[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago

anti-2A mofos when they read any part of project 2025

Its easy to forget how the Blue Lives Matter crowd and the pro-2A crowd have some crazy overlap given how suicidal it is to be seen with anything vaguely shaped like a gun when you're anywhere near a cop.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago

There's a certain special irony in Crypto-Bros like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk bankrolling JD Vance so he can push Project 2025 through Congress and force gooners to kickback a rent to Crypto-Bros in order to jerk it.

Libertarian Dystopia here we come!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

I guarantee that the government would collapse within about three weeks if less.

Oh sure. Famously, whenever a worksite implements a blacklist on pornographic websites, the workers immediately begin screaming and flailing and eating each others faces.

Do not underestimate the power of the gooners

Generally speaking, the power of the gooner is to compile 500 TB of questionably legal pornographic data on a PLEX server in their basements and ride out the porn-pocolypse as a bunch of horny hermits.

But the theory that this is going to be the last straw and hordes of angry horny dudes are going to take to the streets in a mass labor action is about as likely as the one where Tech Bros were going to take to the streets over Net Neutrality or women were going to have a sex boycott over the Abortion Ban or the hippies were going to tear down Wall Street over the drug war.

Americans are shockingly pliant and far more prone to simply turn to black market cartels than actively resist policing.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 hours ago

I wouldn’t expect anything to happen to you waving a pro-union flag on a corner like this either.

Just don't try and deliver anyone a lunch.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 5 hours ago

Damn. Did not expect to read two different stories about Soviet military officers averting nuclear catastrophe in a community where "Tankie" is a slur.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

The Kyle Rittenhouse Battalion.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

train concerned citizens with emergency medical, fire and rescue training

Nah. Sounds too much like socialism to me.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

they should be called terrorist organizations

Or, at the very least, "Moderate Rebels" depending on how much money the CIA gave them recently.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 5 hours ago

I prefer "Pokemon Go To The Polls", myself.

Either way, I'm not sure where OP's "40 Million Registered Democrats" are coming from. Obama set a high water mark for Dem turnout in 2008 with 69M votes and still managed to carry out a win four years later with 65.9M votes. Hillary pulled in 65.8M votes four years after that. She just racked them in the wrong states this time around and lost to a guy who hit his own GOP high watermark of 62.9M.

Then, in 2020, the country implemented a temporary state of national mail-in voting. Turnout surged enormously. Republicans brought in 74M votes! Enough to win in a landslide in virtually any other year. But still not enough to beat the Dem 81M vote haul. An absolutely historic turnout by either party, all thanks to a change in the mechanism used to submit ballots.

But even using these very temporary figures, I have no idea where you're finding a full 105.8M Democrats to vote for your candidate, relative to 2016. Set aside how much our antiquated and archaic machine-voting system suppresses turnout. Set aside the deliberate disenfranchisement by determined State Secretaries in democracy-hostile states and districts. Set aside voter disenfranchisement and intimidation, misinformation and scammy robocalls. Tell me which rock these 40M Democrats are hiding under.

And when you do, make sure there's not another 40M Republicans hiding right alongside them. Because we played this game in Texas for nearly a decade. And what we discovered was a large surplus of lackadaisical conservatives, who came out to swamp the state in 2022. So much for simply being a "non-voting" state.

Never even fucking mind all the "Obama to Trump" voters who showed up in 2016 absolutely revolted by the ghoul Democrats put up as Obama's replacement.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Hobnobbed it after the war when the Nazis were long defeated…

If only. Nazis were back to running West Germany practically before the smoke cleared. And for all the Stalinist rhetoric about summarily executing the top brass, don't look to hard at what the Stasi on the other side of the Brandenburg Gate were doing before the war. Those fuckers were like fleas. They were all the fuck over the place within a few years of Potsdam. De-Nazification is one of the biggest lies in our history books.

What, so he just randomly decided to join the army in 1939

You'd never even know conscription was a thing.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 6 hours ago

great leader Trump can’t be doing anything wrong

He could learn to duck. Dude's lucky there wasn't a second gunman or he'd have been dead for sure.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 6 hours ago


In a lengthy interview with Rolling Stone magazine published in November 2014, Sanders said that if elected president, he would “support the security of Israel, help Israel fight terrorist attacks against that country and maintain its independence,” while also vowing to maintain “an evenhanded approach to that area.”


“Has Israel overreacted? Have they bombed UN facilities? The answer is yes, and that is terribly, terribly wrong,” Sanders said. “On the other hand – and there is another hand – you have a situation where Hamas is sending missiles into Israel – a fact – and you know where some of those missiles are coming from. They’re coming from populated areas; that’s a fact. Hamas is using money that came into Gaza for construction purposes – and God knows they need roads and all the things that they need – and used some of that money to build these very sophisticated tunnels into Israel for military purposes.”

This has been the Sanders response to Israel for decades. He's a reliable vote on more US funding for military support. He routinely endorses resolutions favoring the continued "existence of Israel" in the form of occupied Palestinian lands. He talks about a "Two State Solution" while defending the right of Israel soldiers to respond with brutality and barbarity whenever they are challenged.

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib this guy ain't. He votes as staunchly in favor of Israel as Ted Cruz or JD Vance.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

“I have noticed that there have been a lot more events with creators, but the creators that are getting invited are the creators who are very pro Biden and just parroting talking points or sharing photo ops of them smiling with the President. Not the creators who have been critical,” said Kahlil Greene, a history content creator and education advocate in Washington who said he hasn’t been invited to the White House since he criticized the administration over the TikTok ban and the war in Gaza.

Annie Wu Henry, a political influencer and digital strategist who has worked on Democratic campaigns, agreed. While the White House once treated creators as independent media, she said, they now seem to be playing favorites.

Biden’s team “is trying to say that they’re handling influencers like the press. But the thing is, the press briefing room has to have Fox News no matter what. They have to allow all of the media in,” Henry said. “When it comes to influencers, they only let in people who agree, and anyone who gives even a little bit of pushback is not welcome.”

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Guy Sims Fitch was created by the United States Information Agency (USIA), America’s official news distribution service for the rest of the world. Today, people find the term “propaganda” to be incredibly loaded and even negative. But employees of the USIA used the term freely and proudly in the 1950s and 60s, believing that they were fighting a noble and just cause against the Soviet Union and the spread of Communism. And Guy Sims Fitch was just one tool in the diverse toolbox of the USIA propaganda machine.


I recently filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the CIA to get more information about Guy Sims Fitch, this fictional character that journalists and editors of the USIA would use to promote American economic interests abroad. The twist? The CIA wants to make sure that the privacy rights of this fictional character aren’t violated. Or, perhaps, that the privacy rights of the people who wrote under that name aren’t violated.


How do we, as Americans, know about Guy Sims Fitch at all? The USIA was prohibited from disseminating news inside the United States under laws that restricted the government from producing propaganda for domestic consumption. So, as best I can tell, Fitch never showed up in any American newspapers. That, however, didn’t stop a lot of other USIA and CIA disinformation campaigns from leaking into American news.

In fact, the CIA had to acknowledge during 1977 congressional hearings that the disinformation they were helping to get published through a variety of media around the world would often find its way into American news outlets. It was during those same hearings that it was revealed the CIA had helped covertly finance the publication of about 1,000 books. And Congress made the CIA pinkie-swear that “under no circumstances” would it publish any newspapers, magazines, or books in the United States. Clandestine financing of publishing efforts outside of the US in any language that wasn’t English was just fine, according to Congress.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Influencers have been given exclusive tours of the White House and campaign headquarters and been invited to briefings with policy advisers. They’ve been wined and dined at lavish parties in New York and at State of the Union watch parties in the White House. And they’ve been promised extraordinary access to party officials at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August, where for the first time ever they’ll be given a special room of their own, outfitted with quiet spaces for making videos.

At least one has been offered an interview with the president at the convention, but said he was asked not to bring up Gaza.

Priorities USA, a super PAC supporting Mr. Biden’s campaign, has pledged to spend at least $1 million on influencers, some of whom will be paid to share talking points online. The Democratic National Committee is using a smartphone app to train thousands of volunteers on how to share content in their social networks.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

“Who can afford to go to multiple shows?” says the anonymous tour manager. “Two tickets to a show, you’re talking probably about $200 with fees and everything. You go to a meal around the show, you’re talking at least $100 or $200 for a nice dinner. Then you got parking and babysitters, then you add the VIP stuff to that and you want to make it a special night, you’re talking $500 to $1,000 a night for a couple to go out. It’s capitalism at its best.”

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business leaders — said Republicans have conveyed to her that they consider that “the threat to capitalism from the Democrats is more concerning than the threat to democracy from Trump.”

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Protesters disrupted Pelosi’s appearance in Seattle on Thursday to call for an end to Israel‘s assault on Palestine. Vocal demonstrators have also been appearing regularly at President Joe Biden’s events. Pelosi said that she would like the FBI to investigate whether Russia is financing these groups.

“I’ve been the recipient of their, shall we say, exuberance in this regard as recently as in Seattle on Thursday. Unfortunately, they want to disrupt our very exciting Democratic meeting there,” Pelosi told CNN’s Dana Bash on State of the Union. “They’re in front of my house all the time. So I have a feeling for what feelings they have, but we have to think about what we’re doing. And what we have to do is try to stop the suffering in Gaza. This is women and children, people who don’t have a place to go. So let’s address that.”

Pelosi continued, “But for them to call for a ceasefire is Mr. Putin’s message, Mr. Putin’s message. Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine. It’s about Putin’s message. I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia.”

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The last known person to see Sandra Birchmore alive was a police officer.


He acknowledged having sex with her when she was 15, according to a court ruling citing the officer’s text messages. That document indicates that his twin brother — also an officer and Explorer mentor — and a third Stoughton officer, a veteran who ran the program, eventually had sex with her, too.

These assertions, disclosed in an internal police investigative report and through an ongoing lawsuit filed by Birchmore’s family, have sparked demonstrations and an online petition asking for further investigation into her death. The three men, who did not respond to requests for comment, have denied any wrongdoing and have not been charged with a crime.

The youth program that introduced Birchmore to the officers is among hundreds of such chapters at police agencies around the country. Created by the Boy Scouts of America decades ago, law enforcement Explorer posts are designed to help teens and young adults learn about policing.

Birchmore’s case is among at least 194 allegations that law enforcement personnel, mostly policemen, have groomed, sexually abused or engaged in inappropriate behavior with Explorers since 1974, an ongoing investigation by The Marshall Project has found. The vast majority of those affected were teenage girls — some as young as 13.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sam Tarry, Angela Rayner’s former partner, claims online voting system has been used to disadvantage Left-wing candidates

The Labour Party is facing legal action from Angela Rayner’s former partner over alleged “voter fraud”.

Lawyers acting for Sam Tarry, the MP for Ilford South, have written to the party over claims that an online voting system has been used to disadvantage Left-wing candidates.

Mr Tarry, whose relationship with Labour’s deputy leader ended last year, claims the Anonyvoter system was used to harm his unsuccessful attempt to be re-selected for the general election.

Anonyvoter is a software for holding online votes that is widely used by local Labour Party branches to decide who will be their candidate for the next election.

Mr Tarry lost to Jas Athwal in a selection vote in October 2022 and has been disputing the result since.

He is now considering issuing legal proceedings to force Labour to publish the Anonyvoter records from his selection or even to get an injunction to block Mr Athwal from being the official Ilford South candidate.

Trade unions are helping Mr Tarry raise tens of thousands of pounds, which will help fund legal action if an agreement with the party is not reached.

Meanwhile, a second Labour MP, Beth Winter, who represents Cynon Valley, has been exchanging legal letters with the party over how Anonyvoter was used in her selection race.

Ms Winter sought to become the candidate in a newly created Welsh seat last summer, but lost. Her lawyers wrote to the party raising concerns about the use of the Anonyvoter system both before and after the result.

This week, she has written to senior figures in Welsh Labour widening her complaint beyond online voting and demanding an investigation.

Vote breakdowns seen by The Telegraph show that both candidates did better than their rivals among the voters who took part either in person or by post, but worse among those who cast their ballot on Anonyvoter. Such records are not made public.

Mr Tarry and Ms Winter are both members of the Socialist Campaign Group, the most prominent Left-wing group in the Commons, which includes Jeremy Corbyn.

Since becoming Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer has widely been seen to have sidelined Left-wing figures. His party is now facing allegations that information generated by the Anonyvoter system is being used at times to help get moderates selected as election candidates.

In one selection, a moderate candidate won just 10 per cent of the in-person vote but 62 per cent of the Anonyvoter online vote, according to a breakdown shared by local party figures.

There is no suggestion the Anonyvoter system is inherently flawed or faulty, but the lack of transparency has raised concerns that it is open to abuse.

Regional Labour figures running the online votes are able to see who has voted, a piece of information that would be critical to campaigns trying to turn out supporters in tight races.

Independent tellers are not usually given access to monitor the Anonyvoter system during the votes, meaning there is no outside oversight of the live online voting process.

The news comes as the Metropolitan Police this week confirmed its cyber team was investigating “computer misuse” in the selection of a Labour candidate in Croydon East after claims of vote-rigging.

Mr Tarry and Ms Winter are both now calling for use of Anonyvoter in picking candidates to be suspended and for Civica, an online vote company used by other political parties, to be used instead. ‘Labour deserves better, as do the British people’

In a statement to The Telegraph, Mr Tarry said: “The Labour Party hierarchy has failed to resolve this matter, despite me submitting a formal appeal over a year ago.

“I am extremely reluctant to seek legal redress, as we should be focusing all our efforts and resources on the general election, but it is impossible for this situation to stand.

“Labour Party and Labour movement figures at the very highest levels have seen the evidence, and are backing me in seeking a fair resolution. However, what’s gone on in Ilford South, and allegedly in other selections too, is unlike anything I have seen in 20 years in the Labour Party, in elected positions under four party leaders.

“Labour deserves better, as do the British people, who need to be able to trust our party. As a party that hopes to form the next government, and has my full support to do so, we should be operating at the highest level of electoral and ethical integrity.

“The Labour Party owes it to its members and the voters to resolve this democratic outrage before it becomes a full-blown crisis that will harm our electoral performance. The use of Anonyvoter must be stopped immediately.”

Ms Winter said in her statement: “The ongoing controversy around Anonyvoter voting software understandably leads to a lack of trust and confidence in Labour Party procedures. Continued use of the software risks bringing the party into disrepute.

“In order to restore some trust in the party, there must be an independent review of the use of Anonyvoter in internal selection campaigns, including the selection process in Merthyr Tydfil and Upper Cynon.

“In addition, Labour should end its use of Anonyvoter and commission a trusted independent balloting administrator, whose ballots stand up to scrutiny, such as Civica (formerly Electoral Reform Services) – as the trades unions do – to conduct its internal ballots including parliamentary selections, in future.”

It is understood that Labour Party figures have disputed whether the two MPs have the evidence to back up their claims. Critics have said their defeats could be the real motivation for the complaints.

A Labour spokesman said: “We have full confidence in the integrity of both selection processes and the use of Anonyvoter.”

The Anonyvoter website states that its software allows organisations to “conduct secret ballots remotely where voters want to be sure their votes are anonymous”.

Labour’s widespread use of the system started during the pandemic, with the software being used for votes on issues at local branch meetings as well as for selections.

There are concerns about how it is used by those who run the votes for Labour party candidates, often regional party officials.

The system works by inviting Labour members to take part in a vote via email. The vote runs for a set period of time. Who won how many votes is announced at the selection meeting.

One concern raised by Left-wing Labour figures is that, throughout the process, whoever is running the vote can see which members have voted and which have not.

Such information, if shared with a campaign team, could be significant. As selection votes often only involve a few hundred people voting and tight margins, they could use the information to attempt to engage their own supporters, potentially impacting the result.

Another concern is that the system allows for new members to be added while the vote is ongoing. It is understood that data showing when voters were added is not routinely handed over to candidates at the counts.

A third area of concern is that members who do not receive the email are able to generate a special code to vote, which can be communicated to them over the phone if needed. In theory, codes can be generated and even cast by those running the votes. Again, any data about how many codes have been generated and for whom are not routinely published.

At the heart of the concerns is a lack of observation of the online votes as they take place. Independent “tellers”, whose job involves observing a voting process to make sure it is run properly, are not usually given access into the system to monitor the vote.

This is different for in-person votes, when members of a campaign’s team are often present, and postal votes, which are often opened and counted on tables in front of campaign teams.

One Left-wing Labour source said: “It is a black box. There aren’t really checks and balances. There is an easy way of doing this, which is independent tellers. But those suggestions have been rebuffed. The only check and balance we have is the supposed integrity of the regional staff.” Records of those present must be relied on

To select candidates for a general election, each local Labour branch decides whether to do in-person voting, postal voting, online voting with Anonyvoter, or a combination of all three.

A breakdown of the results of the candidate selection vote is not published but is often read out at the count, meaning the records of those present must be relied on for the figures.

Mr Tarry, a former political officer at the TSSA trade union, has been the MP for Ilford South since 2019. In the summer of 2022 he faced a trigger ballot, a Labour Party mechanism that lets local parties force a re-selection vote, losing the subsequent vote that October.

Mr Athwal, the Redbridge council leader, won the selection. He had been endorsed by Wes Streeting, Labour’s shadow health secretary and one of the party’s leading moderate figures.

Mr Tarry is understood to have won 57 per cent of the in-person votes at the selection but just 35 per cent of the Anonyvoter votes, plus a small number of postal votes. Mr Athwal won 43 per cent of the in-person votes but 65 per cent of the Anonyvoter and postal vote.

The vote breakdown was provided by Mr Tarry’s team. No record is published by the party. Labour and Mr Athwal did not dispute the accuracy when approached for comment.

In late 2022 and early last year, the law firm Carter Ruck, acting on behalf of Mr Tarry, exchanged letters with senior Labour figures requesting a formal appeal and seeking disclosure of the Anonyvoter data.

A year on, the dispute has not been resolved. A further letter was sent to Labour earlier this month, addressed to James Asser, the chairman of the party’s National Executive Committee. David Evans, who as general secretary is Labour’s most senior official, was copied-in.

The lawyers noted that Mr Tarry had sought the disclosure of records generated by Anonyvoter about how each vote was cast, the date and time each ballot was issued, where new codes generated were sent and how those votes were cast.

It read: “Mr Tarry believes there is evidence of voter fraud pertaining to the use of the Anonyvoter system, and specifically, that votes were improperly generated using Anonyvoter in a manner that was unfavourable to our client and favourable to his opponent.”

Elsewhere, the letter said Mr Tarry had been “denied the opportunity to scrutinise the electronic voting record” despite the “obvious seriousness” of the concerns raised. It made clear information on how individuals voted was not wanted, only detail on time and method of the votes. An ‘isolated incident’

One complaint made in writing by Mr Tarry during the trigger ballot process in the summer of 2022 regarded a Labour member being alerted that they had voted via Anonyvoter to force a reselection. However, the Labour member in question was abroad in Italy at the time and had not taken part in the vote.

It is understood the Labour Party investigated the claim at the time and accepted an error had occurred, but concluded that it was an “isolated incident”.

The complaints by Ms Winter, the MP for Cynon Valley since 2019, regard a selection for Merthyr Tydfil and Upper Cynon, a newly-created seat as part of the boundary review.

Ms Winter competed against Gerald Jones, the Labour MP for Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney, who was made shadow Scotland minister by Sir Keir in September.

She won 56 per cent of the postal votes but 47 per cent of the Anonyvoter votes, according to a breakdown recorded by her team. There were no in-person votes.

Mr Jones won 43 per cent of the postal votes – there was one abstention – but 53 per cent of the Anonyvoter votes, meaning he will be the candidate for the new seat.

Before and after the June 2023 selection, Ms Winter’s lawyers Howe+Co sent letters to senior figures in both the UK Labour Party and Welsh Labour raising concerns about the process.

A letter sent to Jo McIntyre, the general secretary of Welsh Labour, before the selection raised concerns about using online voting, saying: “As you are aware from previous trigger ballots and selections, there is serious disquiet among some parliamentarians and party members that online processes have produced and will continue to produce undemocratic results which lack fairness and transparency.”

Ms Winter demanded a detailed breakdown of the Anonyvoter data, including how many codes allowing people to vote directly were generated.

The Welsh Labour Party declined to publish the detail Ms Winter requested, citing data protection rules.

This week, Ms Winter raised new concerns in a letter she sent on Wednesday to Ms McIntyre and Vaughan Gething, the new Welsh Labour leader.

The claims were not related to Anonyvoter, unlike the correspondence sent by her lawyers last year, but the new letter underscores that she is continuing to dispute the selection.

Mr Jones and Welsh Labour were approached about Ms Winter’s claims, but neither issued a comment. Anonyvoter was also approached about claims that its software is being misused to benefit moderate candidates. The company did not issue a comment. Momentum urges investigation

Momentum, the Left-wing activist group that championed Mr Corbyn’s leadership, called for an “immediate, comprehensive and independent investigation”.

A Momentum spokesman said: “We need an independent, KC-led investigation into Labour’s selections, and the replacement of Anonyvoter with an independent system such as Civica to ensure the integrity of the party’s processes and confidence in their outcomes”.

The allegations emerge amid a wider tussle between Labour’s Left-wing faction and its moderates, now effectively led by Sir Keir, for the control of the party, that has raged for years.

Centrists once accused Mr Corbyn, the Left-wing Labour leader between 2015 and 2020, and his allies of trying to sideline moderates and triggering deselection votes during his tenure.

Now under Sir Keir, who took over from Mr Corbyn in April 2022, some of the party’s most prominent Left-wing MPs face being forced out of Parliament at the next general election.

Mr Corbyn was stripped of the Labour whip after refusing to accept findings of an anti-Semitism report, meaning he cannot stand for the party in his Islington North seat.

Diane Abbott, who was Mr Corbyn’s shadow home secretary and the first ever female black MP, lost the Labour whip 11 months ago over a comment about differing forms of racism for which she has apologised. The party disciplinary process is yet to be completed.

Currently, Ms Abbott cannot stand for Labour for re-election as the MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, a seat she has represented since 1987.

Mr Tarry and Ms Winter are yet to be selected for other seats after they lost their selections. If nothing changes, both are likely to no longer be MPs this time next year.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

This bill prohibits distributing, maintaining, or providing internet hosting services for a foreign adversary controlled application (e.g., TikTok). However, the prohibition does not apply to a covered application that executes a qualified divestiture as determined by the President.

Under the bill, a foreign adversary controlled application is directly or indirectly operated by (1) ByteDance, Ltd. or TikTok (including their subsidiaries or successors); or (2) a social media company that is controlled by a foreign adversary and has been determined by the President to present a significant threat to national security. The prohibition does not apply to an application that is primarily used to post product reviews, business reviews, or travel information and reviews.

The bill authorizes the Department of Justice to investigate violations of the bill and enforce the bill's provisions. Entities that violate the bill are subject to civil penalties based on the number of users.

The bill requires a covered application to provide a user with all available account data (including posts, photos, and videos) at the user's request before the prohibition takes effect.

The bill gives the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia exclusive jurisdiction over any challenge to the bill. Further, a challenge to the bill must be brought within 165 days after the bill's enactment date. A challenge to any action, finding, or determination under the bill must be brought with 90 days of the action, finding, or determination.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

State media reported that a grouping of ships from Russia’s Pacific Fleet, led by the Varyag cruiser, arrived at the Iranian port of Chabahar on Monday ahead of the drills that will see representatives from the navies of Azerbaijan, India, Kazakhstan, Oman, Pakistan and South Africa act as observers.

For its part, China’s defence ministry said the drills – called “Maritime Security Belt – 2024” – were aimed at “jointly maintaining regional maritime security”.

“China will send … guided-missile destroyer Urumqi, guided-missile frigate Linyi and comprehensive supply ship Dongpinghu to participate in the exercise,” the ministry added in a statement, without providing further details.

Iranian state media, meanwhile, reported that the exercise’s goal is to strengthen “the security of international maritime trade, combating piracy and maritime terrorism”, among others.

The drills come as a United States-led naval coalition has been operating in Red Sea waters since December 2023 trying to counter the Houthi attacks.

Separately, some 20,000 troops from 13 NATO members are conducting drills in the north of new member Sweden as well as its neighbours Finland and Norway.

The Nordic exercise is part of wider exercises called Steadfast Defender 24, the largest in decades for the US-led military alliance, with up to 90,000 troops taking part over several months.

The alliance says the intention is “to demonstrate NATO’s ability to defend every inch of its territory” – widely seen as a signal to Russia.

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