
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Could this because it's a RAIDZ-2/3? They will be writing parity as well as data and the usual ZFS checksums. I am running RAID5 at the moment on my HBA card and my limit is definitely the 1Gbit network for file transfers, not the disks. And it's only me that uses this thing, it sits totally idle 90+% of the time.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

Did you have atime on?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

What I have now is one VM that has the array volume passed through and the VM exports certain folders for various purposes to other VMs. So for example, my application server VM has read access to the music folder so I can run Emby. Similar thing for photos and shares out to my other PCs etc. This way I can centrally manage permissions, users etc from that one file server VM. I don't fancy managing all that in Proxmox itself. So maybe I just create the zpool in Proxmox, pass that through to the file server VM and keep the management centralised there.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I'm not intending to run Proxmox on it. I have that running on an SSD, or maybe it's an NVME, I forget. This will just be for data storage mainly of photos that one VM will manage and NFS share out to other machines.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Dictator over cats? You are so delusional.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

You mean Stewart Grand Prix and Minardi.

I think Buemi still does sim work for them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago


Quake Quake II

But maybe U

Unreal Tournament 2004

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen has a fantastic soundtrack. Can really push a system to its limits.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I have it as ls -alFh

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Another thing that makes no sense is if my ISP provided prefix changes -which it will- this affects the IP addressing on my local network. Ain't noboby got time for that if you're managing a company or having anything other than a flat home network with every device equal.

IPv6 is just people shouting NAT BAD, but frankly having separate address ranges inside and outside a house is a feature. A really really useful feature. Having every device have a public IP6 address I'd an anti-featute.


I got my first guitar in about 95 and have been totally self taught. I stagnated massively for around 15 years in the middle when I infrequently played then got frustrated all I could do was some Nirvana power chords.

Started playing again around 5 years ago and had my guitar professionally setup - what a world of difference that made! I've made decent progress since but it's still all just the odd riff or solo here and there and there's a lot I can do a lot better. Using YouTube videos is only getting me so far and some 1 on 1 I hope will do the trick.

My wife started taking piano lessons and it inspired me to do the same for guitar. I'm sure it will be helpful even if they're going to rip my technique up and start again.

Have you had lessons or are you self taught? What helped the most for your playing?


I thought I'd never see the day.

For King Tovalds and Country of FOSS OS's


Wear Arch, but I run EndeavourOS. If EndeavourOS launched a line of shoes I'd probably wear them.


A Player strat in black with maple neck. So far I'm pretty impressed. The neck is nice, the back is satin and the fretboard is glossy, but not sticky like I thought it might be. The electrics all seem high quality. Fit and finish all excellent and almost as good as my PRS SE. Came setup with the bridge very floating and the 9 gauge strings old and corroded, but whatever they were coming straight off either way.

I've already modded it to end up with the guitar I really wanted.

New single ply black pickguard, decked the trem, tightened the truss rod, and a new set of GHS Gilmour strings.

Now I'm very happy. I just love looking at it as much as playing it.


Thought I'd share what I think is one of the most beautiful guitars I've seen: my PRS SE Custom 24 in bright Bonnie Pink. The light was catching it quite nice this evening.

This thing plays as good as it looks. The neck is really nice, the frets and edge of fretboard are like butter, the trem is really nice with a push in bar. The high fret access is just superb. I love the pickups that have some great bite, but clean up with volume and tone adjustment. The split coil setting, although not perfect adds a lot of versatility so I dont often want to swap guitars just for some single coils - well, most of the time.

Only criticisms would be I think it should have some with locking tuners, but as a £90 add on I can see why they did it to keep the cost down - having since added them I really like the PRS locking system.

The pickup selector switch I find to be quite out of the way and the trem bar gets in the way if wanting to switch mid song. A LP is hard to beat in this regard.

Overall a definite 9.8/10, very highly recommended.


I hope you are all enjoying yourself and easing in to the weekend. And if you're working, I'll save a cold one for you


This was a very nerve racking experience as I'd never gone through a major version Proxmox update before and I had spent a lot of time getting everything just so with lots of config around disk and VLANs. The instructions were also a big long page, which never fills me with confidence as it normally means there's a lot of holes to fall in to.

My initial issue was that it says to perform the upgrade with no VM's running, but it requires an internet connection and my router is Opnsense in a VM. Thankfully apt dist-upgrade --download-only, shutdown the Opnsense VM and then apt dist-upgrade did the trick.

A few config files changed and I always hate this part of Debian upgrades, but nothing major or of importance was impacted.

A nervous reboot and everything was back up running the new Proxmox with the new kernel. Surprisingly smooth overall and the most time consuming part by far was backing up my VM's just in case. The upgrade itself including reboot was probably 15 mins, the backups and making sure I was prepared and mentally ready was about an hour.

Compared to upgrading ESXi on old hardware like I was doing last year, it was a breeze.

Highly recommended, would upgrade again.


I set up friendica as my first foray on to the fediverse. It worked well, but as it turns out doesn't work that well with Lemmy, which was my main usecase. Well whilst trying to fix DNS issues setting up a Lemmy instance instead, I noticed my DNS logs were rather full. My Unbound DNS was getting 40k requests every 10 mins to * I don't know who or what that is, but blocking it didn't reduce the activity. At first I thought it was something to do with Lemmy as I'd forgotten I still had Friendica running. Thankfully stopping the Friendica service reduced the DNS request back to normal.

So if you've set something up recently, you might want to check if there have been any consequences in your service logs


It's been a long time in the making, but this is the happiest I've been with my board for a while.

Signal chain: TU2 -> Blues Driver -> Vox Valvetone -> Diezl VH4-2 -> Wampler Pinnacle Deluxe v1 -> Wampler Pantheon -> EHX Rams Head Big Muff -> Mooer E-Lady -> Front of amp

FX Send -> TC Electronic Flashback 2 -> EHX Oceans 11 -> FX Return.

Running it all in to a Peavey Classic 20 Mini Head and a Harley Benton 1x12 cab with Vintage 30 speakers. The little red pedal is plugged in to the amp to toggle the channels (clean / OD) and the boost (on / off).

Considering it's by far and away the biggest pedal on the board, the VH4-2 probably gets the least amount of use. But what it does is so unique that I'm not getting rid of it.

The Oceans 11 is my most used pedal as it's never off. Otherwise I use the Pinnacle the most. It has such a good tone that reacts to the volume knob on the guitar so well. I find I can do almost any OD / distortion sound I want from it.

The Pantheon, BD2, Valvetone and Rams Head all do their particular thing that the amp and Pinnacle can't. So even though there's a lot of drive pedals here I don't feel like there's much overlap at all. It means I can play Gilmour one minute, then Tool the next, Van Halen another and Clapton another.

Stuff no longer on the board: TC Electronic mojomojo (too similar to other things), Boss DS-2 (not my kind of sound these days), Behringer noise gate (turned out my noise issues were caused by a Boss RC1), Behringer CS400 compressor (I want to like it and maybe I'll put it back on but I haven't been able to get what I want out of it).

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