
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago

They really do infantalize such nations to a massive extent. Definitely plays a role.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

They'd probably say something like "only the colonized countries need to be economically developed not the core" or "internal colonization is a myth, read settlers". These people have the critical thinking skills of a shoelace.

Seriously, I've heard people try and argue colonies often have higher standards of living than their colonial masters which is one hell of a deranged statement.

[–] [email protected] 56 points 5 months ago (7 children)

I hate that even socialists make this argument. The amount of people who are like "China is economically developing these regions because imperialists need to do that" when they are obviously doing more than building a few one way train lines to haul goods. People who make that argument also tend to agree the west is imperialist but then don't ever seem to ask themselves why the west doesn't economically develop such nations. The simple fact is, the west doesn't do so because it's not really necessary for imperialist extraction and China does because they aren't colonizing the developing world.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The thing about survival games is that the busy work is the point. Participation in it at first and finding ways to get around it as your base gets more complex is part of the fun. You start from nothing and eventually through effort and planning get powerful. The busywork is the obstacle for the player to overcome.

Without the busy work survival games become some kind of BR. Which has its appeal but scratch fundementally different itches. A pizza and a burger are quite different even though both have bread.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

I really don't think Pals are a dogwhistle for humans. Its just a monster collection game where you can make the monsters do stuff. Its legitimately not that deep. Its not like a game is saying slavery is good or anything. Like sure, you can be mean to the digital puppets if you want, but really a lot of stuff is just head cannon. Are they working for you because they are scared or because they live in some communist utopia and work as a choice? Up to you. Really I think its just a way to put them to use for more than just combat. Plus it means you can focus on tasks you find fun instead of some of the busy work of survival games. Seriously, every game has things like this. You can take any idea and if you intentionally read it in a negative light that will be what it looks like. Does pokemon promote dog fighting? Ofcourse not. Even if it really is just digital dogfight simulator. Does Disco Elysium promote drug use because drugs have useful effects in it? Does Skyrim promote capital punishment as a good thing because guards will try to kill you for committing crimes and you can kill bandits for the government? Irl crime is caused by disenfranchisement of the poor, is Skyrim proposing we kill them all? No. Skyrim wanted an easy low level enemy you could deal with to learn the game and make some early money. In fact, any game that involves killing anything can be construed in such a way if you like. Ofcourse this isn't to say games can't carry messages, but I don't think this one really does. I think the devs just saw they could do some edgy marketing and went for it.


I saw a video recently of a racist brit being rude to a group of Chinese people filming a video. One thing weird caught me though, the Chinese lady who made the video took offense to him calling the Chinese flag communist, in the video she says that communist is a controversial and rude term in China and this confused me as its literally ran by a communist party. So what gives? Is communist a negative term there?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 9 months ago

Not surprising. People in the military tend to be quite far right and since the US does nothing to slow the spread of fascism and abuses their troops you get a perfect breeding ground for fascism. Especially since anything left is "too political" and "hurts moral" the only arguments for change in the military come from the right. I know people in the military and they very much border on fascism if not are outright fascists that just haven't told me yet because I shoot down their right wing shit in the few instances they drop it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Better than nothing. Like any org, local chapter is the most important thing. There are green party chapters with MLs in charge and there are PSL chapters with sex pests in charge. Try and see what they do in your community. If they do work you agree with, great, if they are inactive or you don't like the work they do, find something better. Can't hurt to check it out though. Maybe great, maybe terrible, but you'll never know if you don't show up and see for yourself.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It won't. What it will do is allow successful revolutions to have a large trade partner to help develop their country. But China isn't in the business of spreading revolution or defending allies like the USSR was. If Cuba got invaded by the US tomorrow I highly doubt China would do much more than try and coordinate with the UN to stop it or something. Perhaps they may secretly fund Cuba or whatever but again, I doubt anything directly. Not hating on China or anything. Its perfectly reasonable to look out for yourself first as a country. Even if it seems a bit, nationalist (because it is), its a reasonable approach.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (6 children)

Most of those are quite business as usual for capitalism though. Calling it fascist while good for drawing a parallel isn't entirely true. Its peak capitalist settler colonialism which is pretty close but not entirely fascist. Communist parties are still legal, people still have some civil protections (not many, but far more than you'd have in Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy). The US is basically diet fascist. Not quite fully there, but doing as much as it can to get close to it.

Like I said, if the left actually got its shit together then the US would happily fully implement fascism but really that is the only reason it hasn't fully done so.

[–] [email protected] 48 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (49 children)

About as fascist as any other capitalist nation. Which is to say if there was any threat to the Russian bourgeois by their working class it would be. Probably the only reason the US isn't full fascist yet is because leftism is so dead in this country that the capitalist class doesn't need to worry about such things.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

I hate Bernie so much. Such a scumbag. Advocated for the destruction of Yugoslavia and his constant grift of pretending to give a shit about the poor tricks a lot of people. More than that I'm sick of those who suck off this guy like he's some hero of the proletariat when he's nothing more than an opportunistic con artist. I'm so sick of the lesser evilism nonsense people try and use to justify this crap. Voting for lesser evil is all the left has done for fucking ever now and all its gotten us is a neoliberal hellscape. The democrats will never need to give the left anything because the left is spineless and gives its power away freely. If you're a guaranteed voting bloc your demands will never be even considered because they aren't real demands, they are simply polite requests. Policy is instead dictated by those who will jump ship if a better opportunity presents itself because they are the ones who may swing the other way.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks for answering for me. Haven't been on Lemmy in a bit.

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