So what potential conflict would require your troops to know the government district of another country other than you trying to invade them?
Mongolia is an independent country. Inner Mongolia is a part of China and lies south of Mongolia the country.
Wir fordern die Aufhebung aller Tempolimits in der Innenstadt! Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger!
Auf so einen Quatsch kommt nur jemand, der die reale Welt nur im chauffierten Vorbeifahren wahrnimmt.
Genau! Baut dem Kleinen schnell ein neues Kohlekraftwerk. Aber natürlich nicht vor der eigenen Haustür!
I've been using Fitbits for the past couple of years.
A sleep tracker really helped me. The worst thing about sleeplessness is the fear of sleeplessness. Seeing that you did actually sleep, even though it felt like you were lying awake all night, really helped me put things into perspective. Also, it'll show everything you do wrong, like go to bed too late, drink etc. That way you always know why things aren't going well and you can also see how being disciplined helps.
Ah well. I guess a reinstall every couple of years or so isn't such a bad thing.
It's not white hot yet. I think we still have a few MHz of headroom.
I'm sure he'll be thrilled.
I switched my Mint install to Pipewire already. Just hope that won't mess up the upgrade.
Die hochaktiven Abfälle werden meistens in der Nähe der stillgelegten AKWs gelagert. Hier gibt es noch nicht einmal eine Idee für ein Endlager. Für mittel- und schwachaktive Abfälle gibt es den Schacht Konrad. Dessen Inbetriebnahme verzögert sich aber auch immer weiter. Das ganze Gelumpe wird also noch ziemlich lange da rumstehen.