
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 minutes ago

And if anyone is Dutch, or nearby, the battle for Grolle is being reenacted this weekend with some 1500 reenactors. If you like history, it’s VERY worth it.

Goddamn, that sounds cool as fuck.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 minutes ago* (last edited 47 seconds ago)

The Cohort is the largest division of a Legion, with each consisting of 480 men, except for the 1st Cohort, which is larger. Each Cohort is made of six centuries of 80 men each, and each century is made of ten contubernia (tent-groups) of eight soldiers and two servants (whether those servants were slaves or free civilians/semicivilians is hotly debated).

Each century is led by a centurion, somewhere between an NCO and a commissioned officer. Centurions were typically picked (or elected) from the ranks for bravery and good conduct, and were expected to lead from the front. Each century would also have a tesserarius - a guard officer who organized the watch and patrols - a signifer - a standard bearer - and a cornicen - a horn blower.

Each century would typically have a scorpio, a small artillery piece ('carroballista' is specified here, but that refers to a mounted scorpio, which would not necessarily have been standard). Not sure that there's a source for 10 catapultas (large bolt-throwers) precisely, but a Legion could be assumed to have some number of heavier artillery of that kind. 120 legionary riders would be retained for guard, patrol, and scouting duties when there were no specialist auxiliary cavalry available.

The Aquilifer would be in charge of the Legion's eagle standard, and also in charge of keeping track of some of the soldiers' finances.

The Primus Pilus is the 'First File' or 'First Spear' centurion, the senior enlisted man in the Legion. He was in charge of the discipline of the Legion, and whatever else the Legate decided to trust him with - higher officers could be a bit ad-hoc in terms of responsibilities.

The Prefectus Castrorum - the camp prefect - was the officer in charge of the camp and its construction as a whole, and was typically an office given to an experienced soldier. He outranked the First File Centurion.

The five tribuni angusticlavii, the narrow-stripe tribunes, were political appointees who served as aides-de-camp for the Legate. The tribunes did not always take their responsibilities seriously, as they were generally young men climbing the political ladder rather than career soldiers, or aspiring career soldiers.

The Tribunus laticlavius, the broad-stripe tribune, was the second-in-command of the Legion. Also typically a young political appointee.

The Legate, appointed by the Senate and Emperor, was the general of the Legion, and held near-absolute power over the Legion. Generally, the Legate was someone trustworthy (relatively speaking) and of some military experience.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 25 minutes ago

What's relaxing

[–] [email protected] 2 points 25 minutes ago

Big time. And a piece of shit. Had some nice quotes though!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 43 minutes ago (1 children)

Mine never reacted to different clothing either. He was a pretty chill guy in general.

If you went under the blankets, though, he'd desperately try to dig you out lmao

[–] [email protected] 1 points 49 minutes ago* (last edited 47 minutes ago)

Couldn’t do it in 1941, now could they?


We're talking about a genocide that happened 1938-1941

Don’t forget the part where America and Britain agreed.

Yes, I remember when America and Britain said "Wow, you go Stalin, I love that you've expelled and exterminated over a quarter of the Polish nation in the land that was once Poland, a sovereign state that one of us was outright allied with!" in 1941.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) (2 children)


From your own source

The population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine at the end of World War II was based on a treaty signed on 9 September 1944


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Are you arguing that Stalin was deliberately helping the plans for the Nazi conquest of the USSR

No, just deliberately helping the plans for the Nazi conquest of the 'east' that wasn't under the USSR's control. Or was Generalplan Ost only bad insofar as the Soviet Union was targeted, and the Poles deserved their untermensch fate?

by agreeing to partition a country the Nazis needed no help to conquer?

'Needed no help to conquer'

Fuck's sake. The Soviet invasion from the east destroyed the Polish military's entire defence plan. Is this really where we're at for justification of the Soviets literally assisting the Nazi invasion of a country the Nazis openly wanted to exterminate? "The Nazis would have conquered those filthy Poles anyway"? Are you being fucking serious right now?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago (4 children)

Because the ethnic cleansing of Poles as a cleansing mostly happened in Ukraine and Belarus?

Are you taking the piss right now.

A million Poles are deported from Poland itself, some 150,000+ are outright executed, and you're saying that the Soviets were performing these atrocities on a larger scale in Ukraine and Belarus, when there weren't even a million Poles in the whole of the USSR.

Are you fucking stupid.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

There is a fundamental mistake in seeing continuity here. Each monstrous government may be built on the bones and delusions of the last, but it is no more a 'Russia' that is responsible for these crimes than there is a 'Germany' which still bears the sins of the Nazis. Insofar as a people or culture may not recognize or acknowledge the sins of their forefathers, they may be lambasted for their callousness, cruelty, and stupidity; but they do not bear the guilt of the sins themselves. I find karmic talk in that context uncomfortably close to the never-ending blood feuds of opposing nationalists.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

No. Fuck that thinking. Authoritarians and their supporters deserve karmic destruction. End of.

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