Am I the only one here that checks the new releases weekly to filter and mark the interesting stuff to see in advance?
I took the "I will name him George, and I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him..." route. Now they know to leave me alone most of the time when I'm busy but will come to me if they need some love. Or they're really hungry.
The last one is: remove the liner in the cargo compartment in the door, pop a flap on the bottom and pull the little tab on the cable that comes out. Even of your know, in a full panic it's going to be hard.
Use the metal part of the seat belt to smash the window is going to be easier in panic mode.
The term is a bit confusing to me as we use "black" for working in the informal economy.
A bang big enough to blow up a typhoon is big enough to cause nuclear winter.
I guess we'll just have to call it Hong Gary then.
The Trump government will say stealing jobs is a criminal offense and deport any immigrant they can find, if it's not too much effort and they get some votes out if it.
You'd think by now Jean-Luc Picard would be a well known example and systems are able to deal with it.
Yeah, this is his daughter
"We call her Carrie, because of the carriage return."
You can also try to give the child NULL as middle name for additional fun.
A patriarchal religion is going to put a male figure in charge of course.
Gen Alpha. Born roughly between 2010 and 2025.