
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

Redditors hate this because it's not a soulless photorealistic image of baby Yoda


fake tankie (his bullshit term "synthetic left" is projection of his role in doing RT nazbol propaganda) doesn't know what Stalin said about social democracy being the moderate wing of fascism. It s true what they say about antisemitism being the socialism of fools

great 1 star review:

Who are the heroes in the fight against this Zionist conspiracy to destroy the United States? First and foremost, Maupin proposes Franklin Roosevelt. This clearly underscores the intentional dishonesty of Satan at the Fountainhead. FDR is presented as the friend and ally of US workers: defender and promoter of labor unions, opponent of Jim Crow, and fighter against Wall Street usurers. (Popular Front Stalinism and fascist anti-Semitism may not be exactly two sides of the same coin, it's hard to see the daylight between them the way Maupin stacks his rhetorical deck.)

One does not have to be a reader of Farrell Dobbs and Art Preis to know is Maupin is deliberately deceiving his readers about FDR. But Dobbs, for instance, is a good place to start if you want to see the type of working class movement that can be built to defeat the Jew-haters and the dictatorship of capital, and fight for independent labor political action and worker’s power.

The most insidious thing about Satan at the Fountainhead is the miseducation it gives to workers and youth looking for real answers and a real way out of today's slow-burning worldwide crisis of capitalist production and trade. It promotes the age-old pro-capitalist line that economic crises are not the normal workings of the capitalist system. It promotes the idea that electing someone like FDR to defeat the Israel Lobby would restore the “good wages” of middle class jobs.

Why would a settler socialist love FDR and blame Jews for capitalism being bad? Can you think of any reasons that these people are nazis? 🤔

Satan at the Fountainhead: The Israel Lobby & The Financial Crisis

This book is an honest attempt to answer the questions of those who want to know what happened.

"what happened", spoken like someone doesn't do historical materialism, literally the title of Hillary's book title about the 2016 election. The only "honest" answer to "what happened" was class war. All other historical narratives are convenient fake news from opportunist grifters.

These trends and policies, carried out by both the government and the private sector, are not isolated from global events.

lol when you're a fascist propagandist who needs to find a way to justify your thesis you're being paid to write, or maybe his brain is eaten by worms


Settlers: "Americans are not proletarian because of their imperial privilege from colonial policing"

RT "journalist" hackfraud: "actually the cops and vets at The Trump capitol riot are our allies, white supremacy isn't real!!! These home owning boomers who supported genocidal imperialism their entire life are suffering a lot when they file for bankruptcy to liquidate their assets"

imagine being rich and privileged enough to be able to file for bankruptcy, I wish I was part of the American working class!