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[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Until the tankies seize power and start killing the anarchists for being anti-state xd

Not all tankies would do this, but it's happened before and it's good to be cautious around those who want supreme authority, even if they claim it's just "temporary". If we see the Chinese state wither away and give rise to a truly communist society, I'll be genuinely surprised.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Sadly defunding of the space program has rarely meant funding proper welfare. It's not really an either or situation, or at least it hasn't been yet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Weird thing about this group of fascists is they're particularly old. Most previous fascist revolutions have been from younger(ish) people, like 25-50, as opposed to the literally geriatric Trump supporters. Unless the fascists figure out how to capture the youth, this is just reactionaries getting loud before they finally die off.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Presidents are above the law while they're in office. This case is unique because it happened before he was in office. The message that will really be sent is "wait until you're actually president to do would-be illegal shit".

Still worth handing him a harsh sentence, just to put the orange fascist fuck behind bars, but there shouldn't be any misconceptions about some true notion of justice here. Trump is just a moron, and didn't know how to play the game correctly.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Holy shit you're right, I'm an idiot. Thanks for helping me shift my perspective.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

If you didn't have an agenda/preconceived idea you wanted proven, you'd understand that a single study has never been used by any credible scientist to say anything is proven, ever.

Only people who don't understand how data works will say a single study from a single university proves anything, let alone anything about a model trained on billions of parameters across a field as broad as "programming".

I could feed GPT "programming" tasks that I know it would fail on 100% of the time. I also could feed it "programming" tasks I know it would succeed on 100% of the time. If you think LLMs have nothing to offer programmers, you have no idea how to use them. I've been successfully using GPT4T for months now, and it's been very good. It's better in static environments where it can be fed compiler errors to fix itself continually (if you ever look at more than a headline about GPT performance you'd know there's a substantial difference between zero-shot and 3-shot performance).

Bugs exist, but code heavily written by LLMs has not been proven to be any more or less buggy than code heavily written by junior devs. Our internal metrics have them within any reasonable margin of error (senior+GPT recently beating out senior+junior, but it's been flipping back and forth), and senior+GPT tickets get done much faster. The downside is GPT doesn't become a senior, where a junior does with years of training, though 2 years ago LLMs were at a 5th grade coding level on average, and going from 5th grade to surpassing college level and matching junior output is a massive feat, even if some luddites like yourself refuse to accept it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (6 children)

In my line of work (programming) they absolutely do not have a 52% failure rate by any reasonable definition of the word "failure". More than 9/10 times they'll produce code at at least a junior level. It won't be the best code, sometimes it'll have trivial mistakes in it, but junior developers do the same thing.

The main issue is confidence, it's essentially like having a junior developer that is way overconfident for 1/1000th of the cost. This is extremely manageable, and June 2024 is not the end all be all of LLMs. Even if LLMs only got worse, and this is the literal peak, it will still reshape entire industries. Junior developers cannot find a job, and with the massive reduction in junior devs we'll see a massive reaction in senior devs down the line.

In the short term the same quality work will be done with far, far fewer programmers required. In 10-20 years time if we get literally no progress in the field of LLMs or other model architectures then yeah it's going to be fucked. If there is advancement to the degree of replacing senior developers, then humans won't be required anyway, and we're still fucked (assuming we still live in a capitalist society). In a proper society less work would actually be a positive for humanity, but under capitalism less work is an existential threat to our existence.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Not all gamers are triple A gamers. I'd call myself an avid gamer (I used to put in easily 80 hour weeks gaming, now it's almost always lower, but I'll still go on gaming binges during long vacations or holidays).

The vast, vast majority of my time has been WoW and LoL. I have played other games throughout the years, but usually in the same genres (mmo/moba).

A lot of these games have entry fees of below $70. Right now most of my gaming time is cata classic, and that requires $15 a month. Over time that will obviously add up, but everything adds up overtime, and $15 a month is not prohibitively expensive for most people. Also it's really only $15 for the first month, just by leveling in cata classic to max you make enough to buy a wow token, and can easily pay $0 a month every month by just using in game currency.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Any chance you have an nvidia card? Nvidia for a long time has been in a worse spot on Linux than AMD, which interestingly is the inverse of Windows. A lot of AMD users complain of driver issues on Windows and swap to Nvidia as a result, and the exact opposite happens on Linux.

Nvidia is getting much better on Linux though, and Wayland+explicit sync is coming down the pipeline. With NVK in a couple years it's quite possible that nvidia/amd Linux experience will be very similar.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Coding happens in languages. This works much the same way as natural language, sometimes you'll speak in a way that is very clear to you and people who speak that language, but not to others.

sumSquares = sum . map (^ 2)


def sumSquares(numbers):
    result = 0
    for number in numbers:
        result += number ** 2
    return result

Function composition is clear to people who speak Haskell, and eliminating mutation/untracked side effects helps to keep behavior local and gives equational reasoning. You can ask your IDE what the type of sumSquares is, and immediately know without looking at the implementation that there are no side effects, and what the types are.

On the flip side, most programmers can read basic Python, the C family of languages has seen more adoption, and Python simplifies a lot of the syntax/concepts down to their most basic forms. Python tries to be the most like English, and this is both its greatest strength and weakness (English can be an abysmal language for structured data processing).

You can of course write the Haskell to look more like the Python, or the Python to look more like Haskell. But I'd say the two snippets above represent idiomatic code for those languages, and as someone who actually loves FP, I wish Python never introduced list comprehensions/generator expressions (what a lot of people would use to implement the above in Python). If you're trying to write typesafe functional code, you should just not be using Python.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

20 year olds are not generally getting night terrors from watching disturbing content on tiktok. They're not losing sleep, or coming away with genuine psychological scarring. We don't need government regulations to control media content for the sake of literal adults. And children in theory should already have their content moderated by the correct degree by parents, not the government.

It's just content I find dumb

If you watch anything on YouTube that you don't think is dumb, there is stuff on TikTok you also wouldn't find dumb. I don't use TikTok either, but I think you genuinely underestimate how much content there is, and overestimate how uniform that content is.

Considering the country that runs it (...)

ByteDance already stores U.S user data within the U.S, allows third party firms to scrutinize its data privacy policies far more than any other U.S media group, and has come back with a clean bill from groups like Citizen Lab (a Canadian research lab). No U.S userdata goes to the Chinese government.

Government officials know this, they're just putting on a show. Leaked phone calls have made this clear, the actual issue is the lack of policing around the kinds of content served. ByteDance is not aligned with U.S foreign policy interests like Meta/Google are. They are more than happy to showcase the horrors of the apartheid, genocidal state of Israel, and that's having a real impact on the literal more than half of Americans that use TikTok.

It's clearly against the YouTube T.O.S

Videos against YouTube's T.O.S of the October 7th attacks have been on the platform since October of last year. They're much more strict about removing videos showcasing the much larger-in-scale violent acts done by Israel than anything done by Hamas. TikTok isn't. This isn't a coincidence, and the U.S needs TikTok to fall in line here.

If they don't young people will continue to hold extreme views, like bombing tens of thousands of children in an open air prison that has been violating the GCIV since 2007 is somehow problematic. They need the American public to have the understanding that Palestinians are simply human animals; they're savages that need to be put down. Not unlike native americans.

Towards the end of the culling, when enough of the population has died to no longer pose a threat, they'll give them small territories like the U.S did with native americans and feign sympathy. Imperialism hasn't changed.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

When we say younger, we might just be talking about different age groups. I imagine 16-30, and in that age range you're not likely to come away with severe psychological scarring, but you will be deeply upset and that's a good thing (we shouldn't ignore genocide, we should be upset by it). Being upset leads to change.

If you're talking about like 10 year olds watching it, sure I can agree. They can't really do anything about it. They can't go out and protest, or advocate for change, or vote, etc. Plus they're much more likely to have genuine scarring. Issues sleeping, night terrors, trouble concentrating, etc.

As for "that content is dumb", I assume you're talking about tiktok in general. And again, for some people it's definitely not dumb. People get served different things. Tiktok isn't a platform trying to do good in the world, like any other social media platform it's trying to drive engagement. However, it's one of the few social media platforms outside of the U.S media interest groups, and that's why the U.S is either banning them or forcing them to sell.

The end goal is to censor all of that raw footage of genocide, because it changes views. When you can hide behind rhetoric and not show how horrific the mass bombings are, you get a lot more leeway. That's good for Israel, and why AIPAC and other Israel lobbies are the main forces behind this push in the U.S. In the end, the ban is bad for humanity (will allow the genocide to escalate without public backlash), but will be good for Israel and U.S elites.

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