
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

When does it started ? Do you have law prohibiting smoking in public place like restaurant, transports, nigth club, office, etc ?

Because, while it’s true we see less smokers in movies, it’s the first time i hear US having a anti-smoking culture... Note that I include drugs like weed in the smoking culture and we heard a lot from it recently. And only from US.

On my country, since the 90’, it’s forbiden to smoke in public place, in the office, etc. They also increased a lot it’s price bia taxes, put labels on the packaging and the amount of smokers reduced a lot since. But hollywood still represent us as smoker ^^

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

First time war?

It has always been like that and it’s a reason a war should be avoided when you don’t have the power to maintain your military and economic force...

And it’s exactly why main leaders of the worlds warned russia months before the invasion until the first day of the invasion: "Are you sure? You should not move so many troops near ukraine border for your ’exercice’ Because you have more too loose as a super-power country"

He didn’t listen so now pay back!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

The frozen assets will be given back AFTER the war reparations costs have been assessed and paid in full by Russia... So they won’t see them before a long time...

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago

Ho, sorry for my reaction

I see so many people not grasping how serious the situation is (or just saying: he’s jockiiiing) that my blood boil. Also because last summer, I saw my grandmother cry while she was remembering how she lost her sister during the first days of the WWII (killed in her house due to the bombing of the train station nearby). She was 5~6 yo and her sister 10yo. All of that because people didn’t react strongly enough to stop a party and a crazy man.

Good luck for the election

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 days ago (2 children)

When we should start to worry? When it’s too late?

Young, I couldn’t comprehend how Hitler was elected, disgraced then could come back and how the people let that happening.

Decades later, i really understand: complacency.

Someone bringing the presidency position just casually say in front of the press that he want to hurt its opponent... In public.

Imagine what he say in private, with all his yes men and psycho writer of project 2025 for example... And we know it’s not an accident, he reference hitler more than once... He is in admiration with dictators... he want to be one of them...

Yeah, please "don’t exaggerate".

Don’t learn from the history. You’re lucky he is also stupid and old...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Well, get some covid masks in your bag at all time. Like a lot of us are doing since many years now... Don’t play with your health

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

You should read this and temper your expectations regarding AI capability: https://www.wheresyoured.at/subprimeai/

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Si tu n’as pas la "chance" de le vivre toi même ou de pouvoir avoir du recul sur ton environnement (suite à un voyage, des études, une mutation ...) et que tu ne connais que ton lieu de naissance, ces alentours,le même groupe d’amis, la grosse ville du coin pour le boulot...

Bref, que tu vis toujours dans le même groupe/environnement, sans pouvoir comparer/analyser d’autres personnes et comportements, tu peux très bien passer à côté du fait que tu es "raciste". Après tout c’est "ta" normalité.

Les études ou le travail, qui forcent souvent une personnes à bouger ailleurs et à se confronter à une autre réalité (via le mixage de la population) aident à prendre ce recul. Mais c’est pas gagné si ces derniers sont du même "genre" que l’environnement du départ.

Ce n’est pas pour rien que certains n’aient toujours pas prit du recul même tard dans leur vie...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

X is no more a social media... It’s a rogue social media not following the rules of the country it operate in.

You talks about double standards... Try first to not mixing totally not related root cause. Censoring vs Legals.

X could have been able to avoid that if the company had proper leadership in place.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Not sure, took me some time to remember we were talking about % increase.

Not everybody is natively good at math ^^

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Check also the codec to avoid filling your hard drive in 5min. Depending on your video card, you could use nvec, x264, ... codecs (in the recording tab)

Do some tests (including opening it in your video editor) to avoid bad surprise

If don’t have a video editor in mind, look for davinci resolve, it’s free and a very good tool.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Or, if can’t avoid it, use it but you cut the wifi and other crap and connect your own router on it.

I use the Turris Omnia since a good decade now, still supported, open source based, i can put some services on it (vpn, ssh, nas, speedtest, ...), put some traffic rules / ports redirection, firewall, dns, hostname/ip per mac address, pihole, wifi conf, etc...

If i switch to another ISP, I change the box and everything rework quickly...

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