
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 12 hours ago

i'm getting slammed by the covid vaxx i got yesterday, my brain was basically nonfunctional until i put 2 cups of coffee in

weird side effect: i'm really horny. everything hurts and my libido is like lets-fucking-go

[–] [email protected] 49 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

Efforts to make "straight pride" happen have continuously failed as they've popped up across the United States. In 2019, a "straight pride" event in Dallas infamously only attracted three attendees


[–] [email protected] 10 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

okay. SHAW-nah lea-smug

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

the little nazi that made this video can't even pronounce his heroic deutsche ubermenner's names correctly, he's like those pathetic Klansmen in the wolfenstein games getting corrected by the real nazis

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

first 'alternatehistoryhub' youtube video i've ever watched: "the only way germany could've won wwii"

most childish shit i've ever seen. i won't even link it for giving the shithead views.

the only finesse is in the first act 'isn't sealion silly?' characterizing the alternative as an utterly unimaginable scenario. but 'alternatehistoryhub's case is no less unreasonable. the BEF being captured by the absurd miracle of the sky being clear when the nazis were trying to bomb them? this is literally the POD. no magic german sea superiority. no magic german ground offensive. literally just the planes not faffing about in clouds. how this results in the BEF being german captives is quickly swept aside, when neither the strategic incentive to evacuate, nor the capability for the british to evacuate them is compromised

then the british, still led by churchill, somehow agree to a peace with the nazis for what the OP characterizes as 'light terms' that are utterly crippling the the british empire (no gibraltar, are you fr?). point one: why, even facing complete and utter defeat on the continent would britain submit? their strength was never their ground forces. a 100 years ago this same bloody thing happened and they didn't tap out. now they rule india and half of africa. actually fucking defend a member of that war cabinet going for capitulation when Clement Attlee, somehow the most humanitarian person involved, was utterly committed to continuing hostilities.

the germans managing an amphibious landing in essex is literally more likely than the fucking UK parliament thinking that an addition 100k dead/captured peons were worth peace. they had millions in britain and as colonial subjects. completely uncalibrated to think they'd sacrifice all financial stake on the continent and in the medditerrean for even 10 million poor folk. this is fucking britain we're talking about, ridiculous.

also 365 days of the clearest weather ever witnessed by humanity would not make have made the royal navy incapable of repelling the fucking kriegsmarine. sealion is and remains the most unrealistic fantasy in all of military history

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

i'd downvote you for this not linking to fettes vette were it possibletoriel-glare

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

just travel, not real living, i'm yanqui. it's a particular interest springing from explaining racism in the american context. you have to talk about the irish, moriscos, and catholic heresies to situate US properly.

e: Uncommon Dominion by Sally Mckee is my perennial recommendation for connecting the dots of racism, religion, and ethnicity in europe

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

i'm currently allotting a portion of my budget and time to inconvenient shit. we can do the cheap jank shit once we're tight, i'll take a long ass bus ride for first time hang

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

if you've ever been to southern france, spain, or italy, a lot of signs have the regional dialects/languages on them now. sometimes these are accompanied by an actual nationalist movement basque/catalan/sicilian, but it exists in places with no real independence/autonomy movements too. wtf is Venetia gonna do with sovereignty? the contrast is that these developments are at the same time as the national states are unleashing terrible oppression and controls on immigrants and minorities from beyond their borders. there is a palpable white supremacy in a place that lets the geezers that speak/write venetien (but have no trouble with the italiano nationale) have their street signs, yet there is no such accommodation for immigrants from africa and the middle east.

i actually don't know much about the linguistic situation in South Africa, i've just seen a lot of apartheid signage that did english & afrikaans. my vibe is that afrikaans was more the language of the oppressor and english the lingua franca from the colonial period, but i do not speak with any can speak to this much better than i could

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (5 children)

states can be multilingual and maintain systems of oppression. there's something there in that language is such an essential characteristic that it is rarely a place a nationalist project allows leeway, but it isn't unheard of. South Africa had afrikaans and english, the euroromance countries slowly expanding regional language recognition even as they are turning harder on immigration is also an example. i'm not well versed on Belgium's colonial language policy but flemish was certainly used by some portion of the colonizers

an analog exists in religious policy. religion was actually the kernel from which europeans first articulated racial difference, it's absolutely fundamental to understanding how people went from thinking skin colore was a quirk of geographical circumstance to something that made groups of people lesser and superior. but the US, the white supremacist state par excellence---is multiconfessional. this isn't a contradiction, just an evolution of the racialist ideology. but it demonstrates how the criteria are eminently modifiable and constructed. English people made the irish the 'other' by their being catholic, yankees have made catholics, protestants, and beyond 'other' through constantly moving the goalposts from religion to skin color, to economic status, to immigration status

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

TimeGuessr #489 38,317/50,000

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spoilerthis was so awful, awful dutch queen arrival at a time not outlined by any english wikipedia articles, random cairo scene with a 'paris shoppe' making you think it must be algeria,


and you should provide me with a good one to read! I've always thought it was weird a conductor was viewed as in 'charge' of people who are all using sheet music but I also know that a central coordinator that tells everyone to start and shit is probably important

how much influence does a conductor have? how do they interact with the other artists artistically and economically? i would love to peer into this a little bit


be prepared to defend your answers with citations. this is a Serious Question and i want Serious Answers as is the custom of Hexbear Serious Academic Roundtable


true archvillainy requires the wisdom of volcel juche


so i had a dream where a group and i were magically summoning like, liquid stone and by-hand forming it into walls--this is clearly half-baked and inefficient--so how would YOU make or enhance construction processes using magic, sci-fi technology, or fictional materials?


videos, short books, etc. im looking for it as supplementary resources for other reading im doing, i don't need intricate histories of scholars just what the schools are, why they're different, how that manifested in politics


hoping for some basic, short answers from the socialist perspective before i have to look at big books like literally called "The National Question in Yugoslavia"

for context i understand basically nothing about post-ottoman developments in the balkans, so feel free to start with what the fuck a 'Yugoslavia' was supposed to be before socialism too.

stalin-heart thanks in advance you wise Hexbeariens


Pantjikent is in the Zeravshan valley, and served as a capital for sogdiana at a few points. notice the elements of buddhist, iranian, and turkic/chinese influence


look at my recommends dawg why do i even bother going onto that site


you shouldnt let poets lie to you


2 of you that click on this do not realise that 2020 was 3 years ago. almost 4


specifically right now/recently. what are the recruitment paths, who do they draw? has it changed much? how different is the officers' disposition from the enlisted?

im reading about the Grande Armeé rn so naturally im curious about existing systems


i really hoped it was exaggerated but damn, comrades. this a british movie with british sympathies and unforgivably british casting

these fuckers didn't even try! yankee accents standing in for the french, i could accept, so long as they were different from the motherfucking english. but HALF of the french characters are fucking british?!?!?!

under spoilers for space, there is not anything to be 'spoiled' from this:

spoilercomically miscast historical personages who we've got dozens of portraits of:

Alexander of Russia, unaccountably not bald

Francis of Austria, unaccountably fat

Robespierre played by a man who was made to look exactly like Danton???

and the salt in the wound is of course, The Duellists. a film of infinitely superior historical calibre and consistency from the SAME fucking director.

character assassination of the Comité de Salut Public (typical of a fucking englishman)

caricature of both Thermidor and Brumaire, which you wouldn't think is possible as they were of utterly separate political persuasions, but of course they did that

a calculated removal of the Revolutionary Calendar

no effort whatsoever, in fact intentional mystification around the nature and sympathies of the imperial nobility, trying to play it like it was a return of the Ancien Regime

i did like that Talleyrand was shown to be a devil on the shoulder, but it was not treated with that he was a traitorous sleaze

finally, things i liked:

1792 issue french uniforms appeared in limited edition at Toulon

1798 issue austrian did as well, though apparently only for voltiguers/jaegers at austerlitz?

Thomas-Alexandre Dumas appeared in multiple scenes, but was not named which is super fucking awful

Josephine had a prominent role. and yes, we could do a whole additional post about how anachronistic the women's costumes were, but she generally looked very cute and i'm grasping at straws for things to appreciate here

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