[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Okay you're free to define words how you like, but dictionary definitions generally are close to how most people define it

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Okay you're free to define words how you like, but dictionary definitions generally are close to how most people define it

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. To use your example, if my neighbor was smoking in a place that it was stinking up my bedroom, and I asked them to stop doing it there, and they were like "nah I like it here" I'd consider them a huge asshole. Just do it over there not by my bedroom or something.

Telling them they can't smoke in their own home, or can't ride public transit after smoking is ridiculous.

One confounding issue here is that fireworks affect a pretty big area. The whole neighborhood is probably going to hear them.

So does the smell of weed. That was a hypothetical example as luckily my neighbors don't smoke, but my grandparents neighbors do, and it stinks up the car whenever I drive past that whole block- so it definitely is something that effects a large part of the neighborhood.

I've known people who live out in the woods that are big on "I do what I want on my property!"

I live in a city, I had an argument with my partner last night because he was against getting a fire alarm(not mandated in our country) because it could wake up the neighbors at night. Which I believe is a totally acceptable cost, but he does not.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

that's not what packing the court means to most people unless it's being used as a politically motivated insult

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Packing the supreme court would be to increase the size of it, not just partisan appointing

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Packing the supreme court would be to increase the size of it, not just partisan appointing

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 hours ago

It will be 50 pages of information including blood work, urine tests, xrays, and FBI background checks.

Um, no. I've done visa and citizenship paperwork, it's not easy, and you're right that you need a compelling case for why you should be accepted. But I've never heard of requiring that extensive of medical checks for visa applications, especially not for from countries that have developed medical systems. Though some countries do require medical records. You're right often a background check is required, but in my case at least, an apostilled affidavit where I just promised I was a good boy was accepted.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 hours ago

It will be 50 pages of information including blood work, urine tests, xrays, and FBI background checks.

Um, no. I've done visa and citizenship paperwork, it's not easy, and you're right that you need a compelling case for why you should be accepted. But I've never heard of requiring that extensive of medical checks for visa applications, especially not for from countries that have developed medical systems. Though some countries do require medical records. You're right often a background check is required, but in my case at least, a notorized affidavit where I just promised I was a good boy was accepted.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Regardless, if one side was like "That's really annoying to me, could you not please?" responding with "womp womp" is extremely rude and selfish.

It is narcissistic of me to assume something annoying me should influence the behavior of strangers, and get them to stop doing something. A lot of things annoy me, and I'm all for criticizing and complaining about them(I do that a lot)- but someone not caring about my complaints and continuing to do what they enjoy is their right, and they aren't a bad person for not caring that it annoys me.

I'm sensitive to smells, we all recognize how unreasonable it would be for me to demand my neighbors don't smoke weed because it bothers me at home, or I can smell cigarettes on the bus. Similarly, yes demanding people stop doing something they enjoy with their family because you have to wear headphones for a couple hours once or twice a year is something that I want to say "Womp womp" to

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Buildings could be designed with limited usage of stairs

[-] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

That's not as simple as not liking it, that's having a specific complaint. Which wasn't what was said

[-] [email protected] 1 points 20 hours ago

I imagine that if you had a dog you wouldn’t be “womp womp” about torturing it two or three times a year.

Or if you had a friend with PTSD, you wouldn’t go out of your way to aggravate that a couple times a year.

These were not the arguments you presented. Those arguments I am more empathetic to. You said:

I don’t like the loud noises, the smoke, or the debris leftover.

To which I want to say "Womp Womp"

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The real shower thought was about movement across the highest speed we know of at the minimum distance we know of, so I divided Planck length by the speed of light.

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