
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I know the feels, you are not alone

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago

I think it's because comics keep refrying the same story over and over again. Boot, let it run, reboot, let it run, reboot ... You get the idea. They try to spice things up and change stuff - the equivalent of remixing a classic song ad infinitum, some iterations will be better than others and you will probably like some more than the original but it's the same song.

Manga and anime have originality on the other hand. Even if some genres become cliche, each story remains a closed entity. Characters here don't end up elsewhere, and once a story is complete it doesn't get a reboot. This means the audience can relate more easily to a franchise, because there are not as many variants, and then move on to the next.

There is also less influence in Manga from current affairs, society and history, whereas comics always meddle with those three just too much. Mangas released in the 80s remain relatable today, but a lot of comics don't for example, or feel like they've aged awkwardly.

So it's easy for people to remain 'loyal' to an anime franchise, but difficult for the average comic.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 day ago

You don't, I'm sorry. It sounds like the only scenario you'd be happy in is if your friend is happy to share you, although from the sounds of your story your friend wouldn't be happy to share you. Which means one of you wants more in the relationship and haven't cleared business about it. I would recommend you talk this with them. Maybe it can work between you two or maybe you realise your friend isn't as dependent on you as you think. If they're clinging to you but you want to move on please cut those strings, they only become more and more painful with time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Yeah, it's not Spain but Argentina which is absolute chaos. I'm 99% confident the records are still on paper and getting chewed by rats in some moldy basement. It's OK.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Lloremos juntos hermanito

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Wait the IA is still going on? I've been getting an error whenever i tried to access it for days now

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Argentina. Most likely record keeping and digitization is just crap.

I don't know if I can be bothered with dna, but thanks for letting me know. Also appreciate your offer but I really don't feel comfortable. If I ever change my mind I'll let you know!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

My family tree has Latin American, Spanish and Italian roots. The Italian part before emigration is easy, but anybody else is invisible

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Hello. I studied fine arts two years, then illustration for three at uni, then did 3d design and animation for some other three years.

Let me tell you, making a living as an artist is incredibly, very very extremely difficult and even harder - at least three times harder - than what you imagine.

I'm currently struggling with a plebe job in retail. And I do have some solid artistic skills. I was usually among the top of my class, anywhere.

My advice to you is, drop sculpture and pick something else. I would not recommend fashion design unless you feel it's a super strong calling- remember you can learn these things at your own pace if they turn out to be something you still have an interest in.

Just pick something that gives you a "job title", anything. Anything non artistic is much more likely to be useful to you if you don't have a strong need or conviction to express yourself artistically. This shouldn't even be a question; an artist knows what they are and flies straight into the flame. It's crazy. If you don't feel the calling, please do something useful for your future.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

Why and how would we know if something like that could be true? Like imagine I say, yes! When we die we get a new life and such and such. Or, no, we die and we go to heaven and play the harps for eternity. What kind of evidence are you accepting to take something as a truth?


Just out of curiosity. I don't have a real need for this.

So I've been trying to find info on my great-grandparents but after snooping around in and I realise there are no records for any of my parents, grandparents or great grandparents online. At least not on those sites.

And so I'm here wondering, what happened with those records? Anyone had any luck searching elsewhere? I've tried googling the names and nothing comes up either. Hooray for privacy I guess?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

There is an overlap though, but first I'll answer your question.

Belief is anything you take as a truth, often without any means of proof. There are conscious beliefs and I guess subconscious ones.

Knowledge is anything you are aware of; your personal recollection of life data.

Therefore anything you consciously believe in requires you to first acquire knowledge of it.

Things get complicated because we usually take in most knowledge as facts and truths, which means we believe in a lot of what we know. But it's not easy to always know which knowledge actually doesn't represent reality.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Maybe they know them fairly enough, but haven't had a chance to express themselves


I'm not too bad at casual writing but when it comes to sales, especially to sell my skills, I keep feeling like I lack a certain grace or flair with words.

Chat gpt can help with suggestions but I always find anything I write with its assistance feels, well, robotic in a way. Awkward.

So I'm reaching out to you for your inspirational word material out there. English isn't my native language so I'm hoping to improve it further with your suggestions. Authors? Websites? Perhaps eloquent YT creators I can learn from transcribing what they say?



Turns out I have a disc bulge between two of my cervicals and it's pinching a nerve, which is very very painful and weakening my arm and finger sensitivity.

I'm not here asking for advice, rather to get an idea of what's down the road for me depending on the type of treatment I'll end up following. I am seeing a doctor, I have an appointment tomorrow. I also had a CT scan done.

So basically if you've had something similar anywhere on your spine I'd appreciate to know about it. Did you recover fully? How long did it take? What treatment did you follow? Did you complement it with anything such as specialized exercises, acupuncture, massage or else?


There is this guy I like, I have reason to think he may like me too but we're both playing dumb, or maybe I'm just imagining it all.

Yes, that's how immature I am. Now please help me.

We've known each other for years and we seem to get close to each other, then we take distance, then close again, repeat, repeat, repeat.

I'm terrified of losing him as a friend for trying to be more than just that. I've already lost people for showing my interest and I've also had to burn the bridge with guys who wouldn't give me space or kept hitting up on me repeatedly. This happens.

I would like to create a consistent, regular conversation going on. I'm afraid of overwhelming him so I don't even know what's a good frequency to reach out.

Personally the biggest challenge for me is finding ways to deepen our conversations. Things tend to stay pretty much on the surface most of the time, even though we can talk of almost any topic openly. Another barrier is our very different interests, we have almost no shared media in common (different music, different shows watched/liked, different videogames liked etc).

Usually when talking to other friends, conversations tend to naturally steer towards more meaningful topics. I don't know if I'm inadvertently holding myself back with him, or if finding meaningful topics has always been a thing started by the other person and I've never realized it.

So, any tips?

Have you got ways to deepen conversations?

Guys, have girls ever impressed you positively and how?



Seen this in many houses, people upgrade their lighting setup and install a dimmer. Which works. But usually it also makes the lights flicker unintentionally, which is super annoying IMO.

Now, my understanding of electrical engineering is pretty rudimentary so I'd appreciate more something that explains the concept in a way that Cavewoman Mothra can understand rather than something technically accurate.



Many times I've received enquiries through Artstation which are obviously fake.

The ones that puzzle me are always some RandomUnremarkableName + Number saying they're thrilled about my work and want to purchase it. No links, no job offers, no nothing.

Real people always give context as to which piece they want and why or something. I just ignore these weird generic fishy ones and move on.

So what's the deal with this? Are they just hoping to get my email address so they can sell it as part of a spam mailing list? Or is there something else?


Please go easy on me, I'm not very tech savvy. So I got a new android phone, and everything is ok except the audio. This is using the same headphones I used with my old phone, so I'm not talking about improving the phone's speakers or headphones, but the quality of the sound as it is processed in the phone itself.

There is an equalizer (Dolby Atmos) but after trying every preset and option available I give up. They all sound tinny or kind of muffled. My old phone had just a basic "Moto Audio" and it was great. Both phones are Motorola and I'm disappointed to see this downgrade.

So the question is, can I install something to fix this and if yes, what type of app am I looking for?



I miss the beef stroganoff


Pretty interesting find. (Not completely sure if this is the right community for this- let me know if you know where else it would be a good fit!)


Turns out Australia is removing 3G support nationwide and that means I have to upgrade. I've had my phone for at least 4 years but it runs well, I wasn't planning on upgrading for at least another year.

I want to keep using it, but I'm not too tech oriented so my thinking has been, " I can play music with it, some games, videos"...And that's fine. But perhaps some of you guys have more creative ideas? Curious as to what would you recommend.

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