[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Win11 sollte klar gehen.

Win10 hat aber noch bis nächstes Jahr Security Update Support, wenn du also nur auf kurze Zeit das teil planst zu betreiben, wäre Win10 auch eine Option.

Es hieß damals dass Win10 etwas Ressourcenschonender als 11 sei. Ob das aktuell noch so ist weiß ich nicht.

Win11 basiert halt auf Win10, von daher ist da jetz net soo der fette unterschied. So oder so hab ich Win11 auf nem Surface Pro 3 installiert, wobei windows update behauptete es wären die notwendigen Specs nicht erfüllt. Absoluter bullshit. Rennt supi.

Zum entfernen von den ganzen requirements kann ich empfehlen, eine Win11 iso von der microsoft seite zu laden und mit Rufus auf nen usb stick zu jallern. Der Rufus bietet einem dann einige optionen an.

Wenn du nur den installer heruntergeladen bekommst: nimm einen UserAgentSwitcher für deinen Browser, oder öffne die download seite von egal welchem gerät, hauptsache das betreibende OS ist nicht Windows - dann kriegste immer die .iso als download angeboten (ja auch vom handy aus sollte das gehen)

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

Branch-Schutztür. Immer wichtig seine Branches in seinem Git ~~zu sichern~~ die tür offen zu halten.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Dumme menschen, die sich von populistischer propaganda polarisieren lassen?

Dumme menschen.

Einzige möglichkeit neben gelebtem Rassismus, der mir einfallen mag, weshalb man diese braunen parteien wählt, die für all das stehen was ihren wählern schaden wird.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

Good to know. Geil!

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

O.o was war so sehenswert bei denen ~~biden~~ beiden, dass dich motiviert hat so lang wach zu bleiben?

[-] [email protected] 33 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Jesus, i saw that picture and thought

well murica and their anti pedestrian street designs

Then read your comment.

Checked the picture.

Zoomed in. there is text.

in disbelief

thats actually a german crossing.

Got angry and dumbfounded at the same time.

What piece of shit is this crossing?!

Towards whatever Communityplanners on meth that did this: Fix this shit!

[-] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Nah, probably not. All routers you can buy today will route and by default have their firewall active. Make sure, auto-updates are activated on your router.

Check your server OS'ses and the Software running on them for updates on a regular basis - since they are partially made available to the public and are potential attack vectors.

Though if you only port-forwarded a couple ports that dont include the RDP port or something wildly stupid, you should be safe.

Follow some best practises as:

  • try to dont run your Gameserver Software as administrator but instead with a account with as low privileges as possible.
  • update your OS'ses, Softwares and Router/FW Appliance.

Don't let yourself fool by the guys telling ya to setup a full fledged firewall system when you obviously don't even know basic networking. You would be overwhelmed by the configurationpossibilities.

If you want to dangle your foot in some cold water - try em out and put some machines behind them to learn what behaves how. But dont make em your only protection against the public internet when you don't know basic networking stuff.

Happy Sailin' matey!

[-] [email protected] 15 points 3 weeks ago

Hört sich super an. Danke!

Die strategie, immer mal wieder einen reminder-post zu machen ist auch gut, grade wegen der situation, dass der initiale post vllt. nach wenigen tagen schon nicht mehr im feed angezeigt werden könnte. Ist eine gute idee, mit der das weitesgehend bekämpft werden kann 👍👌

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Gerne, aber bitte announcen, wenn geschehen, damit möglichst keiner es verpasst ^^

[-] [email protected] 21 points 4 weeks ago

European checking in: whats the name of the series?

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago

Jesus. The worst thing about this is that one might actually believe it for a short time. I did for a glance of a moment before recognising that this had to be satire. Something good: satire is nod dead yet :D

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

Ich liebe einfach, dass sich jemand echt die mühe gemacht hat, das zu registrieren und nen forward einzurichten ^^

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


just wanted to ask if anyone else is having this issue or if there is a known fix:

When opening Jellyfin on normal Android Clients, the Area displaying the available Media is reduced by quite a lot.

This is occuring in Portrait and Landscape Mode. It is particularly annoying in Portrait Mode though.

I didn't update my Server for quite some time. Today I updated and I suspect that the current/newest Version is the culprit here.

Is anyone else experiencing this or has a link to a thread where this issue was already discussed?

Cheers Sailing7

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi! I have set up my Jellyfin with NFS Shares from another Server. Jellyfin is able to acces those paths since it I saw it writing .nfo files in the directories of the episodes and Movies.

The movies and series are recognised correctly, but when I open said movies or series, i cant see the episodes and i am unable to start playing them.

It was able to find all epsidoes of like two series. When you open one of those two, you are able to see the episodes but cant play them. If you do, an error about unsupported formats pops up.

ffmpeg is installed in the directory that jellyfin expects it, so i dont have any idea why this is also failing.

Does this sound familiar to any of you fellas? If so, could you give me a hint or a link that helps me with this anomaly? Thx in advance!

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