I read a blog post about a leftist cis woman media figure who spent a day walking around topless because her location either legally allowed it or didn't not allow it. I think the blog was written by someone that was with her that day, and what I mostly remember from reading it is her just hanging out and doing normal things and angry cops saying things like "I know it's legal so I can't arrest you, but there's kids around so maybe put on a shirt or get out of here".
and I do kinda think about that a lot
I had already basically stopped listening to Rev Left by that point but seeing him just double down and be shitty to people pointing out how they were awful people to have on his podcast really made me never want to listen to him again. Like this was already after he had Black Hammer on and then they were shown to be a fuckin antisemitic cult, maybe you don't need to platform any random asshole who claims to be a leftist? I feel like there was even a third time he did an episode with someone shitty but I don't remember now.