
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 99 points 1 year ago (7 children)

These people care more about an unborn baby than they do about the baby after it's born. Actually sad.

If every one of these anti-abortion assholes want to start taking the babies of families who cannot raise them then it wouldn't be seen as just a disgustingly hypocritical movement. That is not the case. If you want to start forcing women to have babies they can't care for but you don't want to take care of the consequences of that, you are the problem.

Nobodies out here delivering fully sized aborted babies for shits and giggles. Pregnancies are painful and traumatic enough.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

This is what actually fears me when it comes to diseases like the common flu and covid-19. There is no telling what internal damage these viruses have on the body. They often don't find out years down the line.

When I want to be really cautious when I have it and around people who have it. It's because I am actually scared of the potential damage it could have to me later down the line.

Not just with things like long COVID but also potentially things that could impact my health and wellbeing. Diabetes is only one potential example.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There best way to stick it to spez is to not take part, it's business as usual here

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

this is a teething issue with lemmy as a platform. It would certainly help to have a place where notifications go when posts are removed or banned. Currently that place is the modlog which is viewable by everyone

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

Looking at the post, it didn't fit the community, but it would also have broken Rule 1. Lemmy Shitpost is for Shitposts. Instigating discussion on heavy topics is not the purpose of this community

There are places for those kinds of posts, this is not it. I pride myself in keeping this place respectful, no matter where you stand politically. Posts that break the rules will be removed and I stand by my moderators decision on this one.

You're welcome to to your opinion and I will not be removing/locking this post unless it devolves into rule breaking.

[–] [email protected] 90 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Company: You need to have everything ready before the start of your shift.

Me: Do I get paid for coming in early?

Company: No

Me: Okay, if I'm starting before my shift time then I am going home early to make up for the lost time.

Company: If you leave 1 minute early we have to deduct an hour from your wages

Me: leaves

Company: nobody wants to work anymore.

Companies have normalised wage theft but call it what it is. It's theft.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Secret Santa gift ideas for that co-worker that will hate it 😈

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (4 children)

The top left one is kinda cool, ngl. Not very effective but think of the jabbing you could do with it!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Mine was lucosade... The orange lucosade reminds me of nosebleeds. For some reason that's what my mum thought would help me when I was sick and it was always lucosade when I had one... Then the orignal red lucosade I had when it was thundering and I couldn't sleep because I was scared... memories man lol

I've heard hot 7up being a common treatment for illness too, I'm kind of glad I was never given anything fizzy when I was vomiting. I could definitely see it being ruined for me too

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear that, that's strong of you to share that. Christmas is already hard enough for a lot of people who lose their family. I can't begin to imagine your situation, I wish you the best

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Admittedly, I too say it unironically. When my cat asks for cuddles, demands to be picked up and hugged. I have every right to call him a fur baby. He definitely acts like one. That and just "kid" because he is definitely a kid. It also sounds close to the ukrainian word for cat so it's kind of perfect

[–] [email protected] 36 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Something rather cringe and obnoxious in hindsight was the over use of the word "ocd" It was quite common in media and in my circles for somebody to say "I'm so ocd" when referring to some perfectly normal thing they do like tidying bookcases and organising things.

It's pretty cringy now and I'd never say it now. I feel bad for saying it... but hey personal growth I guess. I was in school/college at the time too so it was a long time ago. There were a lot of things that were common at school that I used to say that are definitely not pc nowadays and I accept that. I don't pretend to be a perfect and morally righteous invidual. I have flaws as much as the next person


It's stuck in the wrapper and I can't get it out!

Don't break it (

Lemmy, I need your help. I have loads of colleagues blowing up my dms call me the asshole but I don't think I have done anything wrong... So hear me out.

I [40m] have felt like I am being taken advantage of by a developer, let's call him Chris [30m]

It all started when I hosted a Q&A, during the Q&A a question came up about a telephone call we had in private. It came out of nowhere so I reacted quickly. I didn't think the call was relevant to the Q&A we were having but he brought transcripts! I was shocked

It felt like he was deliberately trying to paint me as a villain. I Thought that was it, but after the Q&A all of the moderators were trying to close their subreddits, some of them tried to change the themes of their subreddits and even more shocking they were turning sfw to nsfw so I told them all they had to take their volunteer work seriously or I would fire them!

They are all unhappy because of my stance but I am only doing it for the good of my employer, as my boss tells me we aren't making enough money on ads and most people don't like our website in its current state but I think it's rubbish it works just fine without the developers help!

Anyway, Lemmy please tell me. Am I the Asshole?


Damn shitpost got me angry again...

Rule (

cross-posted from:

Interpret it as you want.

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