[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago

Are they breaking a site-wide rule? Can you link me to an instance of user abuse? 🧐

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago

I hope not, lmfao.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

I appreciate your efforts so much. ❤️

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Leslie time, y'all. Surprisingly, this is my first Leslie post of the week. Consider yourselves lucky.

Up for discussion this week is anything from chapters 7 through 8. These discussion points kinda majorly fucking suck still.

  • What are your feelings about the book overall?
  • How did you react to Leslie spitting mad anti-capitalist facts in chapter 8? :CommiePOGGERS:
  • Are you still on your "lesser-of-two-evils" bullshit? 👀
  • What did you learn?
  • Was anything eye opening to you?
  • Are there any misconceptions about particular aspects of the trans community that have maybe been torn down?
  • Did anything make you reflect on how you view your own gender identity or expression?
  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • Are there things that brought out intense emotion?
  • Was there anything that really reaffirmed your beliefs as a leftist or motivated you to be more based like Leslie? - Please, God. Remove me from this nightmare.

This thread will be featured for 24 hours then will remain pinned in !transenby_liberation for the remainder of the week. I'm thinking about keeping a general discussion thread pinned in the comm for anyone listening to the audio books to chime in and drop comments.

original thread
week #1 thread
week #2 thread
pdf download
epub download - Huge shout out to comrade @EugeneDebs for putting this together. I realized I didn't credit them in either post but here it is. I appreciate your efforts. ❤️
chapter 1 audiobook - Huge shout out to comrade @futomes for recording these. No words can truly express my appreciation for this. Thank you so much. ❤️
chapter 2 audiobook
chapter 3 audiobook
chapter 4 audiobook
chapter 5 audiobook
chapter 6 audiobook
chapter 7 audiobook
chapter 8 audiobook

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago

Later, dweeb. :CommiePOGGERS:

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: Don’t just downvote and run away, make your liberalism known. If you have an issue with either of these, please let them be known in the comments. C'mon, let's duke it out. :)

For the libs shouting "but muh anonymity", you should have zero issue using the "any pronoun" tag as you will be addressed with any pronouns regardless of whether or not you have it set. The point of having them sitewide is for everyone to use them to normalize explicitly stating one's pronouns as a means of not forcing trans people to request to be addressed with basic respect. The amount of pushback on a meaningful step toward trans inclusivity in this community is pretty fucking disheartening, not gonna lie.

Folks seem to be using the NSFW tag for the spoiler effect on memes, and while it's a funny use of it, it's causing the intended use of the NSFW tag to lose its value. This isn't r/WatchPeopleDie. Personally, I was exposed to that sort of content at a younger age and am desensitized to it now, but not everyone is like me in that regard and I'm probably more fucked up than I like to think for having been as exposed to it as I was. We currently don't have another way of tagging content, so please be considerate and put "[NSFL]" or content warnings in the title so people know they'll be looking at some heavy shit. Not a lot to ask. Please do not start ironically putting "[NSFL]" or other content warnings in the post title. You're more creative than that, I promise.

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

Tell them to shut the fuck up and cope. That's what I'm about to start doing for both sides. I do not give a single fuck about which way a person swings in terms of anarchist vs ML. No one on the right has any issue siding with literal nazis to accomplish their goals but we're too worried about "wahhhh but tankie authoritarianism bad" and "wahhhh anarkiddie big dumb counterproductive". We can purge each other after the collapse of capitalism if it comes to that. If anyone genuinely gives a fuck enough to argue about this shit when we aren't even close to any of our ideologies actually being implemented, they're probably a liberal. Let them cry in their corner and give them no attention. The time spent giving them the slightest bit of attention could be better spent on radicalizing liberals, convincing people to arm themselves, getting involved within your own communities with volunteer work, or just shitposting.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

Communism will always win. Do your part by getting organized, radicalizing libs, and getting armed. The mutual aid and donating community is up and running, so help each other out where possible too. Take care of your comrades. O7

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since this is at the top of active, take notes on how the alt-right radicalizes casuals. We could stand to learn a thing or two on how they reached casual right-wingers to help us with radicalizing liberals. :P

submitted 3 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

This is the most accurate description of this community I've seen in a while. I'm so unbelievably proud of us. ❤️

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

NOTE: In past groups I've been involved with we'd send our volunteer hours and donation receipts to the person organizing these efforts. This is something I would absolutely love to keep track of and update weekly in the sidebar of the mutual aid and donating comm for us all to see a quantified amount of objective good we are doing for our communities and others. So please send me censored receipts redacting all personal information and hours volunteered! <3

Alright, libs, here we go again with some organizations providing relief for the victims of Hurricane Laura in the Louisiana and Texas area that you can donate to and volunteer with, along with tips on digging into financial statements of non-profits to ensure your money will actually be used to help others and not going solely to the pockets of greedy executives. As laid out in the mutual aid and donating comm mod call post, for all non-profits I slap my stamp of approval on and regurgitate to you all here, I am including links to their financial records for you all to look at and make your own decisions as to whether or not to donate. As someone with a background in accounting and finance (Yeah yeah, flame me in the comments for this if you want. Post hog, liberals.), here are some basic, high-level things I look for in the "Financial Audit" and "Form 990" reports before giving my own sign off:

Financial Statements Review

  1. Ensure that executive salaries are not egregious. I know we all hate CEOs including myself, I get it, but they exist and I'm not here to debate their morality in this post. I'm here to make sure your donations aren't going towards overly egregious executive compensation that essentially takes food out of the mouths of the hungry and wastes your hard earned dollars. In the case of the Houston Food Bank, $1.7M in executive salaries for a large scale organization that racked up $167M in food distribution related expenditures last year alone is very reasonable compared to other non-profits that I've seen, in my professional opinion. You can see in their Form 990 that the CEO only receives a salary of approximately $400K, which is slightly high but admittedly much lower than I was anticipating. This information can be found in Part VII of the Form 990.
  2. Ensure the majority of expenditures went towards food distribution and expenses related to that. Keep in mind that food banks are essentially distribution centers and have their own set of logistical, advertising, and community engagement expenditures in procuring goods to distribute from the food bank to local soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and food pantries in surrounding communities. This information can generally be found on the income statements of Financial Audit reports.
  3. Ensure there is a reasonable ratio of revenue from contributions to expenditures in food distribution. Pretty straight forward. Can be found on both the Form 990 and the Financial Audit reports.
  4. Ensure that local organizations are actually being provided assistance by sifting through the Schedule 1 on the Form 990. Just look at all the local organizations receiving assistance, the longer the list the better. Not all reports will have this section but you can generally find the types of organizations that local food banks provide assistance to on their websites. You'll see plenty of elementary schools, programs aimed at giving kids lunches for over the weekend when they aren't in school, elderly programs, local food pantries, etc. Even more straight forward than point 3.

As always, please consider donating directly to Feeding America. For every dollar donated they are able to secure approximately 10 meals by working directly with major manufacturers, retailers, and farmers. I've looked into their financials and they spend hella... bread... on food procurement (Fuck you, that pun was sick). Feeding America and its partners are already on the ground working with local food banks in Louisiana and Texas along with other organizations such as the American Red Cross and the FEMA National Response Coordination Center to provide people with the resources they need. I realize I'm coming across as a shill for Feeding America, but I do have food drive experience with them so I'll shill all I want. I dare you to flame me in the comments. Post hog.

TexasHouston Food Bank (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds
Donate Food

Southeast Texas Food Bank (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds
Host a Food Drive

Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, Inc. (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds
Donate Food

Coastal Bend Food Bank (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds

Food Bank of the Golden Crescent (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds

San Antonio Food Bank (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds

East Texas Food Bank (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds

LouisianaCommunity Foundation of Southwest Louisiana Hurricane Relief Fund - Previous post here
Donate Funds

Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds

Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds
Donate Food

Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds

Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds
Donate Food

The Food Bank of Central Louisiana (Member of Feeding America)
Donate Funds
Donate Food

American Red Cross - I shouldn't have to provide links or anything for this one. There is probably a center in your town or a town nearby. Contact your local Red Cross to determine if they are taking appointments for blood donations as a result of COVID and to get information on involvement with volunteering with local blood drives. I may be militantly atheist but stepping foot in my local Methodist church that hosts blood drives and helping call people on the recurring blood donation list, checking people in, and giving them snacks afterwards didn't set me ablaze. Donating blood warms the soul, libs.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Good thing we aren't fucking libs. Donate if y'all can. No pressure though if it's not within your means to donate.

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The Community Foundation of Southwest Louisiana has activated a relief fund for Hurricane Laura that you can donate to here. Please please consider donating if y'all have change to spare.

Please send me receipts with personal information blurred if anyone donates too. I would love to keep track of these things for the community like we did on the Discord.

Hurricane Laura map and times of arrival

UPDATE: Up to $920! Thank you to everyone who has donated and sent receipts so far! <3

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 years ago

They love those small government body snatchers.

Mainly just future customizability. And you can get some parts online on Gunbroker cheaper than you can brand new from what I've seen thus far.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 years ago

Yeah, the Hertz Rental van gestapo is what's motivating me to build an AR-15 for sure. As paranoid as that sounds.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

South Dakota - WyomingSOUTH DAKOTA

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submitted 4 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

EDIT: As we do not yet have the ability to pin comments, please sort by Top and upvote the continued post in the comments so they remain at the top near the rest of the post. Thank you. <3

This post is primarily for my fellow trans and non-binary comrades. Quite frankly, I'm fucking tired of seeing news reports of my sisters being murdered in cold blood for nothing more than being trans and the time for us to arm ourselves is long overdue. But this post can also be used by any person here who doesn't currently own a firearm and maybe doesn't know where to start with purchasing/building one or isn't educated on their particular state's firearm and concealed carry laws. By the end of this post, you should have the information you need to get started.

The first link of each state is literally the exact same website, but I saved you damn liberals the time and strenuous effort of having to find your state on the map and click it by straight up linking you to your state's gun laws summary page in particular. You're welcome. The summary pages do a phenomenal job of linking to .gov websites for laws pertaining to gun ownership and any forms necessary in acquiring a concealed carry permit, therefore providing direct links to government resources is redundant. The summary pages should provide you with a solid foundation to self-research any questions you may have. Included are also a few links to gun related forums/classifieds dedicated to your state.

When visiting any of the forum links, keep in mind that most of these places will be filled with more right-leaning people. However, in my experience with right-leaning gun enthusiasts out in the wild, they are more than helpful and respectful in helping you arm yourself if you just keep politics out of the discussion. They care more about the fact that you want to exercise your 2A rights than about who you are as a person or what you're about politically. Just saying.


Comprehensive List of Gun Related Subreddits - You damn liberals better not flame me for linking to a liberal subreddit, it's a good compilation of information.

How to Buy a Gun Online

Socialist Rifle Association

State-by-State Gun Laws Very Briefly Summarized

r/SRA Guide for Newcomers

General Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map

Double-stack Guide and double-stack 9mm Recommendations

How to Build an AR-15

Aggregated State by State Waiting Period Laws

Gun Broker

Alabama - KentuckyALABAMA

Summary of Gun Laws, Forms, and Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Per Country Sheriff Contact Information Necessary in Acquiring Concealed Carry Permits

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Summary of Gun Laws, Forms, and Concealed Carry Reciprocity

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Reddit - Seems kind of dead, but may be a valuable source of information for your state.


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Summary of Gun Laws, Forms, and Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Summary of Concealed Carry Application Fees

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Summary of Gun Laws, Forms, and Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Summary of How to Acquire License to Purchase

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