
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Whataboutism? Really? That's the game we're playing?

Sure, okay, I'll bite.

Edward Snowden: He's a hero, no doubt in my mind. But from this perspective, no one has attacked him since his departure from the US. Formal requests have been made to extradite him and they've been turned down. Once on foreign soil the US respected Russian sovereignty.

Julian Assange: Okay personally I find Assange to be a piece of shit, but that aside, the extradition process has been followed legally.

Chelsea Manning: Broke the law. And while her initial imprisonment situation was absolutely concerning, it was legal. The legal process was followed, and the sentence given was far short of the maximum. Her sentence was commuted by a sitting president. No foreign governments were involved, so no sovereignty was violated.

Drake and Binny: Always were on US soil. No foreign involvement whatsoever. They were raided and Drake was changed with crimes. He received probation and community service. Once again, the legal process was followed and no foreign sovereignty violated.

Boeing Whistleblowers: What the fuck is this arguement? You think the US is happy one of it's biggest military manufacturers and transportation providers has serious quality issues? You think the US is taking action against the whistleblowers? Be serious.

Basically: you're saying the US charges people who violate the laws around information handling as criminals. Yes, that's true. Now, I personally am sympathetic to most of these cases. I assume you are too. Whistleblowers should be better protected, but at the same time some information, like the names and personal information of government assets abroad, reasonably should be protected. It's a delicate balance, and one I think the US could greatly improve.

However, these are not similar to the cases in question. The cases in question are actions by governments on foreign soil or against US citizens. This is an enormous violation of sovereignty, legality, and due process. That's the issue at hand.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

They even literally have a section of the article that says they "see Fair Software as an alternative model to the free and open source software model", and they think it's superior because the "developers can profit".

Newsflash: the developers usually see fractions of those cents while most of the money goes to the management and shareholders of the company that employs them. Hmm, doesn't seem fair to me.

Also, developers can and do profit from FOSS in many ways, but the most popular models are with commercial support, SaaS offerings, and additional functionality (like providing a web interface, clustering manager or other external piece of the puzzle to solve the problem at scale in enterprise).

Like you said so succinctly: propaganda website to make rug pullers like Elastic and Hashicorp look better.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I host my own to avoid running into timeouts, fairly easy

[–] [email protected] 57 points 4 months ago (2 children)

MRSA infection following hospital admittance for Pneumonia. That shit is serious and way more prevalent than people think, it's just that it usually kills people who are already terminally ill.

Unlikely to be an assassination. But not impossible. Either way, looks very bad.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago


The recommendation to shareholders from the independent advisor who proxies Boeing is to vote out several board members who are responsible for safety and QA. Crazy to see at a Fortune 100.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Accurate, but not bad, yes. It turns out standardized base systems and ABIs are important to an ecosystem.

Linux tried the disorganized free-for-all for two decades, and what we got was fragmented "Ubuntu admins", "debian admins", "redhat admins", "suse admins", and a whole shitload of duplicated effort in the packaging ecosystem, only for half the packages out there to be locked to Ubuntu or RHEL. So the corporate interests, and a fair number of the community efforts, centralized their problems and solutions into a small standardized suite in Mesa+Wayland+systemd+Pipewire+flatpak, etc

The result is a ton more interoperability, a truly open ecosystem where switching your distro doesn't mean hiring different people and using different software, and a lot more stability and maturity.

And hey, if a user or distro wants to do their own thing, they can make and own their niche, same as before. Nothing lost.

It's been kind of wild to watch over the past 15 years or so, makes me very hopeful for the next 15.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

No no you don't understand. The evil corporate overlords abused their power to force a choice on a developer, even though that choice was objectively the right choice and the developer was throwing a tantrum.

This is truly awful. We must not let evil corporations, no matter their credentials, expertise, and decades of beneficial partnership with open source, tell immature and short sighted developers how to develop.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

Yes, this in particular is something they need to bring the hammer down on now before others see this as a valid strategy. After the first 10s penalty he was out of the points and obviously consciously decided that if he was out any way, more penalities wouldn't sting as much as his team bringing home another zero point weekend.

It was egregious and unsportsmanlike. And I say this as someone who generally likes KMag.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I use FreshRSS. Can't say I love the interface, but with the open and standardized API, there are dozens of beautiful front ends to choose on any device.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

For real? Damn it that's going to be painful.

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