Their song is about October 7 but they've been asked to tone down the lyrics and while originally saying they would refuse they've now agreed to do it. They'll engage in genocide but don't even have the spine to stand up to spineless Europe.
This is not the same attack. Maté spent years investigating a different chemical attack that happened in Douma, southwestern Syria. ISIL never got anywhere near Douma and were definitely not responsible for the attack that Maté has been investigating.
Two inexperienced pigs working overtime, running a red light and suddenly swerving into a building? I bet they're pretending there's no dash cam because it recorded them loudly snoring before the crash.
I can't believe I'm about to defend this thing but they're not actually calling it a taco. Sandwich is the product name and taco is the flavor. They have lots of different flavors, this one just has "taco seasoning" in it.
I recognize two names on the list... I went to school with them.
since this is for 1917 the Bolsheviks would actually catch up to me in a year.
I love the fact that the burger government measures money in warplanes, no matter which department.
The Daily Mails coverage of the story is focused on Rabbi Rosenberg's beard and even mentions they reached out to her to ask if she's trans but that she won't get back to them.
Who is in charge of sinking terf island? What's the delay?
There's an alarming amount of people who don't seem to understand that neutral on Wikipedia means "reported by western media". They straight up have rules against critical analysis. A source is either approved or not and by sheer coincidence, western media is all approved and all media in countries opposed to the US is not approved. If the NYT says the earth is flat and CGTN says it isn't, Wikipedia has to say the earth is flat, those are the rules.
Or maybe the tankies were simply the friends we made along the way.
For the record, this is the piece of human garbage that was fired from The Seattle Times for tweeting that Hitler wasn't all that bad.