[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago

Also much more possibilities in terms of controls, ie no more janky remapping buttons and mouse axis into pretending to be controller inputs or messing with mouse injectors, instead you can get native KB+M support, dual analog, etc.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

The OpenAL issue was actually pretty easy to diagnose and fix. The crash comes with a pretty detailed log indicating the game encountered an issue when OpenAL was trying to load. And, lo and behold, staring at me was a checkbox in Prism Launcher's options to "Use System OpenAL." I ticked it and haven't had a single issue since, my guess is that the launchers bundled version of OpenAL just didn't play nice with my system.

I've even manually added a few mods since installing, still no issues.

I do understand where you're coming from though, I personally enjoy tinkering and problem solving almost as much as actually using my computer. It's a learning experience for me and makes my computer really feel like my own at the end of the day. However I totally get that not being everyones cup of tea.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Yes of course this is a huge factor, but modding games in general tends to be a sticking point. The fact that I immediately had a heavily modded game up and running via a third party launcher with only one minor issue, which was fixed via a single checkbox, was just a really nice experience.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 3 days ago

72% platinum and gold, 86% plat, gold and silver. I'm honestly surprised that this isn't higher because almost everything I play just works (I do have a lot of random games in my account from humble bundles and such, so I don't even play a good amount of them).

Funny enough what I've been playing recently is Minecraft. Downloaded the Prism launcher, linked my account, installed the game and the BetterMC modpack which includes pretty heavy lighting shaders, get an easy 120fps with absolutely zero tinkering besides telling the game to use my systems OpenAL rather than the bundled one, as that was causing a crash. I do have a relatively beefy system so the performance isn't what I'm impressed by, moreso the fact that this was all up and running in 5 minutes.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

You can configure your OS to boot directly into Steam Big Picture mode, then add lutris/heroic as non steam games.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Same boat here. RaspberryPi running LibreElec, which is okay but can be unstable and lacks power. Been looking at an AMD 4x4 pc to boost performance and run some form of full Linux distro.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Ground Branch for me. Love the old Rainbow Six games, and I find that newer tactical shooters in general just don't hit the mark for me. GB still has a long way to go but actually has some original R6 devs at the helm and has an excellent core experience so far, and it's only getting better.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

I know, I know. Just making a point. They could be doing better things that actually build good faith.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

Early access definitely has its place. I've bought several EA games I really enjoy, and it's kind of rewarding seeing something go from basic and threadbare to a more complete picture, and knowing I was a part of that is satisfying. I've also been burned by EA too, so it's a double sided coin.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 6 days ago

Them issuing C&D after C&D costs their legal team time and money they could be using to, idk, trademark new IPs or license third parties for libraries and music. It also hurts their PR.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

I think platforms like patreon are the real way forward. If you have a product or service that people want, you can even offer it for free, but people will support you financially if they believe in what you're doing. The added beauty of this is that there really is no upper limit. You could add an "ultra platinum" tier for $150 a month and one wealthy investor could make a huge difference in your project.

Also, I don't even think ads are the devil. I get why they exist, and I understand why they make so much money. I'm fine being advertised to, because I know what I'm interested in and am very skeptical. I think I've had one ad sway me into buying a product I'd never heard of until that point. What I do hate is when the actual advertised product takes a backseat to the massive amounts of data harvesting/brokerage that comes with the advertising industry.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

I would rather pay an upfront fee, or even a subscription of some kind than have this crap shoved in my nose. I'm firmly in the camp of believing there's nothing wrong with closed software that the devs want to earn money from, but this modern method is so fucking annoying I'll use basically anything else

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I was a long time Windows user, starting with XP. I only tried Linux a few years ago, and while I loved it, at the time I had to dual boot for a couple specific Windows only things (VR and flight/racing sim hardware).

A couple months ago though, I got sick of it. I figured if I really wanted to do those things, I could boot up a VM, or just force myself to be patient and wait for a proper Linux solution. So, I wiped all my drives and installed Arch. Around this time, I also got an AMD RX 7600XT, so that was a nice performance boost, plus it waranted a switch to Wayland.

Let me tell you, I have been so pleasantly surprised by basically everything I've tried. Cyberpunk 2077 through Heroic Launcher, for example, with 15 odd mods. Runs at a solid 80fps at 1440p on high settings, the only graphical issue I noticed was flickering volumetric clouds. This game ate my old card (the venerable GTX 1080) alive even on Windows.

Just last night, I found my joystick, an old VKB Gladiator + Kosmosima grip, plugged it in and it worked perfectly.

What has really, really impressed me though is VR. I have a Quest 2 that I used to use via Steam link to play my PC wirelessly. Obviously that isn't an option on Linux (yet) but that's where ALVR comes in. Sideload the client on the quest, run the streamer on the desktop, start SteamVR, and bam, it works. The first game I tried was Elite Dangerous, one of my all time favourite games and easily my favourite VR epxerience. Now, I won't go ahead and claim it's perfect, hence the 99% in the title. After fiddling with the settings and making sure I had hardware encoding/decoding set up right, I had very good clarity, up to 120hz refresh rate, but occasional blockiness and artifacting, especially in heavier graphical scenes, like during docking. However, out in open space, it felt just like the ED I know and love.

At this point, I'm just going to look at fiddling with some settings and hopefully smoothing out the stream, but the fact that I can play my favourite games, with my favourite hardware, with great performance and in VR, and the amount of setup is really comparable to what it is on Windows is just kind of wrinkling my brain. Plus, only a couple months ago, this wasn't the case. Support for things that were once doomed to be dual boot material for the foreseeable future is coming along rapidly. This is a great time to be a Linux gamer.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


-Dell Precision M4500


-Polybar (with polybar-themes 'colorblocks'

-kitty (colored with pywal)

-Nord color scheme


submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As the title says, I've been using various flavours of Arch basically since I started with Linux. My very first Linux experience was with Ubuntu, but I quickly switched to Manjaro, then Endeavour, then plain Arch. Recently I've done some spring cleaning, reinstalling my OS's. I have a pretty decent laptop that I got for school a couple years ago (Lenovo Ideapad 3/AMD). Since I'm no longer in school, I decided to do something different with it.

So, I spent Thursday evening installing Debian 12 Gnome. I have to say, so far, it has been an absolute treat to use. This is the first time I've given Gnome a real chance, and now I see what all the hype is about. It's absolutely perfect for a laptop. The UI is very pleasing out of the box, the gestures work great on a trackpad, it's just so slick in a way KDE isn't (at least by default). The big thing though, is the peace of mind. Knowing that I'm on a fairly basic, extremely stable distro gives me confidence that I'll never be without my computer due to a botched update if, say, I take it on a trip. I'm fine with running the risks of a rolling distro at home where I can take an afternoon to troubleshoot, but being a laptop I just need it to be bulletproof. I also love the simplicity of apt compared to pacman. Don't get me wrong, pacman is fantastically powerful and slick once you're used to it, but apt is nice just for the fact that everything is in plain English.

I know this is sort of off topic, I just wanted to share a bit of my experience about the switch. I don't do much distro-hopping, so ended up being really pleasantly surprised.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been a closeted coffee guy for a couple years. I go out of my way to order beans I really like (a robusta variety called Indian Parchment), and this might be sacrilege on this board, idk, but I was perfectly happy running a Keurig with reusable cups I'd fill with my own grounds.

Now, I have access to a nice 1.5l french press. I looked up how to use it and it seemed easy enough so I gave it a shot, and sure enough even after my handful of fumbling attempts and some trial and error, my coffee is leaps and bounds better than what the Keurig can produce. So, here's where I'm at:

I have a weird little antique hand crank grinder that, once I cleaned it up, actually works great and can produce a nice coarse grind. My press is a stainless steel 1.5L variety, can't remember the brand, was given it by a friend. I like a strong cup so I aim for a roughly 13:1 ratio of water:ground. However, I'm without a food scale so I'm using a calculator to convert to cups and tablespoons. I usually put the grounds in first, then pour boiling water over top. Let it sit for about 3.5-4 minutes, then press, then pour.

I know my first step to really dial in my consistency is a scale, so that's on the list. Any other tips to step my game up?

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A light titan from the game Titanfall 2. I tried to replicate Bruce Lee's famous pose from Enter the Dragon, as a version of this specifc Titan, Ronin, specializes in lightning fast melee combat.

I planned on doing the other titans in poses homaging other famous martial artists/combat sport atheletes, but never really got back into it. Should I give it another go?

Pedro and Bean (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Lil man is Pedro, big guy is Bean. Bean hated Pedro when we first brought him home. It didn't last, as you can see here.

[KDE] Lush Arch (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Arch Linux + KDE 5

Layan theme (Look and Feel, Application Style, GTK Theme and Kvantum theme)

Fluent (Green) Icons

Latte Dock

Picom for Konsole colours

Wallpaper (unsplash)

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joined 1 year ago