[-] [email protected] 16 points 2 hours ago

That would be the funniest moment of the entire history of the UK. Imagine the Tories with 0 seats. lol

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 hours ago

Bolivian Congress approves bill to join Mercosur

The approval of the protocol comes at a crucial time, as it coincides with Luis Arce's participation in the Mercosur summit in Paraguay, scheduled for next Sunday

Andrónico Rodríguez, president of the Senate, told the press: "We have managed to pass the bill that is Bolivia's accession to Mercosur, the law is already sanctioned and its immediate promulgation is assured."

The bill was approved by the Bolivian Chamber of Deputies in June and received final approval from the Senate on Wednesday night. The exact date of promulgation by President Arce has not yet been confirmed.

The approval of the protocol comes at a crucial time, as it coincides with Luis Arce's participation in the Mercosur summit in Paraguay, scheduled for next Sunday. In addition, the Bolivian president is scheduled to meet with the Brazilian President on Monday in Santa Cruz.

Bolivia's entry as a full member of Mercosur represents a milestone for the country. Mercosur, created in 1991 by the founding countries Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, seeks to strengthen economic and political integration in South America.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 3 hours ago

Imagine if they pull a Antonio Salazar on Biden? Like they keep pretending he is still the president and is running. Meanwhile they put Kamala on his place, like what they did with Caetano.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 3 hours ago

He will probably just use twitter

[-] [email protected] 13 points 5 hours ago

The current VP of Brazil keep posting memes on his twitter page. He once posted one representing the opposition as wojaks crying and trying to spread lies, while he would debunk them.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 23 hours ago

Relations between China and Peru.

China is very interested in the Bioceanic Railway project. This would connect Brazil and Peru via Bolivia/Paraguay/Argentina. The Chinese also want to make agreements with Peru about the oil that has been found off the Peruvian coast.

China is building a megaport in Chancay. It's currently the biggest Chinese project in South America, apart from the whole electric car and lithium business they have in Brazil, because Elon Musk is an idiot who decided to ruin any chance he had with Brazil by attacking a random Supreme Court judge.

But then the 2022 coup against Pedro Castillo started to really cause problems for China in the country. Both the congress and the new president are really unpopular. Pedro Castillo, although not exactly popular, had real supporters and his removal made people, especially those outside Lima, very angry.

The US had a lot to gain from the coup, as they had an interest in the oil near the Peruvian coast and the new president could prevent Chinese influence in Peru. When the protests got too bad and the Peruvian police and army couldn't be bothered to help the regime, the US sent in special forces to protect its interests in Peru.

But it seems that US power projection is so weak that Peru has continued to do business with China, the projects have continued and the US seems to have shifted its focus to Argentina and Ecuador, where it has "asked" these countries to donate their military equipment to help Ukraine.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 1 day ago

Brazil's Military approachment with China

Normally, in the past, Brazil signed military contracts with the US, Germany, France, Italy and Israel. This is in addition to the fact that many Brazilian military officers are trained by the Western Military Academy, where they are generally influenced by the right-wing propaganda that these places promote.

But since Lula da Silva took office in 2023, Brazil has been moving closer and closer to China, mainly because of the failure of the US to fulfill its promises to send aid and investments that Biden said it would. And this year, when the Armed Forces were going to buy their equipment from Israel, the Workers' Party pressured the Armed Forces to do the deal with China instead of Israel.

In addition, it seems that the Brazilian Armed Forces have started sending their officers to study in China, and Chinese advisors are also visiting the Brazilian Army for an inspection. Over the past year, the Workers' Party has been moving closer and closer to the CPC. And since Argentina was Milei'ed, it seems that China is focusing on Brazil, Bolivia and Peru in South America.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 day ago

Lula decides to recreate Commission on Political Deaths and Disappearances abolished by Bolsonaro (Tribunal to Judge the crimes of the Military Dictatorship) on Thursday

The four members of the collegiate body are also to be appointed by the president

Article about Lula da Silva

President Lula (Workers' Party) will recreate the Special Commission on the Dead and Disappeared, which was abolished at the end of 2022, at the end of the Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party) administration.

This was a campaign promise by the Brazilian leader, who had been demanded by relatives of victims of the military dictatorship (1964-85) since he took office for the third time.

Lula's decision will be published in the Federal Official Gazette this Thursday (4). There will be three acts: an order reversing a previous act by Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party), which abolished the commission, another dismissing the members appointed by the previous administration and a final one appointing the new names.

The president will also approve the choice of four people to join the new collegiate body. Federal prosecutor Eugênia Augusta Gonzaga will resume her post as chair of the commission, which she held until the first year of the Bolsonaro administration, when she was dismissed.

University professor Maria Cecília Oliveira Adão will be the representative appointed by civil society. Also confirmed were federal deputy Natália Bonavides (Workers' Party) and the representative of the Ministry of Defense, Rafaelo Abritta - who is a civilian and not a military officer.

Created under the Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Also known as FHC, Neoliberal President 1994 - 2002) administration as a way of recognizing victims of the regime, locating missing bodies and compensating their families, the commission was abolished at the end of 2022 by Bolsonaro, who is a supporter of the military regime.

Throughout his term, Bolsonaro also turned the collegiate body into a military trench, which even revoked recognitions of victims of the regime. At the end of his administration, he signed an order saying that the commission's work was finished - even though there was still a huge backlog of cases.

According to members of the government, President Lula himself decided when the commission should be recreated. Not only is this an issue close to the president's heart - after all, he himself was imprisoned during the military dictatorship - but there is also a trial scheduled for next week at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that will shed light on the issue.

The court is expected to hand down Brazil's third condemnation for the dictatorship, in this case for the death of student Eduardo Collen Leite, better known as "Bacuri". He was arrested and killed by the military in 1970 after 109 days of torture.

Article about the current Military Leader support for the Commission

Army commander Tomás Paiva defends the reinstallation of the Special Commission on the Dead and Disappeared

"It will be reactivated," said the military officer

Army commander Tomás Ribeiro Paiva defended the reinstallation of the Special Commission on the Dead and Disappeared of the military regime (1964-1985). The law was suspended under the Jair Bolsonaro administration (2019-2023). The commander's interview was given to the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo.

"It will be reactivated. People have lost people. They have the right to know where they are. As long as the person is missing, it's humanitarian for us to be able to know what happened. This has to be understood as a humanitarian issue. I'm just worried that, over time, expectations will be dashed."

Asked if the military will complain about the possible reinstatement of the commission, the commander said it was "people's right to know what happened to their relatives". "Even if they complain, it's the right thing to do."

The military officer commented on possible support from the army in the commission's work. "The army has always helped. There have been various expeditions, research. The Araguaia Working Group, for example. What annoys me is that sometimes people don't understand expectations. After so long, we can't find out what happened. But I reiterate: as long as there are people who have suffered losses, I think it's humanitarian. This has been settled for us".

[-] [email protected] 39 points 1 day ago

There are a bunch of low level far-right politicians in the Global South that give speech at reunions inside the UN building that are organized by Uganda or Hungary to speak about "Cultural Marxism" and the evils of Abortion. Usually no one is actually there to listen to this bullshit

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago

The worm told him it's no healthy

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago

Ecuadorians Protest Against Increase in Fuel Prices


Agreed with the IMF, the elimination of subsidies is contributing to output stagnation, social movements denounce.

On Tuesday, Ecuadorians took to the streets to protest against President Daniel Noboa due to the increase in Extra and Ecopais gasoline prices effective from June 28.

In Quito, citizens set up barricades with burning tires on the Chillogallo bridge, aiming to block traffic entering the capital city from the south.

On Amazonas Avenue in the city’s north area, people protested in front of the complex where the Central Bank, the National Justice Court, the Civil Registry, and other key public institutions are located.

The National Union of Educators (UNE) and the Federation of University Students of Ecuador (FEUE) called for the demonstrations in opposition to the elimination of subsidies.

They claim that that policy is part of agreements between the Noboa administration and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which are exacerbating the country’s economic problems through a combined effect of production stagnation and rising prices.

The text reads, “Ecuador dawns with protests in rejection of the gasoline increase ordered by the neoliberal administration of Noboa, who promised to bring calm with his mandate. The protesters have closed important avenues and roads in Quito, Guayaquil and other cities.“

“This means raising the cost of living and condemning more Ecuadorians to poverty,” said UNE President Andres Quishpe, who also indicated that the ongoing protests are just part of a large national mobilization that will begin next Thursday.

He also criticized the cuts to budgets for education, health, and social investment that the Noboa administration has made to meet its commitments with the IMF.

Another reason for the social protest is the increase in the value-added tax (VAT) from 12 to 15 percent, which the Ecuadorian government decreed in April, arguing that it was necessary to finance the “internal war” against organized crime groups linked to drug trafficking.

“The VAT increase has not helped to combat insecurity as Noboa promised. On the contrary, gang-related extortions and violent deaths have increased,” FEUE President Nery Padilla noted.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 1 day ago

Thousands of demonstrators in France rejected the victory of the far-right in the first round of the early legislative elections. The result allows it to think of a historic opportunity to form a government.

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