[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I feel like my comment in another thread is even more relevant here:

I have no direct knowledge about that, but if we take the analogy of the egg (shell, albumen and yolk sack) being the life-support system of the embryo during gestation, in humans the placenta would be a big part of that, and exactly whose body it is part of its not simple (from what I remember both mother and child contribute cells, and the 'plan' for building it comes from the father's genes). So maybe for chickens it could be ambiguous whether the shell 'belongs' to the laying generation or the hatching one. Seems like mostly a human taxonomy distinction to make anyway, obviously it's in between the two, but we like to draw the line somewhere.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I have no direct knowledge about that, but if we take the analogy of the egg (shell, albumen and yolk sack) being the life-support system of the embryo during gestation, in humans the placenta would be a big part of that, and exactly whose body it is part of its not simple (from what I remember both mother and child contribute cells, and the 'plan' for building it comes from the father's genes). So maybe for chickens it could be ambiguous whether the shell 'belongs' to the laying generation or the hatching one. Seems like mostly a human taxonomy distinction to make anyway, obviously it's in between the two, but we like to draw the line somewhere.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Brilliant! What's this from?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

I came across effect/affect swapping in university level textbook the other day, couldn't believe it.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago
[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

2008 and the start of austerity was now close to 16 years ago. It went out of fashion everywhere else but we bloody stuck with it 💪🇬🇧

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

Apparently you don't live in Scotland (west coast at least). Spring may not be warm, but we get some clear dry days, and if you're in the sun and out of the wind you can feel the heat. By summer it's so muggy and humid that 15 degrees (Celsius) feels oppressive. I used to live in Australia but the (not-)heat here feels worse.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

Needs more black pudding and tattie scones! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Also I like spinach, mushrooms and hot sauce with mine, but that's by the by.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Totally, it's a very important distinction, cabbage can keep for months under the right conditions. It would be unfair to judge the length of a PM-ship against the shelf life of a cabbage, I wonder how many would fail that test?!

[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

Lol at UK being more liberal than Ireland! Yes in terms of their abortion laws they were very behind until recently, but in every other way I can think of Ireland has been way more progressive. UK politics meanwhile (driven by middle England Sun readers) busy trying to brexit ourselves back to the spirit of the blitz or something. Can't wait to get my blue passport, God save the king!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I used to live in this weird apartment building that once had been fancy, so it had large common areas with fitted carpet; but now was "significantly less desirable", and residents used to let their dogs shit on the carpet. It was the cheapest 1-bed flat I could find at the time. 2/3 of the cars parked outside were recent BMW's or Audi's. Everyone will choose how they spend their own money, but some fall for the glamour of consumerism more than others, and for many young men with jobs but no families that means the coolest car you can manage, even if you have to live in a damp hovel and wade thru dog shit to get to it every morning 🤗

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