
joined 2 years ago

I'll be out all weekend in the mountains pulling rock. Usually when this happens something big goes down... Usually related to trump weirdly.

Trump shooters, trump covid, trump winning in 2016, Biden dropping out.

What's happening this weekend...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 minutes ago

I'm gonna illegal-to-say


I'm gonna vote

Wait which candidate is promising to address perhaps the only issue that means the literal death of humanity?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 43 minutes ago

If a comrade needs a place to camp my house got space around it. We play better music to

[–] [email protected] 3 points 44 minutes ago


But actually hexbear does need a future Squidward. We've got others but we need future

[–] [email protected] 31 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

Personally I think they should install Linux instead.

This is the year of Linux in gender inclusive bathrooms.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 hours ago

Turns out he realized he is on the side against the people killing all his friends. Since liberals can not have friends it makes sense they'd miss that part. Stupid fucks.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 4 hours ago


"We dropped 1,000 bombs and killed a few dozen commanders and a couple thousand civilians. We also destroyed many many terrorist cafes and terrorist schools."

"We fired a few hundred missiles took out significant military hardware including planes, surveillance and command centers. Most of our guided missiles also strike clusters of troops or equipment. Regrettably a couple civilians were killed when missiles where downed over civilian areas."

One is good at tactics and one isn't. But which could it be

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 hours ago

Same... I'm finding that Palestine and Lebanon look startlingly like my own home.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (7 children)

I have seen more than one person mock the Iranian attack because it killed very few if any civilians. As if the goal is death.

Haha Israel has a higher score stupid resistance.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

I'll have to check it out. I've been reminding myself why math is amazing again recently. Since I'm a weird nerd just doing derivatives is beautiful but seeing visual creativity in math is awesome. There's so much there to do and definitely one reason people don't like math and similar is the way it's taught is so dry and formulaic.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (5 children)

Sometimes I feel stupid and then I remember that most Americans are functionally illiterate and barely know how to add two numbers much less do even basic calculus. Then I feel a little better.

Then I feel really bad again because what the fuck how is it 2024 and people can barely read.

Stream of thought time...

Season 1 of ST:TNG has a line from a child character maybe 10 or younger along the lines of "ahh dad do I gotta do my calculus homework it's so boring" and his dad is all "we gotta all learn the basics son so yes you must do your calculus. But don't worry you also get to do music." I think about this line. Education should be improving. We should be learning more and more things as we learn to educate people. We should be able to take advanced math classes as basics because we know how to impart knowledge. This would of course ultimately apply to everything. We could play so much music. Learn to write such great books. And yet it's just getting worse.

Anyway ya you're right it's crazy about marginal tax rates.


[–] [email protected] 40 points 10 hours ago

Paying to train your guards is expensive and therefore communist


Went to a library today to return a book and grab some more. They always have a few books out that they're selling extras of or whatever. I've got some excellent books there before rare oldies and odd little things. Today there was a book I really wanted but it was $170. I thought it said $17. I was so excited.

Oh well. This book is online but it's not the same.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry for the slight delay for day 3. I was far too tired yesterday to even post.

Anyway day 3 started well. By that I mean I laid in bed an extra hour before going to the convention floor. Once I got there it went downhill pretty quickly. It was busier than ever today with the anticipation of trump showing up. One thing getting everyone excited was Trumps promise to "free Ross" and the "free Ross" shirts flowed like wine. I was offered them many times. A breath of fresh air honestly.

3 rocking chairs holding shirts that say "Free Ross" and "Free Ross; Vote Trump"

Rumors among the attendees swirled as well about who else might show up. Would it be Harris, Elon, maybe even Barron Trump. One element of the show that I haven't mentioned to much was the focus on BTC mining and Energy. Whole area of the show floor dedicated to shipping containers full of computers that do can helpfully use up alllll your extra energy. Huge computing power dedicated to this.

A shipping container full of bitcoin miners. Ads for Power equipment surround it

After walking through a few boxes full of pipes and computers I decided to run through the art gallery and merchandise stalls again because despite there being more attendees today it was less busy. Almost the whole attendee ship was in line to get into Trump today. The main security line snaked hundreds of meters through the whole convention hall. He wasn't supposed to be on for 4 hours yet at this point. This lack of people actually walking the floor gave me opportunity to talk to some vendors who showed me their delightful wares.

The Tuttle Twins is an animated show aimed at the young boys and girls to explain "Delayed gratification, Bitcoin and the Dangers of Communism". When I told the vendor my wife was pregnant and we wanted to start bitcoining them young his face lit up. I only threw up in my mouth a little; only partly because of the horrendous animation playing on the TV behind him.

DVDs for a children's animated show The Tuttle Twins Season 2

There was also Bitcoin board games. Aimed to teach all your non bitcoiner friends how to bitcoin in fun and exciting ways. As a lover of good games I must really say for all the money some of these people have they put no production quality into anything. They all looked like shit and I had no interest in sitting and learning about blocks and lightning nodes via cardboard for 90 minutes. There was also the base58LARP... I dint dare LARP but apparently its world famous according to the sign.

A selection of Bitcoin themed board games on a table

And of course there was more great art. See the header image for one such elegant tapestry. If you listened to Hell on Earth this piece really highlighting how bitcoin is exactly like the Protestant revolution might be of interest to you.

Art piece comparing bitcoin to the protestant revolution

If all the art, commerce, and rampant extraction of the earths finite resources to smash a few numbers together got you feeling a certain sorta way you could stop in for a hit of IV hydration. sit down and hook up baby. An oxygen bar was also available in the industry area.

Men hooked up to IV's at a convention booth

After hearing an announcement from a philosophy professor at the University of Wyoming establishing the Bitcoin Research Institute (new theory dropping soon guys don't worry) it was Trump time. By this point the line had only gotten longer. Now truly winding back and forth across the hall unpredictably. A wall of people would appear as if from nowhere and vanish the next second as the line shifted.

Lucky I knew where a second security checkpoint that had almost no one at it (aside from a dozen or so SS agents taking wide stances and starring straight ahead) was. Plus it would take me to where there was free cold brew ("grown in El Salavdor, bought with bitcoin, and roasted in America"). It was probably for the best that the cold brew nozzle was clogged as my diet truly was only coffee these days.

The crowd was standing room only in the main Hall. Ron Paul was up onscreen talking about who the fuck knows what and Armed Secret service members patrolled the crowd looking for sloppy roofs.

Ron Paul being interviewed on a large screen

Finally the conference organizer gets on stage and gives a little speech announcing that Bitcoin2025 will be in Las Vegas and thanking the 8,000 people in the room to see Trump. He announces that up next is president Trump to huge applause. "Who better to lead the Orange Party than the man himself DJT!" this line provokes the man behind me into a hysterical laughing fit. Literally bending over and slapping his knees. I can not move away it is too crowded. The organizer goes back stage to get Trump and comes out a second later and says trump isn't ready before running away from the confused murmuring.

By now the rumor's that Harris will show up have died down only to be replaced by rumors Musk would appear live on stage with Trump. Even the Official broadcast they cute back to to distract everyone from Trumps absence are saying a "Special Guest" is in the building!

An interview on a big screen. A man is wearing a silly BTC/American flag hat

after 20 minutes the speakers stop playing the worst music you've ever heard and everyone gets quite only to have an announcement that someone needs to make there way to the exit immediately. 20 minutes after that we are all told it'll be another 20 minutes. Finally an hour late Trump takes to the stage. He stands awkwardly in the center of it while everyone cheers for him as his song finishes. There is no Musk. No special guest at all. Pumped us up and left us hanging.

Trump standing in the center of s stage weirdly

Honestly Trump was boring. He seems to have no sauce. Rizzless. Desiccated. Lame. RFK had a smaller crowd but louder cheers. However I will highlight a few funny moments: --You'll be passing the market cap of silver pretty soon. Maybe gold sometime. Pretty good pretty good.

--BTC is an accomplishment of human achievement, Love and relationships

--China is dominating us. "We want them to dominate folks but we want to dominate more"

--"I'm gonna give you so much electricity you'll be saying no more electricity please please mr president no more electricity"

--"I'll fire Gary Gensler Day 1" This gets the loudest cheer he managed. So he does it again. He just says it again for another cheer.

--I'll start a crypto guidance council to regulate bitcoin and all the other cryptos that are "very very good also"

---BTC doesn't threaten the USD the government does. Of course many Bitcoiners explicitly say this will destroy all fiat so I found it amusing.

--The military has not gone woke folks. They were very very good for me.

--The Gov will get more bitcoin and hold all bitcoin it gets never selling it

--The geniuses in this room ("well not all of you are geniuses. Some of you") are the modern day Wright brothers and Henry Fords.

it lasted 45 minutes. On the way out of the hall i got a good look at the RFK RV I had only glimpsed from the distance a few times all week.

RFK JR themed RV with a party bus full of dancing women wearing pink shirts next to it.

After waiting for trumps motorcade to go by to the cheering of all I can make it back to the hotel. I begin to feel a bit sick. Wonder if seeing only 2 people with masks the whole time has anything to do with it. Or maybe it's just the coffee based diet (I did get my free coldbrew eventually). Whatever the case its over. I can recuperate.

Bitcoin 2025 Las Vegas is 10 months away. I can probably come with an excuse not to go by then. On the other hand I'm a sicko and love torturing myself so if the invite comes again will I be able to stop myself.

I'll be in my backyard smoking weed if anyone needs me.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I started Bitcoin day 2 by taking a small amount of mushrooms so "not everyone at the conference seemed like an asshole". Ultimately I don't think that worked it just made my tummy ache.

Day 2 was no longer industry badge holders only so it was massively more busy. Really the first day in a way. First of all there were way more pigs and rent-a-pigs. 2+ private companies, locale PD, TSA, and secret service off the top. Plus of course a few "totally not cops" wandering around not suspiciously at all. This made the line into the main stage area so long that you would find its tail randomly in the middle of the convention floor hundreds of yards away from the security checkpoint.

The vibe today was different as well. With so many more people the level of grift has lowered. Now not only were there bitcoiners trying to sell each other new wallets or advertising yet another mining resale service but just regular type people. You could tell by the way they looked around with vague confusion yet obvious hope. Many people are drawn to Bitcoin for an alternative to whatever isn't working. I can't afford my groceries any more and these bitcoiners say they can help let's check it out sorta deal.

There were many keynotes and talks today. As yesterday they ranged from mind melting libertarian screeds to intriguing bits of tech talk.

Phill Zimmerman, inventor of PGP, gave a short talk about why the US is fighting against E2EE. Pretty good besides his need to keep saying "the US is doing this, obviously china is doing it more"

It was also a day of political speeches on the main stage. All MCd by this guy:


The human rights foundation spoke about people needing to check their financial privileges and argued that Bitcoin allows those in disadvantaged areas to potentially transmit value sans government approval and banking institutions. Perhaps the most compelling talk of the day and at least attempting to make a True case for crypto.

By now though I had only drank 3 cups of coffee, including some free Bitcoin coffee (not made by robots which were broken today whenever I walked by), and nothing else. My stomach was loving it.

Unfortunately I was looking masc today and wouldn't you know it at Bitcoin 2024 the men's bathrooms had long lines and the women's didn't. Didn't want to argue with libertarians about gender so no quick women's room run for me.

In the afternoon the main stage had senators Tim Scott and Cynthia Lummis. Who spent the whole time just saying each other's names repeatedly. "If the government controls the money then they control us" says two senators to standing ovation.

20 minutes late they finally shut up and allow the giant Snowden head to dominate the stage. He gave perhaps the best talk of the day and essentially begged everyone to take his warnings about the lack of privacy on BTC blcokchain seriously. Lots of clapping and yet the block chain remains insecure. But that's what he's always done. Begged to be taken seriously while everyone pretends to care but does not heed him. Declares the US to be (becoming) the "Land of the fee home of the slave" to end his speech.

Between every speech ads play. This trailer for "God bless bitcoin" was incessant. Don't worry the animation remains shitty

Next was RFK jr. Now this was when the crowd really got wild. Absolutely jam packed audience. Nowhere to stand but the far back of the giant hall. He declares his Bitcoin policy. He declares himself the first Bitcoin president And says it's strange that since the fall of the Soviet Union America has gotten less free. A paradox he says. LOL. He ends his speech with something like "I'm not red, blue or even purple. Those are the party's colors. I consider myself orange. Trump may have orange hair but I have an orange heart" crowd goes fuckin insane.

Finally it was Russell Brand and the CEO of Rumble's turn. They just spent the few minutes I was there going back and forth about how awesome each other is.

I couldn't handle anymore so I stumbled out of the convention hall to try and find some food away from the conference. As a final goodbye for the day I saw the Cyber truck Bitcoin edition from the header. I've seen more bazingamobiles here than I have anywhere else ever. Most aren't quite so ugly just the normal amount.

I'm so tired. Tomorrow surely will be great. They've banned large bags and backpacks from the whole convention for the day. Trump will be there at 3 rumors persist that Harris will show up. The lines will be longer.

These photos are big maybe i should shrink em for tomorrow.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Day 1 I was on edge immediately as I was told no bears were allowed upon entering. It was also industry day (why do I have an industry badge I don't know just for this extra day I guess)

I soon realized I was in a fever dream of libertarian 4channery when I strolled through the Bitcoin Art gallery and saw the paintings.

The vendors hall was just as feverish. The panties for Bitcoin booth was especially... Revealing. However the busiest booth was the BTC trading cards. And of course the multiple booths dedicated to not paying income tax.

There were also robots making coffee. Of course for each coffee robot was a man standing behind it waiting for it to fuck up and need help.

And of course everyone is very hype that trump is coming... As you can see in the main pic. no time has been wasted by the bitcoiners after the trump attempt.

During registration I realized there are also Whale passes. These things are insanely pricey and get you nothing but "The Deep" a tiny lounge area. And some special seating. Guess the price of these fuckin things... Main passes cost ~$700 industry passes ~$4k...

spoilerWhale passes ~$20k
Obviously a discount if you pay in BTC. so that's a steal then.

Check the map for all the sweet perks being a whale gives ya.

Talks during the day ranged from boring nothing about how great BTC is, to a few interesting technical talks, to having the most ghoulish people imaginable on stage. A black rock exec for instance and minister from Dubai.

This talk was followed by libertarian excellence. "Why is black rock here these people are rent seeking scum" true my friend maybe examine why your perfect coin is so infected with them. Maybe push at your ideology a little. Definitely got the biggest crowd reaction though and most enjoyable personally since they almost said true statements.

Later we went to a podcast live show in a bar. On entrance we were greeted with what the lady at the door said was the most beautiful ice sculpture she'd ever seen. It was no sculpture of lenin I was disappointed to find.

Easily the funniest part of the day. They had a comedian come up and roast the hosts. When his jokes weren't just "you gay" or "who here is a n*****?" he was pretty good at roasting bitcoiners.

There was also a hotdog eating contest. One guest just loved bukele. He had the biggest cowboy hat I ever saw.

Overall day 1: 10% technically interesting, 40% libertarian madness, 50% fever dream. Ready for day 2 let's go.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There's so much great art here at Bitcoin2024.

Help I'm in hell

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Truly a genius. Far too dangerous


Firstly hilarious that BI is basically just posting message board comments as news.

But also those comments are expectedly hideous.


Spring is arriving. I wish to be outside doing basically anything. Some late season snow showing or skiing, some hiking, climbing and camping.

Instead I gotta sit here and work to make money. Totally stupid.

Anyway that's all just feeling the call to the mountains.


Truly simply the worst. My favorite part is where they just straight up say Israelis are fuckin loser cry babies.

Escape-room experts say participants generally “win” about 30% to 40% of the time. But Turkenich always makes sure his customers complete their mission.

“Everyone in Israel thinks they’re so smart and they, you know, blame the operator if they don’t win,” he said.

“Because of our history, we have to win because we can’t afford losing.”


Chuds really hate when other people are also having fun. I mean Breckenridge is like one of the most gentrified fuckin places and yet chuds still complain because of a little lingering counterculture. If you can even call such weed funny things countercultural anymore.


If you're only reference for terrorists are movie villains this makes complete sense.

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