Continues along:
“If we become increasingly apathetic in modern times - well, so do fish on river banks, after a little while. Our children often come to resemble apathetic fish - except that fish can't play guitars. And what do many of our children attempt to do? They attempt to form folk societies, which they call "communes." They fail. The generation gap is an argument between those who believe folk societies are still possible and those who know they aren't.
Older persons form clubs and corporations and the like. Those who form them pretend to be interested in this or that narrow aspect of life. Members of the Lions Club pretend to be interested in the cure and prevention of diseases of the eye. They are in fact lonesome Neanderthalers, obeying the First Law of Life, which is this: "Human beings become increasingly contented as they approach the simpleminded, brotherly conditions of a folk society."
Only possible in a socialist system, in which inter-personal relationships are not commodified as we currently are overwhelmed by today.
Carlin speaks pretty profoundly about this subject too. Will see if I can find some stuff later…
“ I fear that Allied policy may be no more than to achieve Fascism which will favor us instead of favor Germany.”
“Germany lost the Second World War; fascism won it."