
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I've settled on using wsl2 on a windows machine. I run Ubuntu and kali in wsl as virtual machines on my main windows computer. I was an early user of linux and bsd but have found it's just plain easier to run day to day on windows.

I run both Ubuntu and kali simply because I haven't been able to make sound work correctly with Ubuntu on wsl but it works great in kali, plus kali has all the pentesting stuff so I can play around with that in my free time.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Congrats on the neat gift! Only thing I saw on the site was "fits books up to 15" tall". I'd assume the sides are around 1/2" thick and the over hang of the roof is around 1.5" - 2" on each side. The bottom is probably 1/2" thick also so subtract that from the outside dimensions given on the website and you should have a rough idea of what the inside is unless they have some additional support inside that we can't see from the pics on the website.

I have been wanting to put one up for quite a long time but live in an area where I'm afraid it would become a drug stash or an invitation for trouble. I still might do it someday because I think it could help someone and that would outweigh the downsides. I hope yours gets a lot of use!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

I'm not sure if they would be classified as influencers but have you ever fallen into the rabbit hole of youtube reaction channels? I fell into it because of a band I like was being heavily reacted to on youtube but I quickly noticed there is a cycle of right wing propagandists like Tom McDonald and other music type people who get featured on these reaction channels. The majority of the reactors I watch are black but they sell their souls for the traffic they get from what I assume are mostly bots that watch and comment in support of the right wing propaganda.

The first time I watched one of those reaction videos I was awestruck by how the reactor was so agreeable to the theme of "I won't apologize for being white". I know it's only tangibly related to the topic here but I have been bothered by it and wanted to share and see what other people think.

I am convinced the reactors or paid to favorably review this stuff.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The other posters have given good info. I just wanted to add to try setting the fan to on instead of auto so it runs all of the time. This will help keep the air moving in the house and might help keep it cooler. Also make sure you check the filter and change it if you haven't yet. See if your energy company offers an energy audit. that will tell you if you have leaky windows, doors, or insulation problems. I have shitty insulation but with the ac fan running all of the time I can keep the house @ 70 - 72 on a 95 degree day.

I'd also consider getting a second opinion from another HVAC company, you could have undersized ductwork or another problem that the first company isn't acknowledging.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That's crazy! I like aviation but the track record of airshows has kept me from going to any the last few years.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I never said anything about condoning criminality. I said valuing property higher than life isn't right. I said this in another post a few days ago but I'll say it again. I live in a high crime area and I am sick and tired of people stealing from not only me but my neighbors and from businesses that support the community's needs. That doesn't change the fact I think it's morally repugnant to want to kill someone for property theft.

If we invested more in community building and opportunities along with courts and police departments upholding the law we would have less of these types of crimes. Where I live the police stopped policing because they got mad after several officers were charged with the murder of a kid they arrested. In my eyes that makes them the same as the people stealing from the community. The courts here rarely convict juveniles so the kids know they can get away with just about anything.

While I say I live in a high crime area I also know that overall in the US crime rates have been declining over the years especially violent crime rates.

Wikipedia Crime stats

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Your comment is on the nose.

I have had many arguments with people over the fact you shouldn't want to shoot someone over property. I'm a gun owner but I don't carry a gun and I don't believe a life is worth less than property. The amount of people I know who carry a gun and have said they would shot someone for stealing is incredibly high and troubling.

I don't know if it is a direct result of the daily dehumanization of ethnic groups and criminals we are bombarded with all day long everyday or if it is much more complex but there is a real problem in the US when large groups of people don't value other people's lives.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's fascinating how some of that generation have turned out. My parents are in their mid 70's and are on an edibles kick right now since they "are to old to be smoking". Their neighbor is the same age and has bought into the whole war on drugs and just about every other bit of propaganda authoritarians have put out in the last 50 years. The neighbor is a good source of daily excitement and stories that my parents like to tell us when we see them.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The top photo was taken (I suppose by a satellite?) with a polarized filter and the bottom photo looks like a drone shot without a polarized filter. The polarized filter will make the water appear more blue and 'see through' the non polarized photo shows the sunlight and smoke reflecting off the water.

I am quite unsure what any of this has to do with the fact you can look at both photos and see clearly that most of the buildings are burnt to the ground in the second photo. Does the lack of a polarized filter in the second photo indicate that those buildings really didn't burn to the ground?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Drill them out with a slightly larger drill bit then fill the hole.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It's complete shit right now. 5 or more years ago I could quickly find an answer to a very technical question with no problem. Now it is useless for anything. Just today I was looking for a shop near me that can perform a front end alignment on my RV, I searched for "Tractor Trailer front end alignment near me". The entire first page is either tire shops that do not offer front end alignments, car tire shops that don't even sell the correct size tires I would need for a tractor trailer, or shops 2000 miles away in various directions. It's horrible and I think it would be faster to look in the yellow pages for what I need in this case. I never found a shop using google.

Also today I was searching for the tires I need in the shopping tab there were ads for tires that google had labeled as wal-mart but when I would click the link it would take me to a Chinese scam site.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What's kind of weird to me is that the very little political content I watch is ostensibly left wing.

Same for me. I assume the propagandists have found a correlation between standup and people they can influence. I don't watch right wing stand up either in fact I purposely click don't recommend on anything right leaning when I do see it.

On a semi related note, I have just noticed in the last 4 days that there are a bunch of rap and black reaction channels giving a favorable reaction to that country song that was just taken off CMT. I actually took the time and watched some of them in an incognito tab and the reactions are suspiciously similar. The hundreds of comments on these videos are all the same and from users with names like suziwpgt3 or other bot type names. I can't put into words the dismay I feel about the danger of people feeling validated by these obviously faked or paid for reviews.

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