[-] [email protected] 4 points 9 hours ago

Ew. Don't sell AI-generated crap. Besides, anything generated with an AI is public domain. You can't claim copyright on it because you weren't the one who made it, the AI was. Have fun stopping people from copying it.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 13 hours ago

Smh, kids these days...

They're just too weak. They think their tiktok videos with the subway surfers and family guy in the corner is overstimulating. Back in my day we simultaneously watched 57.5 movies and cock removal YouTube videos while listening to the soothing sounds of trash compactors (natural) and we liked it.

(To be clear, imo auto-pausing media is a bad thing. I shouldn't have to jump through 20 hoops if I want to listen to music and watch a YouTube video at the same time.)

[-] [email protected] 16 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

Nothing to do with auto play. My phone gets upset if I try to have more than one audio source open at a time, regardless of intent (I have to install an app and explicitly state which apps shouldn't pause media); meanwhile my PC doesn't give a fuck.

[-] [email protected] 149 points 19 hours ago

My phone: "we paused your music/video because you clicked on another video/song/sound clip and we don't want you to get overwhelmed by multiple audio streams"


[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I've read it depends on the species. "New World" species tend to be docile with harmless or low-toxicity venoms with urticating hair as a defense (hair that can come loose and irritate your skin, giving you itchy skin). "Old World" tarantulas tend to be more venomous with aggression as a defense.

Also, "New World" tarantulas are usually fuzzy, "Old World" tarantulas usually aren't.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm gonna call that macro/micro streetpunk matchwave. It's when you and your mini-me go out in matching basketball gear.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago

Anon, I'm so sorry but your mantis friend isn't gonna last very long. :c

If you want a long-term segmented friend, try a tarantula. Those fuckers last a long time if you treat 'em right. Mine got to be around 20yrs old, and supposedly they can live longer.

I kinda miss my tarantula.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

You haven't lived until you've tried pizza on pineapple though.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 2 days ago

Damn, you know shit's getting serious when they add green to a temperature color gradient.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 2 days ago

I think a lot of millennials are "button-pushers" (aka enjoy pushing people's buttons) and love that kinda stuff; and if Gen Z wants to continue to get along with us, they're gonna have to learn how to not get mad when we intentionally press their buttons. Like, the 90s and 2000s were the best time to be a button-pusher because trolling at that time was an art form and form of internet comedy. Sure, trolls could be infuriating, but you knew they were fucking with you.

Nowadays, the term has been appropriated and redefined to refer to someone who spreads propaganda. Pushing someone else's buttons is now frowned on, not just irl but online as well. Sure, there are shitposts, but there's sort of an expectation that you're meant to ensure everyone is on the same page and not leaving people clueless. It's not like trolling where you're intentionally trying to mislead someone to fuck with them.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 2 days ago

Fwiw, feeder lanes probably shouldn't be counted in Texas because they're basically glorified city streets. Businesses can have entrances and exits on frontage roads, so there's not really anything special about them except that they have a slightly higher speed limit (50~60mph vs 40~45mph) and they have immediate access to the highway.

An interesting article to go along with this.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

The picture of the "Chinese 50 lane road" was an internet hoax. It wasn't a road. It is a toll gate, and it also only has 25 lanes.

If you're counting feeder roads, shouldn't toll gates get counted too? Even so, while looking up the widest road in Brazil that you mention later, I came across an article that explained that OP is actually wrong and that the Katy freeway maxes out at 13 lanes. The only way you get close to 26 lanes is if you also count the feeder/access/frontage roads. So the Chinese highway is still wider even if you don't count the toll gate (assuming you aren't counting access roads, though it might still be wider even if you count access roads).

The Katy freeway that OP posted has 26 lanes and is considered the "largest" road. The picture doesn't really show it that well, and I'm also not sure if the feeder roads ought to count. It "only" has 6 ordinary lanes in both directions but a lot of entryways, exits and other designated lanes.

I live in Texas and have been on the Katy freeway before. It's honestly extremely wide and makes you feel like you're surrounded by pavement.

Personally, I think access roads shouldn't be counted because iirc they're required by law (Texas law supposedly states that anyone with land immediately next to a highway must be able to access said highway) and treated like normal streets.

Like, on the one hand, Texas highways almost always have a road with at least one or two lanes running parallel on both sides that on/off-ramps connect to, so they should be counted as part of the highway, right?

On the other hand, they're treated as normal city streets, have a lower speed limit, can have traffic lights, have parking lot entrances/exits, and so forth; so they're not really part of the highway. It's not like you could bulldoze the access roads without potentially making a lot of homes and/or businesses completely inaccessible.

I didn't bring that up though, because I didn't want to risk someone getting mad because I was "minimizing the fuck cars energy" or something.

According to Guinness Book of Records, the widest road is in Brazil and is 250 meters wide. However this is also just a technicality, because it is also a 6 lane road with a really really wide median strip.

That makes me wonder if we should be counting lanes, actual width, or a ratio between the two. Imo a 250m wide, 6 lane road is significantly worse than a 169m wide, 26 lane road (Google says the Katy freeway is 169m wide at its widest). Technically the 6 lane road is greener because there's probably not as much vehicle pollution, but that's a fuckton of wasted space.

I feel like inefficiency should be the real target, but that doesn't make for good headlines or thread titles. Imagine titling a thread, "the Katy freeway is the world's least space efficient highway due to being X-wide with an A:B width:lane ratio" vs "the Katy freeway is the world's widest highway with 26 lanes". The latter is a lot easier to visualize than the former.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(picture by NCS_artist)

Rule. (pawb.social)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: I was trying to make a joke about how her new fondness for the number "34" was because "haha funny sex rule number" aka "rule34".

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey, I recently received a 14-day ban from lemmy.ml for this comment:

While I suppose it wasn't the nicest thing I could have said, here's what bothers me. They cited rule 1 as the ban reason. Now, lemmy.ml's news community doesn't have its own rules section, so I was left to assume that they were applying the instance-wide "rule 1" which was, "no bigotry".

No Bigotry.

Apparently calling someone a tankie and a redfash accelerationist is bigotry? Are they seriously trying to equate being a tankie with being trans, gay, black and/or native american? Seriously? That's incredibly bigoted and offensive; and that's ignoring the fact that the common tankie idols like Stalin, Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un are deeply intertwined with things like nationalism, ethnic superiority, queerphobia and the like.

Meanwhile, their modlog shows that they've dealt with multiple instances of actual queerphobic bigotry by removing the comment while also letting the user go.

Do we really want to be associated with bigots like that?

The thing that sucks is that there are communities I genuinely enjoy on lemmy.ml, however getting banned for bigotry after calling someone a tankie and redfash accelerationist while actual bigots are allowed to keep hanging out on lemmy.ml is like a slap to the face.

I'm honestly considering leaving Lemmy and social media at this point. It seems like my two choices are corporate-owned black-box algorithms populated by soft-spoken bigots and pissed-off centrists looking for an axe to grind, and FOSS-based federated platforms where you still have to tolerate bigotry because there apparently aren't enough users and interesting content otherwise.

Inb4 I start getting harassed by lemmy.ml admins or something.

Receipts (click links for images)

(Community ban)

(Instance ban)

(No rules for lemmy.ml/c/news)

(Rules for lemmy.ml)

(Transphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)

(Queerphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Edit for people who are curious: it's not Photoshop, it's a troodontid mask made by Archesuchus for their "Weird Birds" series. Here's what it looks like under normal lighting conditions.

Not gonna lie, I really, really want one. But fursuit heads are expensive (I'm assuming the cost would be similar since that's basically what it is) and I don't have the skill or tools to make one myself. :c

Jerbel rule (pawb.social)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Je(rule)amy $19.95 (pawb.social)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
YermaRule (pawb.social)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Rulma196 (pawb.social)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Rule of the lake (pawb.social)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Description: A giant snake lady sits in a lake. A man stands next to the edge of the lake and asks, "O snake of the lake, what is your wisdom?"

The snake replies, "Osamu Tezuka, the inventory of manga and anime, created old-school furry icons like Kimba and Bagi and had a secret collection of erotic furry art that he made which was only found after his death; so weebs are really just a human-focused offshoot of furries.

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joined 11 months ago