[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 hours ago

The GOP can get fucked. They foment violence, that energy reflects back.

Trump's Project 2025 is not changed just because one of their own people was violent one time. The underlying truth of the situation has not changed, just moved closer to the logical conclusion when you try to end civil rights and install a dictatorship in the US. That ensures violence, and everyone will be caught in it at some point or another.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 17 hours ago

I ran Storm Linux for a short while in about.... 2001-2002. Got it on a CD in a misc pack of disks from some Linux distro vendor.

It was supposed to be a server oriented distro, secured more than others, and ran Enlightenment for a desktop. Overall, it was a reasonable distro, but didn't gain enough general support and devs to keep it up and running. The group behind it folded after a short while.

[-] [email protected] 66 points 1 day ago

Fuck you. MAGA is inherently anti Republic and anti American. Get fucked.

Political violence is bad. That's the reason Americans are still calling for justice against the MAGA mob and it's leaders in Congress, SCOTUS, and White House at the time to be arrested, charged, and removed from our communities to protect this nation.

You're enemies of us all, even if political violence is now become the norm under your auspices.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 1 day ago

I really don't care much about the assassination attempt. It's a natural outcome of putting more guns into a population, stirring up hatred, and then putting everyone in a financial pressure cooker. I'm surprised that we didn't see something similar earlier than this, aside from the attack on Mr. Pelosi and some other lower profile attacks (at least the ones we found out about due to many being foiled by FBI and other agencies).

The right wing media bubble and GOP politicians have been fomenting this for years..It was done to both build a lone wolf stochastic terrorist pool and to build out the mob that attacked the US Congress on Jan 6th. The attack just happened to turn against them this time.

[-] [email protected] 119 points 2 days ago

Based on the GOP approach to school shootings, they should deliver thoughts & prayers then arm the ticket taker event staff.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago

It's been a very long time since I've been in a class with assigned readings like these books.

I've come full circle and now I read both for pleasure and for personal growth.

At the moment my current books are the Stone of Tears (Sword of Truth series) and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. One is for general enjoyment, the other is for self reflection and growth.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

This month was a wacky selection for no good reason:

Pastoral Approach to Atheism; Pastoral Theology; Concilium Volume 23

Silver Canyon, Louis L'Amour

Compassionate Satanism: An Introduction to Modern Satanic Practice

Gateway, Frederik Pohl

Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know

Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns, Victor Dover

Babel, Kuang, R.F.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Yes. All too many of our citizens are this crazy.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

No. Trump and his Project 2025 has me downright petrified and angry.

Biden is a right wing wedge point for our GOP captured media to lightning rid with.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 6 days ago

Hey look it's the liberals forming subcommittees while the boots thunder down the hall.

From now on I'm going to call these articles and the related actions a "Boots Subcommittee".

Schumer called a Boots Subcommittee. It wasn't very effective.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

That's right! The CO2 poisoning. We did all die from that. Just like doctors and nurses do in surgery every surgery.

There were also the ones yelling about their refusal to wear lingerie on their faces.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago

I recall a slew of right wing anti-mask, anti-vaccine, pro-pandemic nutjobs screaming "You're violating my HIPAA!!!" in stores, restaurants, hotels, and random public spaces. I know the GOP doesn't care about hypocrisy (fascists revel in exerting power through this), but that's what they're doing here.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is kind of an open question for me: does any code coverage tool work in Java with Junit5? I'll admit that I'm no Java configuration specialist, so I find the complexity of XML-based configuration systems to be quite opaque. I've got a few simple Maven-based build projects on hand and I wanted to add code coverage to the test harnesses. Unfortunately, I have never managed to get one stood up and running. I do this all the time with Python pytest/coverage tools, but it's been elusive for Java projects.

Could someone here please point me to a working example of any Java project using Maven / Junit5 / [any code coverage system]?

My latest attempt to get a working example came from this howto: https://howtodoinjava.com/junit5/jacoco-test-coverage/

But, it once again gave me the: [INFO]

jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.7:report (default-report) @ JUnit5Examples

[INFO] Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file.

As near as I can tell, JaCoCo just never runs. Ever. It's been very frustrating. I've read tutorials, followed suggestions on configuring surefire in various ways. I've pulled misc repo that claim to have it working. I've tried different computers with different OSes, versions of java, different maven installs, etc. There's something somewhere that I'm missing and after months of off and on attempts to get this working I'm at my wit's end.

Please help.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The measure to make vehicles weighing 1.6 tons and over pay 3x the parking rates for the first two hours has passed in Paris.

Now, let's get that in place for London and many other other places to help slow, and even reverse, this trend towards massive personal vehicles.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This video outlines some of the relationships between US commuting culture and the perspectives that it's engendered about the role of the city. The, when compared and contrasted to other nations' approach to city design and perspectives shows that it's possible to have a city core that's more than just a workplace.

My city is currently clinging to a small area of interesting downtown core. Everything else has either been bulldozed for parking lots, turned into office buildings with no store fronts, or plowed into wider roads. Every time I show the maps of the city with how car-focused we've made downtown to a city council member they recoil at the desolation, but it's so hard to get change happening.

We need fewer roads, cars, and non-human spaces in our city core areas. Making wider walking paths, biking roads, mass transit (not just busses!), and planting trees to make spaces more attractive will all continue to invite people to come downtown, not just someone desperate enough to drive there, park, hit one store and drive away.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The mayor of Hoboken, NJ came in with a vision of reducing traffic deaths to pedestrians and cyclists. He instituted several strategies of traffic calming, increasing pedestrian visibility, reducing city wide street speeds to 20 mph with schools and parks down to 15 mph. Within a few years of road improvements and redesigns their pedestrian traffic deaths to zero for several years.

The article does note that half of the streets have bike lanes, they've put buffers between pedestrians and cars, and continue to redesign intersections with a focus on safety instead of just focusing on car speed/throughput.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What I'm looking for is some kind of desktop tool that uses the OpenAI GPT web endpoint. I'd like something where I'm able to upload one or more documents (text files) and then include them as part of the conversation/query.

I have access to the GPT-4 API and I've been writing Python3 code against it for some various applications. I can see how I'd write a tool that takes in one or more documents to include in the total prompt history, but I'm hoping to not have to write it myself, mostly due to time constraints.

Is there some kind of application that has a similar feature set to this that I should look at? Or, is there a wiki/site that lists off the current tools available that I could look over?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm enjoying the wefwef feel, but I have a question about copy/paste with comment text: is it even possible?

When I click on a given comment it collapses. When I click and drag it swipes. Is it possible in the web browser (desktop) to highlight a comment's text at all? It's not rare that I want to copy/paste some text, especially Lemmy links lately, to search/work with them. I'll also want to copy/paste quotes or other material on occasion.

So: what's the trick or instructions, if they exist, to be able to copy/paste text in wefwef?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Given that it's June, my suggested book to read is "Monstrous Regiment" by Terry Pratchett. Yet another wonderful work by one of the best authors in the history of humanity.

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