
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

Dutch media are reporting the same thing: (liveblog) (Normal article)

[–] [email protected] 55 points 3 months ago (9 children)

“cis” and “trans” are prefixes denoting on what “side” something is. “cis” means “on this/our side”, while “trans” refers to “the other side”, for example:

  1. “Cisalpina” is how the Romans referred to their side of the Alps (modern day Italy), while “Transalpina” referred to land on the other side of the alps.
  2. There exist certain pairs of molecules with either a “cis” or “trans” prefix, depending on whether certain identical groups are on the same side or on opposite sides, respectively.

The modern use of “cis” and “trans” is generally about gender. A cisgender person is someone whose gender identity aligns with their sex assigned at birth, while a transgender person is someone for whom that doesn’t hold true.

In this meme, the person on the right is wearing a transgender flag for a shirt, and presumably offending the cisgender person on the left by calling them cis. The meme is making fun of the fact that some cisgender people consider “cis” an insult, when it really only is a neutral and non-offensive description.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

That seems like a good edit, and fair enough. Good to know that there is also room for people who want to use their computer in a non-fanatical way, simply minding our own business.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I don’t fit in an of these teams, and neither do literally all Linux users I know. Should we have identity crises, or could this be a giant oversimplification?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago

YouTube would be smart enough not to advertise Adobe creative cloud in the pre-roll ads of this video, right? Right???

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Och arm ziel, wat een zware examenperiode heb je wel niet achter de rug…

Engels was goed te doen (zoals volgens mij traditie is geworden). Het was wel lastiger dan vorige examens denk ik, maar ik kwam er nog steeds best goed uit. Alleen de tekst over de invloed van romantische poëzie op moderne breakup songs mocht er echt in stikken wat mij betreft.

Heb je trouwens verder nog leuke plannen voor na de examens (of eerder “het examen”)?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

Which compression level are you using? My old server is able to compress flac’s at the highest (and therefore “slowest”) compression level at >50x speed, so bumping the level up shouldn’t be too hard on your CPU.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Ik was ook veel te lang blijven hangen bij die cosinusregel voordat ik de 1,4d zag. Zo veel moeite voor een 3pt vraag, wie dat ook bedacht heeft zal wel een klein beetje sadistisch zijn.

Ik hoorde dat best veel mensen niet uitkwamen met die oppervlakte in de cirkel. Misschien had het geholpen als ze nog even hadden genoemd dat het dezelfde cirkel als de opdracht daarvoor was, dus dat je die gegevens ook kon gebruiken? Ik was er gelukkig wel uit gekomen na flink wat gepuzzel.

7,5 met N=1 is wel netjes hoor! De N-term zal vast hoger zijn, dus hopelijk wordt dat een mooie 8+ met normering.

Natuurkunde ging ook best goed. Ik geloof dat ik weinig vrienden heb gemaakt in de examenzaal door eerder weg te gaan, iedereen vond het een rottoets. Mocht je op examenblad willen kijken: iedereen had enorme haat naar vraag 7, 8 en vooral 9.

Maandag alleen nog Engels, dan ben ik eindelijk klaar! Heb jij nog iets te gaan?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago

I’ve been running some external drives on my server for about a year now. In my experience, hard drives with an external power supply suffer less from random disconnects. The specific PC also makes quite a large difference in reliability. My server is just a regular desktop and has very little problem staying connected and powering my 3 external drives. My seedbox is an old laptop, and has been having almost constant problems with random disconnects and power issues. Maybe test how well your framework does with some external drives before committing to the plan?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (4 children)

Ik heb het overleefd, ging eigenlijk best prima voor mijn gevoel. Ik was wel echt stomverbaasd dat de cosinusregel erin voorkwam, gelukkig had ik hem nog wel geleerd (op de dag van).

Het voelde wel een beetje alsof de examenmakers bij natuurkunde hadden afgekeken, daar zaten ook al heel veel sterrenkunde-opgaven. Sommige klasgenoten kregen een soort PTSD toen ze die opdrachten zagen (natuurkunde was lichtelijk traumatiserend dit jaar)

Hoe ging het bij jou? Meetkunde nog een beetje gelukt?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

To change the ownership of the files, you should only have to run sudo chown -R user:group directory. -R makes chown run recursively, so it will modify the directory and all subdirectories and files. Do note that changing the ownership to plex:plex or something similar would leave your user unable to normally modify the files. My solution to this was to add both my regular user and the plex (in my case jellyfin) user to the same group. That way both users can easily see and modify the files, as long as the group has read/write permissions (the 2nd column of rwx in ls -Al). If necessary, you can add group permissions with sudo chmod -R g+rw directory.

On a side note: have you considered using jellyfin? It’s a completely free alternative to plex, which recently received a truly massive update with tons of new features. Some people prefer plex’ overall experience, but I’ve been running jellyfin with almost no complaints.

Small disclaimer: I’m writing from mobile, so the commands might not be 100% correct. Run at your own risk, and NEVER POINT A CHMOD/CHOWN COMMAND AT SYSTEM DIRECTORIES LIKE / OR /USR. That’s one of the easiest ways to completely break your system.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (7 children)

Veel succes met WisB! Ik heb hetzelfde examen, hopen dat hij een beetje goed te doen is.

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