
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago

It is mostly serious. There is plenty of scientific evidence on how car centric infrastructure, city planning and policies have destroyed walkable cities and require an in proportion extreme amount of space and accommodations. Cars as a means of transportation are wholly inefficient, you could put several dozen daily commuters into a single bus, multiple times that in a single subway train.

The only space where cars are not short term replaceable to great improvement of the general habitability of the area is in rural regions where distances are huge, people are spread out widely and communal infrastructure is simply too inflexible to accommodate the needs of the citizens.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think the 196 community is the originator, though I already didn’t know what they were about when on reddit, I mostly find their posts confusing. From what I understand the (only) rule is that the post title must contain the word rule.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago

How to get engagement on the internet:

  • post interesting, quality content ❌

  • post false information to bait people into correcting you ✅

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

Gottseidank. Ich bin selbst progressiv und habe kein Problem damit jemanden so anzusprechen wie er es möchte, oder darauf zu achten inklusive Sprache zu benutzen, aber niemand wird weniger diskriminiert oder mehr als ebenbürtig angesehen durch die Verhunzung der Deutschen Sprache und Grammatik.

Meines Erachtens ist all die Aufregung um gegenderte Sprache und Pronomen sowieso nur Augenwischerei, damit das eigentliche Problem der Intoleranz nicht angegangen werden muss, weil das eine Menge ungemütlicher Themen und Punkte beinhalten würde welche auch im Widerspruch zu typisch linksliberalen Ansichten und Themen stehen.

Beispielsweise die kognitive Dissonanz zwischen linker Einwanderungs- bzw. Integrationspolitik und der Realität dass viele der Neuankömmlinge tief religiöse Konservative sind, welche nicht viel übrig haben für die Werte welche sie willkommen geheißen haben. Die Realität ist nun mal leider dass man nicht alles und jeden aufnehmen kann ohne eine gewisse kulturelle Assimilation zu verlangen. Dies weder zu fordern noch zu fördern ist zwar historisch bedingt, und bis heute ein kontroverses Thema, aber in der Praxis ist ein gesellschaftlicher Schwelbrand welchen wir zu lange ignoriert haben im Namen falsch verstandener Toleranz. Und jetzt haben wir das braune Gesocks über 20%, weil die gemäßigten Parteien keine realistische Antwort auf die Immigrationsfrage finden und verlieren Jahrzehnte des gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

There is also a release notes link next to each update, which I personally find more convenient

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Wouldn’t you say the second season was a take on bringing real world problems into Star Trek context? The dystopia reality is an authoritarian regime founded on racism, and the planet is dying from ignored climate change, only barely being held together by essentially giant force fields in the sky.

If anything I found it a bit too on the nose for Trek, though that impression might be colored by this being the first real life issue of my time that is a topic in Trek. When old Trek shows aired the first time I was just a little kid and missed most of those; so I can’t relate as much.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago (4 children)

In my opinion they do not. When considering the meta userbase we really should spend more time thinking about the quality of those potential new additions than the sheer quantity. Right now, many things that make typical social media so annoying and uninteresting to me are not notably present on the fediverse.

No overt narcissism, less tiktok content, less utterly mediocre people talking into their camera about the most average and uninteresting things imaginable. In comparison the culture here is friendly and nerdy. I don’t think it will be improved by a massive influx of shallow, vapid crap.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (17 children)

My biggest gripe is that the all feed is not actually the all feed from across the fediverse, but a feed from all instances your instance is federated with. I understand why that is the case, but the fediverse really lacks a way to explore beyond your walled garden and its natural bias. Essentially this acts a mandatory content filter that I have not set up or opted in to, which I personally object to. I have the tools to show and hide what content I want to see, I don’t need it pre selected for me. Or at least give the the additional option to see a feed of all instances and communities across Lemmy / the fediverse I have not personally blocked or filtered out.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As a bald and bearded dude I hate that this guy ruined the aesthetic. At least I have lighter hair color so it’s not completely terrible. Is this what men felt when Hitler took the stache and made it his brand icon?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

First place must be Control Priest. I know it is irreplaceable class identity at this point but it is firmly not fun to fight a deck that has copying (or even stealing) your own cards as a win condition, and besides that does not much but drawing cards and clearing the board two dozen times. If I play any kind of control deck I concede right there because it is an auto loss against my own stuff.

I also hate playing against enrage warrior, getting killed in two turns by a 30 attack remornia feels unavoidable.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I am still a bit miffed the name was changed at all, I liked the uniqueness of wefwef. The new one feels very generic in comparison

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