Lol just like American cops and soldiers, they get infinite funding and immunity from the most power governments in the world, but they still think they’re alone in this savage world with only a Tavor in their hand
In fact, there have been many zionist opeds saying nuking the world out of defeat is a right exclusively for Jews lol
Fuck it. Red rhombus
The same reason why the FSB killed some of their defectors in Europe, and supposedly poisoned a spy in the UK. Sometimes you have assholes working for you with sensitive information
TIL all of Britain’s spies were a couple of guys handled by a single man
I can’t speak for you, but trying to be friends with people who don’t know I have a crush on them, with the goal of never telling them and hopefully moving on, has made me want to put a bullet in my brain. Especially when we become closer and I realize I still liked her. The only way I found any inner peace was by sabotaging it, i.e. telling her my feelings, and ending the relationship. If I could do it again, I’d tell her from the get go. Being rejected doesn’t mean a friendship cannot form, but being rejected when a relationship already exists is much more soul crushing and unlikely to lead to any alternative relationships.
Rip the band aid, and maybe one day you’ll both look back and laugh your asses of as best friends who truly care and love each other, but just not romantically. Or who knows, maybe it all works out.
Because people here don’t have positive leftist male role models besides dudes who died decades ago. So you go to the extremes out of ignorance/lack of viewpoints and/or a desire to appear as if you are The One Good Male
If you want a less pathologized term, it’s called a limerence.
There’s nothing unhealthy about it unless you’re mentally distressed about the sheer act of being attracted to someone or acting impulsively. That’s a whole different issue. Healthy people can fantasize about sex and a future with some stranger and move on with their day without disturbing anyone or themselves
It’s called an infatuation or limerence. It has nothing to do with patriarchy or feminism lol. You can’t control who you like. Self control is more important. If you like her, great. But if you don’t think it’s appropriate, then don’t do anything. Take her down the pedestal. It’s healthy to have a short term infatuation, but when it destroys your soul and mental well being, then that’s a problem.
Then why did the soviets ban religion