practically a bottle a week; pretty hot for normies but sooo much flavor that I got acclimatized very quickly and it's pretty much my baseline now. Great for sandwiches/wraps or mixing with other sauces to pump up the heat (I put a bunch in all my Cane's sauces these days).

As an aside to the aside, Tobasco is no pepper-head's favorite, but their Scorpion sauce is actually pretty dang good. Flavor is decent, heat is awesome; very sharp and electric, gives very much the ouchie. Great for soups and chilis.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah I feel this. My dreams are usually very realistic and very mundane. It fucka me up because I'll dream about planning an event or doing a project at work or something, and then I wake up and feel like I have a bunch of stuff on my todo list, but none of it is actually real. It's not nightmare-bad, but it is goddamn annoying.

When I was a much more regular user, that mostly went away and it was great. Now I only rarely get to have any and it's boring-town dream city, basically every night. Looking forward to recreational sales in this area soon.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 2 weeks ago

Seriously, I'm always telling people about this. The most adament speeders are always the "fuck the government", you can't tell me what to do, come-and-take-it types, and it just baffles me because like, yeah, they will come and take it; in fact they love to!

You are giving the pigs a free pass to fully legally and justifiably pull you over any time they feel like it.

Obviously they'll still pull over anyone at any time and retroactively make up a reason, but at least then they are starting on shaky ground, and you've got a way better chance of beating any charges later.

If you hate the pigs so much, why would you make their job so easy? Especially if you're riding dirty in any way, then that just multiplies everything above a thousand times. And naturally, those that are the most cavalier about doing that always seems to be the ones that love speeding the most.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

This guy does a pretty good breakdown of the concept. Basically he says it's not a competition style, but a "survival" style. So much like Krav Maga, actual execution is a lot about using things like surprise and dirty shots to end the fight as quickly as possible.


Bonus: This channel also does a pretty good interview with Akkido Master Steven Segal, and he comes out sounding... reasonable and kinda normal?

(ignore the very clickbaity title, at no point does he "confront" him in any way) https://youtu.be/7Gt-7U1ctao

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

This one for sure. There's a movie that features the style, "Only the Strong", and while it was cool to see it featured, the movie is pretty meh and doesn't have nearly as much fighting as you'd want to see a crazy and rarely shown style in action.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

This was (and is) always my dream car as a ignorant but car-loving little burglerite. Just so cool and fast and nothing else.

I think that terrible short-lived show of the same name probably planted a worm pretty deep in my tiny child brain, so that might be part of it.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tropical Fuck Storm's "Soft Power", from their wild LP "A Laughing Death in Meatspace".

So many good tracks from this album, but this one is particularly notable for the geopolitics angle. The titular refrain comes from Joseph Nye's concept of soft power, the cultural and social influence of a nation, posited as the other bilateral avenue of global hegemony distinct from its counterpart, hard power, representing military force and thereby influence.

This one's definitely got a little "orange man bad" flavor to it, but is a little bit less just about that and more about the geopolitical power vacuum left in the wake of the amerikkkan empire voluntarily slam-dunking itself into the shitter, particularly when it comes to having any meaningful influence on the world via culture or human rights or anything like that.

If the style grabs you at all, check out Gareth's other work with The Drones, really fantastic off-kilter aussie-rock, with some of the weirdest and wildest guitar tones out there.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Link is to the original 2006 release, a bedroom-indie track about how cool bears are. If you haven't heard it, give that a listen and let it stew for a while before checking out the new stuff, because there's a big tonal and perspective shift between them.

Apparently, the artist put out the original track, which is mostly pining about the simplicity of a bear's life compared to the difficulty of our own. The artist then immediately went on hiatus, got married, both of their fathers died, they had a kid, and then they decided to make this album together just this year.

It's extremely beautiful and heart-wrenching, and the contrast in perspective from the break in time is really astounding.

If you've got kids, this thing is probably gonna sucker-punch you pretty good, so find some private time to listen and strap in.

The 2006 track (the rest of the album is just ok, imo):


The new album ("the dreaming's what carries you through"):


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