
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Epictetus mentions Jesus at least once. He lived during the reign of Nero.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

After some of the things I've read, it's easy to consider anything at this point.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

That title is word salad

It was too complex a concept to ask in simpler words.


So it's almost the end of 2024 and many of us are still in the "New Atheist Movement" mindset (not dissing on atheism, just the movement).

I was in a conversation with someone recently and it made me think of the title question. We had an adventure in philosophy. The person said they were from Pitcairn, as in the country known as Pitcairn, the one with only fifty people living in it. I naturally responded with "uhhh yeah that's going to be a big pill to swallow."

"Where are you from" the person asked?

"I'm from so-and-so."

"Oh, that one village in the Southern US with only forty citizens? I'm going to take a while to register that."

"But you said you were from an island."

"Literally the only difference between where you're from and where I'm from is it's surrounded by water. Does the water affect the odds?"

The message she was getting across seemed clear. "Proof" is relative.

At another point, we spoke about religion.

"Can you prove Jesus existed?"

"No. Can you prove Genghis Khan existed?"

"No, but Jesus made some high claims."

"And look at what people said about Genghis Khan who was said to conquer a whole continent."

At one point, we spoke about God.

"Can you prove God exists?"

"Well... have you ever heard of the church of Google? Is it impossible for something to be considered a true god? Are some things not based on proof but rather criteria?"

"So basically you're saying anything can be a god if you try hard enough?"

We also spoke of dating at one point.

"You got these guys who say 'pics or it didn't happen' but here I am, belonging to a subgroup of humanity that consists of approximately fifty percent of the population if not more, and suddenly I'm held in suspicion because the demographic of the specific community I was in had my subgroup of humanity slightly outnumbered, yet you can say you have something rare like ELS syndrome and people take your word. Go to Lemmy and ask what separates a claim that calls for proof from a claim more fitting in peoples' minds to take their word for it."

"Maybe don't make claims then."

"Why not? On the world's largest source of knowledge I can't make descriptors?"

"I tend to think peoples' definitions of claims-that-need-proof to be subjective."

"Hence why you should ask. But... does each individual have a consistent sense of it? Can they describe in words why claim A can be taken in their mind as is while claim B requires proof? And while some will say it's a matter of knowing someone and trusting them, if someone came running through Walmart saying 'run for your lives, there's a bad entity on the loose', I'm sure people would panic even though they have no proof of anything."

So I'm asking you. What separates them?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

What was it you said?


I'm not sure if this is going to sound strange, but I'm so accustomed to the voices of different kinds of people that my mind at this point just registers the many different accents as different voices within one accent (as in my mind doesn't say "oh that's another accent" anymore, it doesn't register it) and I actually miss being able to appreciate peoples' accents as accents, which sucks when for example you're attracted to them.


Question inspired by looking through the photography collection of a very controversial figure, and at one point I spotted her reflection on a spoon at a dinner table, and I thought "wait, is that Anne Hathaway?"

It's always fascinating to know when you secretly have a celebrity in your social circle.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Was going to answer this earlier but I thought maybe someone else might before I did.

Yes, you're on the right track, give or take a little nuance. On Reddit, this would get someone banned in a heartbeat, which is arguably not entirely out of left field.

To explain it in summarized terms, basically there's an admin of the ML instance and a community mod (the mod is from the community [email protected]).

The mod and the admin happened to meet up on a post about LGBTQ+ rights, the mod herself being on the asexual spectrum. The mod brought up (because she thought it was relevant, as a third party member I guess) that the American Democrat Party often appeals to groups (such as Islam, even not minding their extreme side) who have a history of not seeing eye to eye with the LGBTQ+.

The admin, who is known for being very articulate but reached a new low I've ever seen with this incident, tried getting his opinion in to no avail before removing half of her (the mod's) replies there, banning her from a bunch of random communities to get a point across, effectively made her leave the instance, exposed private information of hers out of spite if that wasn't enough, and then backlashed on Reddit when someone called him out on it.

Reading between the lines makes me think of the encounters I've had with Islamic extremists.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Was going to answer this earlier but I thought maybe someone else might before I did.

To explain it in summarized terms, basically there's an admin (of the instance I'm in) and a community mod (the mod is from the community [email protected]).

The mod and the admin happened to meet up on a post about LGBT rights. The mod brought up (because she thought it was relevant) that the American Democrat Party often appeals to entities (such as Islam) who have a history of not seeing eye to eye with the LGBT.

The admin, who is known for being fiery but met an all-time low with this incident, tried getting his two cents in, to no avail, before removing half of her (the mod's) replies there, banning her from a bunch of random communities to get a point across, scared her out of the instance, exposed private information of hers out of spite, and then backlashed on Reddit when someone called him out on it.

The response of mine above includes my suggestion that not doing anything might as well amount to other instances being victim to manipulation.

Considering the presidential debate just happened in the US, it brings to mind election extremism as a means of propaganda.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Cool-headed? What was going on I wonder with the modlogs inferring he spammed the ban hammer against her in four different communities (three would be unrelated) before the initiation of official instance action (all with the default reason cited, like he wanted to drive the statement of a grudge home)? The only thing she was elaborating on was how counter-intuitive it is American Democrats split their sympathies between the LGBT and the complete creed of Islam (hence the part in the OP about the LGBT, of note is the fact her asexuality is alluded to in conversation almost each time corresponding to something like this happening). Honestly sounds like a particularly agenda-based sentiment.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Many weren't public until he said anything and are connected to other personal info.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I can recover.


That moment when, if I ever get banned from the ML instance, one might as well tell me to treat it as an extension of the act of fleeing while entrusting Archive Today and the victim to relay this message (totally becoming of the spokespeople for the people's liberation, /s also I would not voluntarily remove a thread of mine, so if this is gone by the time you get the archive...).

I consider myself a typical Orwellian person within the ML instance (fun fact, stands for Marxist-Leninist) who believes in the validity of debate, diplomacy, and standing up for oneself, having signed up for ML because the others were overcrowded when I was led to see Reddit as bad news due to the API (yet here I am). If I don't want to engage with someone, I leave, and if someone disobeys the rules of something I'm the admin of (not any instance), I ban them with tools already at my disposal (as opposed to actual attacks using tools not anyone's business, and that was after banning her). Sadly this isn't everyone. Worth mentioning on behalf of someone afraid of breaking rules against block evasion/retaliation, being the Orwellian I am who won't stand for things like the creed-based/LGBT discrimination I see. I see this (unauthorized username revelation and a false excuse of finding a rabbit hole) and I think "what's next, will admins threaten to reveal our passwords as the norm in due time". The US is on the verge of banning Tiktok for such shit, and here we are thinking of ourselves as invincible, like some cult.

When someone then mentions it on Reddit with her permission (and yes I have permission too), he shows up, claims she has the same name on 20 sites (when the dox that anyone can read clearly shows otherwise, and I did doublecheck his new claims, they're false again), and tries to demoralize the thread. I'm ashamed personal attacks and stealing info/photos is the norm for my brethren. And I'd bet a pretty big wager to prove me wrong, just to see if people would think they can.

This is out of hand, can we either overhaul admins or defederate ML considering all the threats of banishments make it dead weight? Because I feel like a sanction is in order.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Show me a single place where they list every one of those profiles.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Did you really just dox someone twenty-fold and dismiss them as an intentional "firehose" of drama/nonsense without any proof/testimony/investigation whatsoever before banning them to get out of a debate? You guys are low.


It's one thing that copyright/IP is such a matter of debate in the creative world, but a whole new layer is added onto that when people say that it only matters for a certain amount of time. You may have read all those articles a few months ago, the same ones telling us about how Mickey Mouse (technically Steamboat Willy) is now up for grabs 95 years after his creation.

There are those who say "as long as it's popular it shouldn't be pirated", those who say "as long as the creator is around", those who don't apply a set frame, etc. I've even seen people say they wouldn't dare redistribute paleolithic paintings because it was their spark on the world. What philosophy of statutes of limitation make the most sense to you when it comes to creative work?

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