
joined 3 years ago

I wonder what they were trying to hide...:epstein:

In Trance Formation of America, O'Brien claims that as a child, she was first sexually abused by her father as well as by a network of child pornographers. Supposedly, she was then forced by the CIA to participate in Project Monarch, which she claims is a subsection of Project MKUltra and Project ARTICHOKE. According to O'Brien, under hypnosis she was able to recall memories of sexual abuse — of both herself and her daughter — by international pedophile rings, drug barons, and satanists, who allegedly used a form of "trauma based mind control programming" to make her a sex slave.[2][3][4][5]

O'Brien accuses a wide range of prominent individuals — from American, Canadian, Mexican, and Saudi Arabian government officials, to stars of the country music scene — of being part of a Project Monarch conspiracy to operate sex slave rings and commit child abuse.[6] For example, O'Brien claims that George H. W. Bush and Miguel de la Madrid used holograms to appear to her in altered forms, saying that "Bush apparently activated a hologram of the lizard-like 'alien,' which provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes. In retrospect, I understand that Bush had been painstakingly careful in positioning our seats in order that the hologram's effectiveness be maximized."

ummm actually sweaty there's no evidence :maxwell:

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago (1 children)

Socialists and nazis agree that "the fake news narrative of "white supremacy" is used by the bourgeoisie to divide the working class".

pretty sure "personal accountability" is explicitly considered a sign of white supremacy, off one of those lists like either the Smithsonian website or the recent equity-math thing in Oregon.

radlib children doesn't know anything about neoliberal capitalism yet think we should listen to their pretentious lectures.

The left definitely spends a lot time complaining about stemlords

BidOld Neoliberal

Thats cause they hate us cause they ain't us


[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago
