
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 years ago

u/Moralxsupport - originally from r/GenZhou
It was ran by 14-20 year olds with no life experience and a creepy pedo attorney. It was bound to fall at some point - just like the USSR.


u/Anananaso - originally from r/GenZhou
Mostly short primers or articles on what actually went down that isn't western propaganda (book recs are good too). Basically the mini-series came up in conversation the other night and everyone was talking about the disaster as if having watched TV made them a bunch of nuclear experts, extremely aggravating. I'm relatively ignorant on the subject so I'd like to learn more.


u/TheRealSlimLaddy - originally from r/GenZhou


u/punhosocialista - originally from r/GenZhou


[deleted] - originally from r/GenZhou


u/JITTERdUdE - originally from r/GenZhou
Something that’s been in my mind recently. Shit looks like it’s going to hit the fan over the next several years. Seeing how easily the population has slipped into a Russophobic rage through disinformation and propaganda shows that the seeds for fascism have already been planted here. This country’s government does everything to actively suppress communist movements and are attempting to exhaust Marxist-Leninist efforts.

I have developed two reactions to this, one cynical and one more optimistic, but I struggle to tell which one is closer to reality. The cynical side of me thinks that this country has fallen too far into the deep end and can’t be saved, that communism cannot happen in a place like this, and it’s better to leave and start elsewhere than stay and possibly die at the hands of fascists. The other part of me believes that choice could be cowardly, and it is better to stay and create communist infrastructure and protect the marginalized.


u/Bacon_Is_Greasy - originally from r/GenZhou
At least in classical Marxist texts there is a focus between class divisions and the inequalities that come with those those divisions. I have been thinking about the economic differences within the working class and if those differences would cause any divisions after the revolution and into socialism. I know communism isn’t egalitarian in that we all get the same pay and things like that, I was just wondering if those differences would have us regress back into class society.


u/Lilyo - originally from r/GenZhou

s (

[deleted] - originally from r/GenZhou


u/ich-sehe-dich-nicht - originally from r/GenZhou
I'm looking for books that can help me better understand the basic concepts behind economic planning, any suggestions? I'm looking for more recent books if possible, but really everything helps
thank you guys


u/pl4t1n00b - originally from r/GenZhou


u/Zeta1906 - originally from r/GenZhou

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

u/bigman1025 - originally from r/GenZhou
What do you mean he did nothing????

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

u/Lenins2ndCat - originally from r/GenZhou
Reddit wants a controlled opposition. Eliminate everyone that is a real threat to the status quo and maintain the illusion of an opposition and "debate" by allowing the non-threats.

Any uncontrolled opposition is eliminated when it reaches a size or state of being that makes it a threat to those maintaining the current status quo.

Archive everything on GenZhou because despite it being completely and totally 100% fine as a community it may be hit if Genzedong is banned, much like every single subreddit under the "chapo" banner or even remotely related to it got killed.

If GenZhou is included it is the strongest sign that it has nothing to do with rules and everything to do with simply purging oppositional threats.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

u/Leviation_ - originally from r/GenZhou
Sankara did nothing for Burkina Faso

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 years ago

u/SouthernSlander - originally from r/GenZhou
r/GenZedong is just a bunch of idiotic authoritarian bootlickers anyways

[–] [email protected] -1 points 2 years ago

u/idonotlikerussia - originally from r/GenZhou
U think china would have a peasant lead there country? Xi was exiled because of his father. He followed what his father wanted. Mao killed 50 million people in china. Xi wouldnt have made it out. He made it out because he was educated and wealthy. China needed him for the future of china. Xi is way to educated to be serving hard labor

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

u/NvMe_24 - originally from r/GenZhou
from the discord:

We here at r/GenZedong are Communists. This is the primary position all our moderators have, and we hope, a vast majority of our userbase has as well.Communists are anti-war. The saying "no war but class war" doesn't exist for no reason. We are not "pro-Russian", but pro-peace and anti-imperialism. We hope for the conflict to end as soon as possible, and we hope for it to end diplomatically. This is a basic stance the mod team has stood unified behind for weeks.Unfortunately, it seems that much of our userbase has forgotten this basic stance of communists, essential as it has been to the movement for over a century. We must encourage all communists to remember our roots as a movement; Peace, land, and bread was the leading slogan of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, and we would do well remember this. We do not advocate for Russia, or for Ukraine, but for the working people of both states, the people harmed by this war.As communists, we would do well to remember that Russia is not our friend. A useful situational ally, perhaps, but no comrades of ours. They are not communists, merely conservative nationalists from a state opposing the west. Their desires are not the same as ours, even if our short term objectives may sometimes align. Their state media are not mouthpieces of our movement, but of their government, and it would be a great error for us to forget this.Ukraine and Russia are both bourgeois states, each lead by nationalists and kleptocrats, seeking to exploit their people. In war between bourgeois states, the correct stance is revolutionary defeatism; seek the defeat of your state in order to create the conditions for a revolution.

Unfortunately, the administrators have a point in quarantining our subreddit for misinformation; Indeed, we of the mod team have had to remove several highly upvoted posts for being outright fabricated, which is unfortunate. Going forward, we hope our users will do better in vetting the sources of their posts.Going forward, we will be removing posts supportive of the war in Ukraine, along with posts from sources of questionable veracity. It is our hope that, perhaps, the subreddit will survive this quarantine.- The GenZedong mod team

later another mod on discord posted this

Since it seems that RedstarXtreme has decided to be a child about this, he has gone and demodded me from the subreddit. Every single moderator voted in favor of this statement except for him. It seems we are no longer affiliated with r/GenZedong

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (3 children)

u/Unclerickythemaoist - originally from r/GenZhou
got destroyed by crackers harder than our boy Sankara

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

u/ReasoningCucumber - originally from r/GenZhou
Free speech happened

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

u/orkgashmo - originally from r/GenZhou
They didn't re-introduced capitalism, they adapted their socialism to the global market.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

u/maoshrooms - originally from r/GenZhou
The hitchens brothers come to mind too

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

[deleted] - originally from r/GenZhou

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